Giving Tuesday– Project 1 (Altar Server Robes)

Mass Talking Points Sample


Giving Tuesday started a few years back as a way for the nation to work together to inspire personal philanthropy and encourages bigger, better and smarter charitable giving during the Christmas season, showing that the world truly gives as good as it gets.

Giving Tuesday, then, serves as a celebratory, fully connected day to “kick off” the giving season, when many make their Christmas and end-of-year charitable gifts.


So how does St. Anysaint tie into this movement?

Recently, Jane Smith, head of our Holy Sewers group came to me about our altar server vestments. She let me know the group had been able to effectively mend, patch and keep our vestments in good shape for the last 15 years. However, every piece of cloth has a limit to what it can take and oursare at the end of their life-cycle.

Timmy, can you come forward? (Altar server comes forward)

Timmy looks great doesn’t he folks? You see, Timmy’svestments are like a Monet painting. From far back, Monet’s work is beautiful – all the colors blending together, shadow, light, beauty - it all looks put together. Those waterlilies are gorgeous. But close up, his paintings are a bunch of splotches and dots –kind of a hot mess.

Thesevestments are like that – from out in the pews, they look OK. But, when you come closer, you see the broken snaps, threadbare material and patches.

It is time to replace our altar server vestments, and we can do it as our Giving Tuesday project!


We can replace the vestments for $5,000. That will give us 100 altar server vestments of all different sizes – taking care of Timmy and all the other servers we have now and into the future. Remember – our old vestments lasted 15 years because of our exceptional Holy Sewers group. That means these new vestments will cost us about $3 per robe per year for the next 15 years.

What a bargain, right?

Please know, this amount is not included in our normal budget, and I really think we can take care of it and kick off the giving season of Advent with a heartfelt bang leading up to new vestments to use for our Christmas celebrations. Wouldn’t that be fantastic?

So – here is what we want everyone to do…

On December 1st, log onto our web site,

Click the “DONATE NOW” button

Choose “ATAR SERVER VESTMENTS” from the list

Pick the amount you want to give and make a gift.

Simple, right?

AND - I am happy to report that for every dollar raised up to the $5,000, a VERY generous donor will match it. What does that mean?

Can you give $100? That equals $200!

Can you give $50? That equals $100!

Can you give $25? That equals $50!

Can you givemore?

Just think… If we raise the full $5,000 through our Giving Tuesday campaign, we will be able to replace our Eucharistic Minister vestments at the same time!

TWO projects completed for the price of ONE!

REMEMBER – Giving Tuesday is an online, connected effort. I am going to send out reminder emails on Monday, we are going to remind you through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram – and don’t forget you can push those messages forward to friends and family so they can join us – all are welcome to be a part of this!

Don’t ignore this call to action!

Let’s do this people!

It’s easy.

It’s simple.

It will only take a few minutes to make a HUGE difference.

Let’s jump on board and make giving a priority on NOVEMBER 29TH.