To apply for a ‘C’ Award Practical PRE ASSESSMENT, please complete this application fully and forward to Amber Derrien

County Umpiring Secretary / Amber Derrien ()
Learner Name
England Netball ID No. / England Netball Region
Affiliation Club Reference No. or Club Name / Date of Birth
Address 1
Address 2
City/Town / County
Postcode / Telephone / Mobile
Date and venue of C Award Course
Date, venue and score of written paper
Copy of Log book attached
Dates, timesand venues of matches you have booked to umpire which could be used for Pre-Assessment

Requirements for Practical PRE Assessment

  1. Attended a C award umpiring course within 2 years prior to applying to take practical PRE Assessment.
  2. Successfully passed the written assessment (which is valid for two years from the date of taking the Written Assessment)
  3. Entered evidence of umpiring experience in the Umpire Log Book containing a variety of matches which are appropriate to the level of the award the umpire is working towards i.e. good standard school, junior or club matches. (a minimum of at least 4 matches)
  4. PRE-Assessments will be conducted on good standard school, junior or club matches within the Learner’s County. Ideally the learner will have matches booked to umpire which can be used. However, if necessary, the County Umpiring Secretary will source a suitable match.
  5. Learners must ensure that they have a through understanding of the scoring system; however, they will not need to demonstrate this during the game. Scorers and Timekeepers must be provided for all PRE Assessments.
  6. One current accredited ‘C’ Award Assessor will be appointed by the County to conduct the practical PRE Assessment.
  7. Learners will be observed for a minimum of 30 minutes in a match.
  8. Learners will be scored using the criteria laid out in the Performance grades and competencies and should ensure they have a thorough understanding of the scoring system. The recommended guidelines for awarding a pass in the PRE Assessment are either ‘within one mark of the Award level pass mark’ or ‘with only one significant area to work on’.
  9. Learners will receive written feedback either on the day or within one week of the PRE Assessment.
  10. Learners must provide expenses of £10 to the assessor prior to the start of the PRE Assessment.

C Award PRE ASSESSMENT Application form 2017 MIDDLESEX