
NOTES: The French and Indian War (continued – Part II)

Key Questions:

  • What role did the Indians play in the French and Indian War? (continued)
  1. Let’s meet our first character in the story . . . and find out why the French are mad
  2. Key Idea – Everyone wants to control ______
  3. The British and French want the land, water, and beaver furs there
  4. The Iroquois want control over the Indians living at the Forks of the Ohio River (the Shawnee, Delaware, and Mingo (Seneca) )
  5. The Iroquois appoint a Seneca Chief, Tanaghrisson (a.k.a. “______”) as diplomatic spokesman over the Ohio Indians
  6. Called the “Half-King” because he had to get any agreements he made approved by the Iroquois League Council at Onondaga
  7. The Delaware, Shawnee, and Mingo (the “Ohio Indians”) did not like being under the control of the Iroquois
  8. The Half-King needed gifts to win over the Ohio Indians, (The Ohio Chiefs could subsequently gain power by handing these gifts out), so he encouraged English traders to come into the Ohio Valley so he could get these gifts
  9. This makes the French mad
  10. Walking Purchase of 1737 –
  11. PA is worried the French will encourage the Ohio Indians to revolt and PA, being Quaker, has no militia
  12. So the Pennsylvania Quakers sell the Delaware land in PA to the Iroquois in exchange for the Iroquois agreeing to be PA’s army
  13. This kicks the Delaware off their land, and pushes the Delaware and Shawnee to the Forks of the Ohio, where they trade with the French
  14. Treaty of Lancaster 1744 – Iroquois give land between the Shenandoah Valley and the Allegheny Mountains to Maryland and Virginia
  15. In exchange, the Iroquois get sovereignty over the Indians in the south and the right to pass through VA and SC to raid Cherokees and Catawbas
  16. Virginians think they get land all the way to the Pacific Ocean
  17. This makes the French mad
  1. They French and British are now closer to war – why?
  2. The ______gave lots of ______to ______– this threatened ______control of the ______
  3. The ______drew English traders into the Ohio Valley – The French now know the Iroquois won’t keep the English out of the region
  4. Key Idea – Iroquois desire for empire over other ______brought the French and British closer to war – it wasn’t just Britain vs. France in a fight over land!
  1. The snowball starts to roll . . .
  2. The Half King needs the ______as an ______at the Forks of the Ohio
  3. If the French occupied the Forks, they would become friends with the Ohio Indians and the Iroquois would lose ______in the region
  4. 1747 – VA House of Burgesses granted the Ohio Company the rights to 300 acres of land near the forks of the Ohio
  5. 1752 – Treaty of Logstown – Tanaghrisson gave Ohio Company permission to build a “______,” or “fortified trading post,” at the ______
  6. Upon finding out about the French Forts, the British cabinet directed Virginia’s Lieutenant Governor Robert Dinwiddie to demand that ______withdraw, using force if necessary
  7. Dinwiddie sends out ______in 1753 on diplomatic mission to ask that the French leave their forts. French refuse politely. GW has no Delaware or Shawnee with him – French realize the Ohio Indians, supposedly under Iroquois control, were not committed to an alliance with the British
  8. GW returns to VA, then ordered back to Forks to build fort
  9. GW waits at Wills Creek for reinforcements, hears that a ______force had taken over the partly started ______on April 16, 1754(Ensign Ward, head of 41 men, dines with French (Contrecoeur) and sells them his carpenters’ tools!)
  10. GW decides to take back the Forks, camps at Great Meadows, hears that French force spotted nearby
  11. Afraid of possible attack, sends half of force after them in wrong direction, led remaining troops all night through rain to Tanaghrisson’s camp – Half King would show Washington where the French were encamped
  12. GW, men, and Indians surround Glen as French are waking up, unclear who fires first, French commander wounded – Joseph Coulon de Villiers de Jumonville calls for ceasefire
  13. Jumonville explains that he was sent out from Fort Duquesne with a letter asking Washington to leave French lands – a request almost parallel to ______mission the previous year!
  14. JUMONVILLE “______”