2020 Riverside Drive, Berlin, NH 03570
Course Number: HUM105 Title: Introduction to Music
Instructor: Denise Doucette
Spring 2008
White Mountains Community College provides high quality academic, technical and professional higher education services preparing students to be educationally and professionally positioned to meet personal goals and the needs of business, industry and the community.
Department Course # 105 Course Title: Introduction to Music
Semester: Spring 2008 Instructor: Denise Doucette
Phone #: 723-9655 E-mail:
Room: 147
Course Description:
This course offers a fundamental approach to perceptive listening based
on a detailed study of several masterpieces representing different periods
and forms. The pieces will be studied from aesthetic and historical per-
To establish a foundational vocabulary to describe the properties of music.
To explore various styles of music.
To acquire an improved facility to listening and appreciating music.
To identify music as representing particular historical periods.
To broaden one’s understanding of a specialized area of interest through
Pre- Class 1 Read: (Forney/Machlis) pp. 2-35/128-139
Week 1: `Lecture: Music & Sound/ The Materials of Music
January 22 Read: (Forney/Machlis) pp. 36-57
Week 2: Quiz: on Music & Sound/ The Materials of Music
January 29 Lecture: Musical Instruments & Ensembles of the
Western World
Read: (Forney/Machlis) pp. 27-31/ 58-69/ 218-221
Week 3: Quiz: on Musical Instruments
February 5 Lecture: Musical Styles & Musical Forms
Read: (Forney/Machlis) pp. 70-127
Week 4: Quiz: on Musical Styles
February 12 Lecture: Medieval/Renaissance Era
Choose a one page topic for presentation/due Feb. 19
Read: (Forney/Machlis) pp. 140-217
Week 5: Presentations on Medieval/Renaissance Era
February 19 Lecture: The Baroque Era
Choose a one page topic for presentation/due Feb. 26
Read: (Forney/Machlis) pp. 232-317
Week 6: Presentations on Baroque Era
February 26 Lecture: The Classical Era
Choose a one page topic for presentation/due March 4
Read: (Forney/Machlis) pp. 318-457
Week 7: Presentations on Classical Era
March 4 Lecture: The Romantic Era
Choose a one page topic for presentation/due March 18
Read: (Forney/Machlis) pp.458-549/598-617
March 11 Spring Break
Week 8: Presentations on Romantic Era
March 18 Lecture: Early 20th Century
Read: (Forney/Machlis) pp. 458-549/ 598-617
Week 9: Lecture: 20th Century & Beyond
March 25 Choose a 20th Century genre for presentation
Read: (Forney/Machlis) pp. 618-637
Week 10: Presentations on 20th Century and Beyond
April 1 Lecture: Music in Films/ Technology and Music
Choose a topic on Music Occupations
Read: (Forney/Machlis) pp. 618-637
Week 11: Presentations on Music Occupations
April 8 Lecture: Summary of Music History
Week 12: Lecture: World Music
April 15 Hands-on
Week 13: Lecture: World Music continued
April 22 Hands-on
Week 14: Field Trip
April 29
Week 15: Wrap-up Project
The 3 quizzes will count for 30% of the total grade.
The 6 presentations will count for 50% of the total grade.
Participation & Attendance count for 20% of the total grade
Participation is a must; attendance at class is required.
Asssignments are required on time.
Please speak to instructor about any classes that must be missed
prior to scheduled class; and make arrangements for make-up work.
Three missed classes could result in a failure.
95-100=A 90-94=A- 86-89=B+
83-85=B 80-82=B- 76-79=C+
73-75=C 70-72=C- 66-69=D+
63-65=D 60-62=D- F
Course #
Prepared by: ______Date: ______
Approved by
Department Chairperson: ______Date:______
Approved by
Vice President of Academic Affairs:______Date:______
New Hampshire Community College-Berlin does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or handicap in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities. Any persons having inquiries concerning New Hampshire Community College's compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, is directed to contact Carol Ribner, 2020 Riverside Drive, Berlin, NH 03570. Carol Ribner has been designated by New Hampshire Community College to coordinate the institution's efforts to comply with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504. Any person may also contact the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, or the Director, U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, Region 1, 140 Federal Street, Boston, MA 02110.