Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology
Directorate Sustainable and Secure Society
Digital Social Platforms unit
Brussels, DG CONNECT-H2

Notes from EIP- AHA C2 Action Group Meeting

4 November 2013, Brussels



  • Rosa Gianini, Puglia Region
  • Soo Hun, Dept. Health NI
  • Francesco Molinari, Apulia Region Expert
  • Allan Nordby Ottensen, South Denmark European Office
  • Antonella Passarani, Regione Marche
  • Marielle Swinkels, Province Noord-Brabant


  • Henriette Boos, VDE DKE
  • Angel Jose Faria Rodriguez, OSAKIDETZA - Basque Health Service
  • Tone Gustafsson, Greater Stavanger / Lyse
  • Oskar Jonsson, SIAT
  • Antonio Kung, Trialog
  • Karina Marcus, AAL JP

• Jacob Mulder, RUG, APRIL-NNL

• Lars Rölker-Denker, Offis

• Claudia Salatino, IRCCS Don Gnocchi Foundation (Milan, Italy)

• Michael Strübin, Continua – Antilope Project

• Reiner Wichert, Fraunhofer IGD, ReAAL project, universAAL project


  • Samuel Beneveniste, CEN STIMCO
  • Jon Dawson, MI dallas
  • Nicola Doppio, Trento RISE
  • Ana Garcia, ENoLL
  • Nick Guldemond, Region Utrecht and the eUcePS consortium
  • Miguel Lopez, Instituto de Biomecanica de Valencia (IBV)
  • Edwin Mermans, Province of Noord-Brabant
  • Katharina Robohm, CG67
  • Lars Rölker-Denker, OFFIS
  • Nina van der Vaart, National Foundation for the Elderly
  • John van Meurs RUG, FEB
  • Florian VisserStichting RijnmondNet


  • Rodolphe Balay, EAHSA
  • Charles Henderson, eGourmet
  • Christine McClusky, NHS 24
  • Jean-Christophe Vanderhaegen, EAHSA
  • Peter Wintlev-Jensen
  1. Workshops: The meeting was organised as four parallel workshops which were identified in the meeting invitation. Following the workshops, there was a break for refreshments and networking and then the participants met for a plenary session in the afternoon where the workshop leaders gave feedback on their workshop activities.
  1. Plenary Session Introduction:

The agenda was presented by a representative of the Coordination Team (Christine McClusky).

New members of the Action Group were welcomed to the meeting.

Members of the Coordination Group present were introduced to the new members and those who were attending for the first time.

The team of Charles Henderson and Lynn lee (eGourmet), appointed by the Commission to assist the Commission and the Action group in project management administration and supporting its activities, was introduced.

Leaders of the four workshops then reported their activities to the plenary meeting and took questions. Detailed reports and presentations from the workshops have been posted on Yammer. Summaries of key points are outlined below:

  1. Workshop Reports

3.a.Workshop 1 User Empowerment (Jon Dawson)

The main aim of the workshop was to map out in detail the C2 User Empowerment road map and agree roles and responsibilities. Two sub-groups addressed the following:

(1)understanding users and user classification

(2)toolkit development

The groups focused on:

•defining specific tasks for progressing the C2 User Empowerment agenda;

•agreeing who will do what and when – including specific outputs and milestones;

•identifying any gaps and how these will be filled;

•developing a strategy for engaging end users;

•exploring options for content and format of toolkit.

Detailed action plans leading to the fulfilling of C2 deliverables were drafted.

A wider, potential breakthrough was achieved in the workshop. Discussions with Ana Garcia, the representative of ENOLL, raised the possibility of building on ENOLL’s existing knowledge centre (which includes a pre-existing tool box of techniques, methodologies and good practice, including a focus on user empowerment), opening up access to a wider set of stakeholders and creating a joint EIP-ENOLL branded user empowerment platform. There would, of course, be scope to collaborate with other repositories/platforms that may emerge.

This would create a space for incorporating new EIP good practices, specific tools and methodologies supportive of empowering users;expand and develop to incorporate user empowerment themes for raising awareness, building confidence and inclusion as well as the current ENOLL emphasis on co-creation;integrate with other C2 work on understanding users and developing classification systems; and enable the platform to grow incrementally whilst adding value to an existing resource.

Subject to the consent of the ENOLL board,to realise its potential it would also need dedicated resources to facilitate its expansion and assimilate new good practices and specific tools for user empowerment.

Given the uncertainty about bringing the above ambition to fruition, and to ensure that C2 achieves its key deliverable, a high level, “over-arching” toolkit will still be developed.

This “high level toolkit” will,as a minimum, link to the ENOLL “knowledge centre” and other relevant platforms/repositories but it will also be designed to be compatible with and to add value to the proposed objective to create the jointly branded EIP-ENOLL user empowerment platform and resource.

This approach will be raised by C2 representatives at the EIP Joint Action Planning Seminar in Brussels on 26 November. Reflecting potential opportunities within Horizon 2020, the workshop recommends that C2 should take a lead in forging a partnership and a proposal to secure Commission financial support for the development of a comprehensive platform that supports meaningful and scaled-up user empowerment for independent living.

3.b.Worshop 2: Interoperability (Antonio Kung)

The workshop began with a presentation of Interoperability Framework followed by a discussion on Social Alarms; universAAL/ReAAL; AAliance 2 and the AAL JP.

The workshop covered coordination with national initiatives:- principally FFAH (French Forum for Autonomy and Health) and the digital Social Alarm (Sweden)

The workshop reported a recommendation for a European Interoperability Framework based upon the methodology of a user- centric- and use case-based approach which takes into account contribution of research and living labs. This will be supported by a repository containing:-

•Interoperability specifications and associated list of conforming products or services

•Evidence of interoperability and maturity (conformance tests)

•Evidence of consensus

  • Implementation proposal based on existing practices and tools (e.g. IHE, Continua, …).

A D3&D4 Table of Contents was proposed as work for year 2 along the following lines:-


•Interoperability Needs in Innovation Ecosystem

•Towards a Common Interoperability Framework

  • Methodology: User Centric Use Case Based Process
  • Repository

•Interoperability Specifications and Registry of Product/services

•Evidence of conformance and maturity

•Evidence of consensus

  • Implementation proposal

•Application Domain

•First Elements in Repository

  • universAAL Applications
  • Social Alarm

•Best Practices

  • IHE
  • Continua
  • AAL JP…
  • Roles of standardisation bodies


Follow up actions were identified for liaison with B3, with AAliance2/AAL JP(Offis) and Oksana on the Market place repository.

There is to be an internal meeting in France on 19thDecember, an FFAH event with French National Assembly and on the 28th November the EvIA general assembly in Madrid. A further workshop is planned for 19/20th February in Brussels.

A functional approach to interoperability requirements was also discussed alongside the use of the Braid taxonomy.

3.c.Workshop 3: Innovative Procurement (Francesco Molinari and Marielle Swinkels

The workshop raised some important open issues around identifying existing good practice and lessons learnt. The process stages of procurement were examined and a set of actions was agreed:-

  • Link up with other Action Groups
  • Circulate the survey questionnaire again to the new members through the Action Group coordinators
  • Results will be fed into the C2 Action Group’s end report, together with an analysis of gathered evidence and suggestions for follow-up
  • Liaise with on-going projects in this domain (e.g. SILVER, Stop & Go, HAPPY) and those upcoming under Horizon2020
  • Bring some of these issues to the meeting on repositories planned for the following day.

The following conclusions and questions were brought to the plenary session:-

  • A new repository should be open to learning from the cases shown – not only a static collection
  • Why don’t we add a Wiki there?
  • What are the incentives to upload information?
  • All next EC/MS tenders should be placed on this repository – if and where relevant. Is this possible?

An outline proposal to hold a 2-day meeting early in 2014 to share the operational plans translating the above intentions, involve additional stakeholders and Action Groups, assign clear tasks to volunteer members and start working on the first operational tasks.

3.d.Workshop 4: Return on Investment (Charles Henderson standing in for Shabs Rajesekharan)

The workshop was quite small but focussed. It examined the challenge of finding evidence and information on how to formulate ROI in the complex multi-stakeholder environment with public and private sector actors. Some sources of good practice guidance, such as UK Treasury Green Book, were identified and it was concluded that there is a need to trawl wider and deeper for good practice and indicators. Use of Scoop.it to curate open source was taken as an action to be investigated. Suggestions arose to identify early adopters of evidence-based procurement.

Key outputs from the workshop were that:-

  • there is a need to capture lessons learned;
  • It is a complex issue;
  • Indicators are difficult and difficult to compare; and,
  • no other Action Group has specific activities on ROI.

In conclusion, the pooling of ideas in workshop 4 generated questions to be answered and lines of enquiry to follow up. Pooling of knowledge was mutually beneficial- everyone contributed and everyone took away some useful learning. Resource investigation through networking is key to identifying existing knowledge and sources of evidence- there is a clear need for the task, but it is complex.

The Commission reminded the group that there is a clear link with the horizontal monitoring framework developed by the EC IPTS and that a dedicated session is envisaged on 26th November to discuss this between the Action Groups

  1. Links with other EIP-AHA Action Groups(Peter Wintlev-Jensen):

The plan for the Action Group’s participation in the Conference of Partners on the 26th November was discussed. The proposal for this meeting is to highlight the achievements of the group so far and to participate in the cross-cutting sessions on the 26th November. The outline agenda for the day is as follows:-

Day 1:

  • Part 1: illustration of the AG Achievements - Antonio Kung
  • Part 2: panel with reps from AG - Oskar Jonsson

(the rest of the coordinating team will be around to support this in the front few rows)

Day 2:

  • Patients' empowerment - Samuel Benveniste, Jochen Meyer and Karina Marcus (Post-meeting note:Carmen Pastor also attending – but representing A3)
  • Evidence - Shabs Rajasekharan (Post-meeting note: may also speak to reps from VSWG)
  • Multimorbidity - no reps identified at the meeting (Post-meeting note: Christine to see if representation from Northern Ireland are attending)
  • Healthy Lifestyle Interventions - at the meeting (Post-meeting note: Maria José Lumini and Tone Grindland Gustafsson will represent C2).
  • Monitoring Session - Stuart Anderson, rep from Scotland's input to C2.
  1. Discussion on Calls, funding opportunities:
  • There is expected to be a call for a Coordination Action to support the EIP in the First Call of the new Horizon 2020 programme.
  • Horizon 2020 is also expected to launch calls for proposals end of 2013 covering advanced research on service robotics within smart environments and pilot projects on independent living with cognitive impairments. A second call around July 2014 will address research on integrated care, early risk detection and Digital Social Platforms on user empowerment in innovation (Unit H.2). More information will be available shortly on the EC website.