Minutes of meeting of St Stephens House Surgery PPGheld at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, 20 November 2013at 120 Barnett Wood Lane, Ashtead


David Mitchell Baker (DMB)Chair

David Hawksworth (DH)

Glynis Peterkin (GP)

Sylvia Sharland (SS)

Eric Skyte (ES)

Clive Trapmore (CT)

Alan Walker (AW)

Patricia Wiltshire (PW)

Peter Stanyard (PS)Minutes


Steve Reeves

1.New members Group and associated matters

  1. DMB welcomed Eric Skyte, Clive Trapmore and Glynis Peterkin who were new members having been proposed and seconded at the recent AGM.
  2. Steve Reeves who could not attend this meeting was rejoining following the AGM
  3. Former members who had not been able to give the time to be full members but had nevertheless offered to help the group from time to time when asked were Suzanne Adamson, Anthony Kasozi, Simon Ling and Gerard van Tonder. DMB thanked them for their past service and offers of future help.

2.Approval of minutes

  1. The minutes of the meetings of 6 August and 17 September 2013 were agreed as a record of those meetings.
  1. PS had provided draft minutes of the AGM of 14 October 2013 which he said were incomplete and submitted here for contribution by the group before he completed them for approval at this level in readiness for submission to the next AGM
  1. The meeting decided that subject to tidying their presentation they were satisfactory in content. He was asked to produce a summary decision/ action schedule for immediate posting on the surgery notice board. ACTION PS

3Matters arising

All matters arising were included in the agenda.

4Surrey downs Clinical Commissioning Group (SDCCG) & Mid Surrey Clinical Commissiong Location (MSCCL) including the future of Epsom & St Helier Hospital Trust

PW said that Surrey GPs had voted against the Better Service Better Value (BSBV) proposals but in spite of previous assurances that nothing would happen before the next election, SDCCG is putting together plans for the future of EpsomHospital.

5Practice Manager Report

AW said the programme called Pro Active Care for over 75s had stopped. It appeared its effectiveness could not be demonstrated so funds had been stopped. There had also been issues around AgeUK having been sole charge of the programme of providing volunteers. Of St Stephen’s 5200 enrolled patients, 651 are over 75 (12.5%)

6Healthcare Efficiency Through Technology Exhibition (HETTE) and seminars

DMB & PS had attended HETTE. They said it was a stimulating event. The papers submitted to the seminars are on the exhibition website. DMB would circulate the link for everyone to review. ACTION All

7NAPP Regional event

DMB had attended a very packed programme that afternoon and had not had time to digest & summarise it. He said he will circulate a summary shortly. ACTION DMB

8Wellbeing Centre at the Fairfield Centre in Leatherhead

The Wellbeing Centre (see previous minutes) will start operating in early 2014 with a formal opening scheduled for 27 April 2014

9Bookshelves & books

£20.00 has been raised to date.

10How PPG can make a difference

The PPG should be a critical friend to the practice informed by effective communication with the patients as a body. It must not however become part of a complaints procedure.

11Patient Surveys

GP and CT offered to help with the survey of St Stephen’s patients which has to have wide circulation with answers collated into a report. This is required by the CCG each year on 31 March. ACTION GP, CT & AW

12Focus Groups

DMB asked for a volunteer to coordinate those who had expressed an interest in forming Focus Groups. This item will be discussed at the next meeting. PS has the list of names from the AGM.

ACTION ALL (All members of the groupare asked to consider this)

13Health Promotion

U3A walks, Age Concern and TaiChi were noted.

14Communication and social media

a)The practice requires that any PPG website should be asub site of St Stephen’s Hose surgery website. Lew Leivesley who runs the Peace Memorial Hall website had offered to help the PPG with its website.

b)The idea of holding open meetings on medical topics of interest was again discussed. Holding such events jointly with Gilbert House was supported by the meeting. It was reported that Abdool Kureeman of Buckley Pharmacy had expressed an interest in this.


a)There is no formal allocation of money from the practice to PPG. All expenditure has to be submitted individually. It is understood that there is guidance from NHS England as to what a practice should allocate to its PPG from the monies paid to the practice from central funds.

b)Members were asked to prepare a list of PPG activities which they consider need funding. ACTION All

16Date of next meetings:

a)The next meeting was agreed to take place in the upstairs Meeting Room of St Stephen’s Surgery at 07.00 pm on Wednesday 15 January 2014. ACTION All

b)PS was asked to circulate provisional dates for future meetings in March, May, July and September 2014. Group members should comment on those dates by return. ACTION PS & All

The meeting closed at 9.25 pm.

PGS Wednesday, 11 December 2013

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