AED Email:
- AED Website:
- blogs.cofc.edu/aed
AED Facebook Page:
- CofC AED
Health Professions Advising
- Karen Eippert, Health Professions Advisor
Pre-Health Events
- Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine is coming to campus on Wed. 2/08 at 5:30 in SSMB 129
- USC Columbia Pre-Med Conference is 2/18 (next weekend)
Applications are still open! Check for a flyer in the meeting minutes email for more information
Hands on experience, admission process, interview advice and more!!
- MUSC WISE (Women Interested in Surgical Experiences) Conference is April 1st (Saturday).
Registration opens soon! Stay posted!
It’s an all day event that occurs every year and it’s not just for women!
Great opportunity for networking!
- Dance Marathon
Dance Marathon will be held on February 18th, 2017 at TD Arena from 9 am-10 pm.
You get to meet the patients and enjoy a whole day of fun!
The registration fee of $15 includes three meals and a t-shirt.
- REMEMBER: You must bring a pre-health event form and get it signed in order to receive 10 points
Pre-Health Mentors
- Spring 2016 Peer-Mentoring Hours:
Mondays from 4-6 PM
Tuesdays from 2-5 PM
Wednesdays from 4-7 PM
- Located in SSMB 100
- They can address any questions you have regarding the health profession. Advise from your peers can really help!
- Full Member:
- Complete 45 hours of course work (at CofC, non-transfer or AP)
- 3.2 Cumulative GPA
- 3.2 Sciences GPA
- One time fee: $115 ($75 National, $40 Local)
- Associate Member:
- No minimum credit hour or GPA requirement
- $40 local chapter fee
- Only $75 once you meet the requirements for Full Membership
Each member, full or associate, is required to earn a minimum of 100 points per semester in order to be considered an active member of AED
- Attendance at monthly meetings (3 per semester) = 20 points/meeting
- Participation in service, social, and pre-health events = 10 points/event
What does 100 points look like?
- There are multiple ways to reach the minimum point requirement, but as an example…
Monthly meeting attendance (3) = total of 60 points
Service and social events (4) = total of 40 points
100 points
If you received an email about being on probation, you will just need to complete 120 points this semester.
Pre-health events now qualify for points through AED.
- Qualifying events must be hosted by:
- Pre-Professional Health Advising office (Karen Eippert) at the College of Charleston
- Any events (conferences, etc.) advertised in the “other events” section at AED meetings
In order to receive points fill out the Pre-Health Event Attendance Form which is posted on the blog and turn it in at the next AED meeting or during AED office hours.
- The form will require a signature from the presenter at the event
You can submit your applications for ASSOCIATE membership at any time during the semester! This can happen after the meeting or during office hours.
Deadline for FULL membership: TONIGHT
FULL MEMBERSHIP INDUCTION: Friday, Feb. 24th at 5:30 PM in Randolph Hall (more info to come)
Remember, you cannot participate in our awesome meetings, events, and networking without becoming an associate member, at least!
All forms can be found on our blog, under applications.
How to turn in applications and payment to become a member?
Turn in all applications and pre-health forms
Or, look for this girl!
Haley Phillips– Treasurer
Office Hours:
Lobby of the SSMB
Friday, February 10th from 1-2:30 PM
February 14th and 16th from 12-1:30 PM
T-shirts are in! They can be bought after the meeting or at office hours. If you cannot make either, but want a shirt, please send an email and we can reserve one for you.
$20 each
Who: Savannah Rippy (President) and Michael Chew (Social Chair and Media/PR)
What: General info about another great club on campus
Contact: FB page CofC Pre-Dental Student Association
Dr. Fran Kunda
- Who: Dr. Kunda
- CofC (Class of ’82; biology major) and MUSC Alumna
- What: Dr. Kunda is a family physician in Spartanburg and the South Carolina Family Physician of the Year
- Experience: Private practice, international missions, ER, and wound care
- Loved private practice because it was flexible with family life
- Taught in family medicine residency program for 4 years
- Is now a hospitalist
- Works a week and is off a weekLOVES her schedule
- Says you can make whatever you want out of your career
Dr. Susie Hillsman
- Who: Dr. Susie Hillsman
- University of South Carolina School of Medicine Alumna
- Residency at Spartanburg Medical Center
- Undergraduate degree in German! You can major in what you would like to major in!
- What: Dr. Hillsman is a diplomat of the American Academy of Family Physicians
- Experience: Dr. Hillsman had additional training in Hyperbaric Medicine and Wound Healing with a focus on pediatric burns and wounds
Fell in love with the ER and stayed there for 25 years
What: Who doesn’t love to watch Grey’s?
Where: 22 Pitt St. (Tegan’s house!)
When: Thursday, February 9th at 8 PM
Date: Thursday, February 16th
Time: 6:30- 7:30 PM
Place: Persimmon Café (226 Calhoun St.)
Where: King Street Cookies
When: Tuesday, February 28th from 1:45- 2:45 PM
What: A fundraiser full of dancing and fun; all of the proceeds go to the new children’s hospital at MUSC!
When: February 18th
How: Send it picture proof (i.e. take a selfie) to our email to prove that you were there! Lan will also be sending out a Google doc with instructions.
When: Wednesday, February 22nd
Where: Cougar Mall
What: Make a sign (10 points; be one of the first two to e-mail Lan or Hannah to make the sign) and/or register and recruit (10 points)
What: Donate feminine hygiene products and wipes
Where: Drop them off at Hannah’s house (136A Queen St.), with your name clearly on the items
When: February 22-24th
- AHEC Summer Careers Academy at MUSC
Who: Christina Smith
What: Summer program for under-represented minorities interested in healthcare
When: Deadline to submit the application is March 31, 2017
- Participate in the Women’s Health Research Team phthalate study
Come see Kerryafter the meeting to sign up!