Notes from workshop “How To Ensure An Effective Meeting”

Group 1

What they likeWhat they don't like

Having an agendaFines/Sheriff

Good speakersLate/long meetings

Positive atmosphereNo speakers

Light laughterInappropriate jokes

Start with a jokeUnprepared (Pres) meeting

Progressive 50/50

Stay on track

Time management

Happy/Sad $$

Member involvement/participation


Input from Town/Community

Ralph Edwards' "This Is Your Life"

Guest introductions

Know your speakers

Group 2

What they likeWhat they don't like

Good speakersLack of organization

Welcoming atmosphereLack of time management

Keeping on trackDisruption

Good food

Secret Greeter (to create more interaction with members)

Interactive members

Fun rip offs - like "Right" Marbles

Invite other club members in community with theme

Group 3

What they likeWhat they don't like


Efficient time management


Raffles, 50/50, Aces

Happy/sad dollars (piggy bank)

Lucky K


Knowing everyone's name

Rotating Tables


Group 4

What they likeWhat they don't like

Good speakersNo/long speakers

Start and end on timeSide conversations

Have an agenda

Sticking to the agenda

Happy dollars

Service projects at meeting

Being flexible

Positive recognition for good work

Group 5

What they likeWhat they don't like

Start on timeInterruptions, side conversations

Speakers (with time limit)How to settle conformation projects

Make it fun

Service projects


Stand to speak

Include SLPs

Good location



Group 6

What they likeWhat they don't like

Joke (clean, convey message)

Thought for the day

Happy/sad dollars

E-club - online - 1 hr - chat/discussion with agenda

Member profile

Communications: New members on committees


Lunch/breakfast meeting



Birthday and anniversary recognitions (cake, etc)

Group 7

What they likeWhat they don't like

AgendaSide conversations

Captivating speakerBoring speaker

Theme (interesting/relevant)Speaker that talks too long

"Lunch & Learn" in the summer (no speaker/workshop)No agenda

Location (separate room) and good mealDry induction

Secret greeterToo much singing

50/50 raffle


Inspiration of the day



Group 8

What they likeWhat they don't like

Positive feelingNo program

Service projects (also at meetings)Rut, same routine

CommunicationLack of communication

Strong speakerNot strong mentorship

Positive feedback from communityAbsenteeism

Networking with club members & community Not open to change (e.g. mtg time)

New/younger members who are energizedNo set location for meeting

"Corporate" knowledge, historic

Fun group of people


Looking at the lists that were pulled together, it seems most Kiwanians would like to have a fun, positive atmosphere at their meetings. How do we do that? Well, from what you all said you would like to see more of, it means doing things to get to know your members (new and old) a little better and having good speakers. Getting to know your members better could involve small service projects at your meetings, involving new members right away and giving older members a chance to “hang out” with the new members while working together for a common good.

Another important aspect is having a clear agenda to help you work on time management. Telling your speakers ahead of time how long they have helps keep meetings on time. And having good speakers that are charismatic and interesting will help keep members engaged. There were suggestions such as checking out speakers bureaus in your area, asking club members, and borrowing ideas from other clubs.

An inspiring thought, a good meal and “secret greeters” were also popular. And we Kiwanians love a good raffle.

Remember, if you’re not having fun, your members aren’t having fun either. Keep you comments positive, even if you get ideas you may not be able to use right away, let others and their ideas have value to the club. Get to know each other and let other members know you care what they think and you’ll find you’re on your way to a great year as president.

And remember, the Club Excellence Tool that Kiwanis International has available is another excellent tool to see what your club members think is positive and not quite so positive about your club. You may just be pleasantly surprised!