Notes from Odin Brudie, DCED

October 14, 200312:15 to 1:00 pm

Telephone Conversation with:

Davey Lubin

Karen Peterson

Frankie Pillifant

Pete Field (FHWA)

I. There will be a SEAtrails Board teleconference at 3:00 PM on October 22 to discuss:

  • The scope of work for the Master Development Plan - finalize
  • The list of potential Forest Service IDIQ Contractors for the Plan (IDIQ stands for indefinite deliverables/indefinite quantity).

SEAtrails would like the Forest Service (Eric/Lynn) to contact all potential contractors before November 12 for their curriculum vitae or portfolios for projects such as the SEAtrails Master Development Plan. OR, this may be enough time to solicit pre-proposals from the contractors, which would be preferred.

II. There will be a SEAtrails face to face meeting in Juneau, all day November 12. At the meeting, SEAtrails will recommend a preferred contractor to the Forest Service and approve the (draft) contract/scope of work for the Master Development Plan (MDP). All board members that can make it should be there. Davey asked Pete Field if travel for this meeting will be a reimbursable expense under the RA with the Forest Service since it is part of the MDP process (haven’t heard back yet).

III. TRAIL PROJECTS: Board members are encouraged to get their comments to Amber regarding the solicitation for trail projects. SEAtrails should advertise and select projects right away. Once all nominations are in, SEAtrails should select the best projects. Then they should look at the available funding, the possible funding mechanisms, and figure out how to fund the best projects. Currently the target is $180,000 for projects over the next two years, but that can be adjusted.

Odin offered to type up an “application” form, that includes selection criteria, to attach to the letter, something like the following:

  • Name of project
  • Name of applicant
  • Is there a resolution of support from the community? If not, include one.
  • If not in a community, is there any reason this project should not be listed as a SEAtrail?
  • Project category (trail improvement, cultural itinerary, maps & information)
  • Entity responsible for maintenance/operation
  • Land or property owner (State, Federal, Native)
  • Is the project on a public right of way or easement?
  • Is there user, information, or publication fee?
  • Is there NEPA environmental documentation required for the project?

Selection Criteria:

  • Environmental and Design “readiness”
  • Cost, “bang for the buck”
  • Economic Benefits (local)
  • Benefits or recognition factors for SEAtrails (regional)
  • Level of community support

Other Information:

  • People are encouraged to apply for partial funding for a project, ie to match with other funds; SEAtrails seeks to maximize the benefits of these funds…
  • A range of projects is desired (bike, dive, hike, other).