Notes from 17thInternational Knowledge Seekers Workshop held May 31, 2016

(v1 2016-06-5) v1 (Notes have not been verified. Double check info with video)

Notes courtesy of Cornelius van Dorp @ Keshe Foundation New Zealand

Video link:

The picture is of a workshop given by Dr Rodrigo Vildosola, a Kf doctor who has built a walk through health unit and getting fantastic results from it by all accounts - he gave a presentation last Saturday that was sold out standing room only. This workshop contains deepening into the properties of Magnesium, how we can all become peaceful beings like the trees (vertical people) if we use Magnesium for subsistence instead of Iron. Also some questions on zero time travel - how does that work? and some direction on producing the GANS of silver...

0005: MK good morning – invites participation and questions from International audience…

0006: Abby Rose shows her garden with roses – very luscious and heavy growth with the use of CO2 GANS and stacker units, and cubes she built herself.

0009: Jackie from Switzerland announces French language teachings on Thursdays at 7pm. Discussion about translations into different languages. 0020: Lots of documents getting translated in to German and Spanish also. Apparently they have translated most of the documents, private teachings, and knowledge seeker workshops into German. 0024: MK’s 3 books have been translated into German, Spanish, Chinese, and in process for another 12 languages – these will be available in hard copy from China.

0025: From 1st of June people with Italian addresses can go to Italian bank and give a code number – released in a few hours. We wanted a deal of 10 Euros for 10 years, which would have cone to 1200 Euros. However after negotiations with the bank we have had to reduce to 3 years, which will be 25 Euros a month- the bank is Bank Sao Paulo (?) – the biggest bank in Italy with 6000 branches. Also Deutsche Bank has approved the same process – this should allow also Spanish and French addresses to obtain the system.

0034: We can also deliver full factory structure to any location – this will be in 1 or 2 container units. We will announce the price of them – this is targeted at Governments and industrial scale operations. Next month Ghana will go into operation, Japan in the next few days. In the next 6 months there should not be a nation that has not received one of the factory container units. 0040: We have overcome a couple of issues and now ready to go into mass production worldwide.

0045: People need to look at the example of humble people like Alekz, Benjamin, Armen, Jackie, Ali, and some of the Chinese knowledge seekers there from the beginning to see the ethos of the Kf in action. We will complete our promise we made to the Mozhans of space travel and excursions in China. 0047: Rick announces a presentation by Dr. Rodrigo Vildosola made last Saturday in Washington – an outstanding success – sold out and standing room only. Heather Bryant commented – a beautiful presentation of the heart and soul of the technology. 0054: MK: We came to Italy on the back of the Italians and they will be the first to benefit from the energy and medical units etc. From Italy it will go worldwide with the next-door neighbors first in line, energy systems, medical systems, etc. etc. We work as One Nation across the planet.

0056: MK goes into teachings, 1st explaining that he has been called to an urgent meeting, so not at Barletta with the white board – today we have only audio: The structure of the plasma has to be understood the way the plasma works: the structure of the plasma has to be understood the way the plasma releases it energy, interacts, and absorbs. As long as you consider only one (side) you will fall into the pitfall of the present science that only shows the magnetic field and never shows the gravitational. In the structure of the plasma it is paramount to look at the whole environment of the system – its not any more an engine you can look at under the bonnet of the car – to change cylinders or valves etc. 005900: more deepening into the field plasma etc.

0112: This Thursday I will show you how to grow a crystal or a diamond that will change color based on the intention of people who approach it – my intention is to feed the world unconditionally – how many of you are willing to join me?

0118: Any Questions? Rick reports Nadine saying on the livestream that some of us are depressed and it seems we need emotions rather than reactors. Rick comments that this raises questions like – do we need a spaceship to travel in space? – She is saying maybe we need emotions rather than reactors so we can make our body the reactor…

0120: MK: So maybe we can answer your need and your emotion to build something with – when we can bring into balance an intermediary position between the vast energy here between the gaseous part and the matter part of the planet then we create peaceful creatures. Understand what I say and go back to the teachings…. The reason for the aggression of man is the energy needed to satisfy the existence of his physicality when in the amino acid of the gaseous part of the planet interaction with the physical matter part of the planet – and the gap is so huge and the transfer of energy so massive that that satisfying requires a huge amount of energy and that energy in man compacts, makes packages of energy – that’s why you eat high energy packages – we eat animals, we eat vegetables. If man understands that he can introduce through a specific condition the plasma technology, an intermediary between the structure of the soul of the man, that cuts such a huge gap and becomes a supporter between the two, this will change the behavior of every creature on the planet – I explained this before…

0121: You have the amino acid and you have the metals like iron – 13 is a big gap – a huge gap – and to satisfy the energy needed for the huge gap you have to go with understanding and the use of packages of energy – and this is where the habit of killing is coming to an end. This is where everything has changed. If you can find an intermediary – and understanding of it – then you will find out very early on you can avoid all the pitfalls of the creation… Can you go on media and look up Magnesium please?

Rick: Sure Mr. Keshe! – Goes to Wikipedia and reads about magnesium – a grey metal, atomic weight of 12, part of the 2nd row of elements group 2 of the alkaline earth metals all of which have the same electron configuration in the outer electron shell, and assume a crystal structure. Mg is the 9th most abundant element in the universe; it is produced in large aging stars by the addition of 3 Helium ions and one carbon etc. It is the 8th most abundant element in earth’s crust, and the 4th most abundant element in the earth after Iron, Oxygen, and Silicon, makes up 13% of the plant’s mass etc. It is the 3rd most abundant element in sea water after Na and Cl. The metal burns with a characteristic white light and often mixed into an alloy with Aluminium (magnallium). It is the 11th most common element in the body and an essential element in every cell. It is at the center of the chlorophyll molecule and often used in fertilizers… etc etc

MK: 0128: If you look at the molecular weight of Mg its about 24, and Na is around 22 – which leads to the creation of vertical people – calm and serene – this is the answer for us to create systems that are half way, where the distance between the amino acid and what brings it into existence is not too big. If you look at Iron and amino acid we get Hemoglobin – but if you put the amino acid with Magnesium you get what we call the greenness of the plasma – in being more or less half roughly, by taking energy for the amino acid. Do we need to create a process where we take energy from the structure of the Hemoglobin? Is this the solution – (several sentences difficult to male out due to mike noise) 0131: 56 compared to 24 – a big gap compared to the green side – peaceful – no need to walk! (56 is actually the atomic weight of Barium or approximately twice that of Chromium or Vanadium – which are 2 elements that are essential components of sugar metabolism and often used as supplements to help diabetes – however I am aware from previous workshops that the plasma weight is usually a little different from the classical atomic or molecular weight – so I think he is referring to the difference between Mg 2x12 and Fe 2x 26 roughly) So you know what to put in your reactors to make a peaceful planet. So you understand the action of the amino acid in the man and maybe when you create a peaceful planet you turn green too? MK talks about green men form Mars! Lol

(I think this whole teaching, in the answer to Nadine’s comment, appears in a very round about and convoluted way to be saying that to have a peaceful planet we need to start eating plants rather than animals!)

0135: “Man should eat green and he will loose the habit of murdering and killing!” So this is the trick – don’t have a huge potential difference of GM field strength between the elements in your reactors – if it is in balance it doesn’t have to feed much, but if its too big it has to find packages of energy. – Any other questions?

0138: Rick discusses new research showing Mg can help in resolving ALS and help the nervous system. MK explains how this works and adds that Cu is the nervous system, the communication line – Cu 5x12 is much more powerful – you can use it as the physical part – has a direct connection with Zinc (30) which carries the emotion, Cu carries the information – emotions have to be slightly more that the copper as a conductor. 0144: Steve asks if when MK referred to a gap of 13 he was referring to the big gap after Mg (12) before Aluminium (13) in the classical periodic table. MK indicates no, the design of this table has been done in the matter state – it does not work like that in the plasma state – in the plasma state we look at the plasma transfer energy according to the mass. There are different tables…

(MK does not say what the 13 gap he was talking about refers to but I think he is referring to the gap between Mg and Iron, which is actually 14 in the atomic weights, but possibly 13 in the plasma state – also if interested in this have a look at Glen Atkinson’s illuminating interpretation of the Steiner Anthroposophical view of the periodic table posted on this site a few days ago.)

0146: Francois comes in with his infectious laugh and asks a question about the two bottles of GANS that MK gave to a certain lady – and then she was missing some time and was suddenly 20 kilometers away – and this happened twice. She had 2 bottles of GANS in the back seat, one white, probably CO2 and the other a kind of green – possibly a mix of Cu and Pb or something? He was trying to find out what happened – was it the emotion? Or was it the GANS? MK: Refer back to the teachings of 2 weeks ago re time and space, but the emotion of not wanting to be there was there as well – you need to ask the lady what she was thinking about at the time – you will find that if the intention is the same strength as the field that time will not exist – it is easy to do and you can create it yourself if you understand the teaching of today on how to make crystals – then you’ll understand if you’re in the center of the crystal with equality of the balance of all the fields there is not time because you are part of the time itself. In both liquids she was carrying a Carbon Oxide – F: Really!? MK: Yeah F: But one was green and one was white! MK: But you didn’t see the color of the green – carbon oxide was added to it. MK said that what he did was bring comfort and balance to her soul and when you do that time does not exist – and that’s how we treat those who serve the Keshe foundation – we take care of their pains and give them the desire of their wishes!

0157: Time exists when there is a change or a reduction in the strength – when it’s all the same there is no change and zero time, and if you satisfy the emotion and physicality equal to what is needed time does not exist at that time – and if you satisfy it could be 100 seconds, near to be satisfied it slows down – 10 seconds in 1 hour – or if it is satisfied you travel – physically you travel, time wise you travel in no time!

0159: Francois: I’m going to need to meditate some more on that – lol! MK: You don’t need meditation! – you need to understand the strength of the creation! When your desire is to be with your loved one, by being with the loved one you satisfy the desire, and there is no time! – do you understand? Francois understands and agrees that it was something to do with her husband that she loved so dearly. MK points out that the two containers were in the back seat and she was the 3rd part – she came to cure and she was cured – we create an environment to provide blessing for those who give! 0202: Francois relates a story of a Canadian spaceship construction where a similar thing happened – time was lost along with a feeling of peace and balance.

0204: Question about making GANS of silver related to a video that showed 4 batteries in the link up between the plates and where crystals were being created – micro crystals that could be seen with a microscope. 0206: MK tries to call up Armen as he too is making silver GANS in a different way from MK, but Francois says he is probably asleep because he was talking to him very late last night – he must be still asleep – MK says he is working on his silver production. Says it does not work as well if you use a high current – better if it is very slow – it allows the sites of the fields of the GANS state to interact wit the fields of the H2O GANS – With Copper that’s how you get your CuO or CuO2 – Cu is 60 with variation of GM field mass – opposite is O or O2 in ½ 32 or ¼ 16 – is in proportion in cluster the same as the GM mass of what is the Copper – so they create that greenish color. If you increase the power slightly to a certain voltage and amperage the ratio becomes very flat and you produce a brassy color – if you increase the speed you create a single structure – it absorbs everything as a Nano layer and becomes black. The same thing happens with silver – it’s the ratio of the separation of matter to Nano to GANS state – if the voltage is too high you get white blobs – it has to be a process where you loosen your material then you release it etc. etc. With NaOH if you use a resistor you produce less, if you use a current you produce more, and if high current you get flakes or sheets coming off.

0222: When we get to China we will continue the Tuesday and Thursday teachings from Beijing. Rick asks when this is gong to happen but MK will not disclose his movements after what happened to him in Canada that time (held illegally in transit and interrogated for 11 days) 0226: Brett reveals that things are moving ahead full steam in the USA with the Department of Energy, DARPA, and the Space technology. 0229: Rick plays the Rome Conference promotional video

023114: End