Diálogos Latinoamericanos

Notes forContributors

Articles for review Please send as an email attachment in Word to . Please follow the check-list below on presentation of articles.

The journal publishes in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

Format for Book Reviews Length should not exceed 2500 words. Submit copy of your final manuscript with double spacing throughout. Title details to be as follows:

Bloggs, Francis (2000) Title Publisher (Nowhere) xiv + 237 pp. £45.00 hbk. £13.95 pbk.

Abstract and keywords Authors should provide an abstract in English (maximum 150 words) of their paper, together with six keywords that indicate the themes of the article.

Check-list for Authors

  • Length max. 8000 words for articles, 2500 words for reviews (including notes and references).
  • Double spacing (including notes and references).
  • One inch margin on all sides.
  • Separate cover sheet with your contact details, name, institutional affiliation and email address, ensuring that your name does not appear on the article itself so that it can be sent straight out for anonymous review.
  • Footnotes not endnotes (and please keep to a minimum).
  • Abstract in English of up to 150 words; six keywords.
  • Tables or figures on separate pages at the end of the text.
  • Numbers: one to twenty in words; 21 upwards in figures.
  • Spelling: standard British spelling (-ise not -ize, labour not labor, etc.).
  • Punctuation: British style, i.e., full stops and commas outside of quotation marks not inside,
    i.e., President Fox said, 'The economy is booming'. NOT President Fox said, 'The economy is booming.'
  • Dates: Use the full form, 2002-2003; 1 January 2004; twentieth century not 20th century; the 1990s.
  • Quotations: single quotation marks (double for quotations within quotations).
  • Displaced extracts do not need quotation marks.
  • Paragraphs: indent each new paragraph; no blank line between paragraphs.
  • Acronyms: no full stops (USA, UNESCO, etc.).
  • Italicise single words or short phrases in another language (terms not in common usage should be glossed in square brackets at first occurrence).
  • Please enclose own interpolated words in square brackets [].

Harvard system. Author-date references in text: Smith (1989) argues that …; or (Smith, 1989: 112-113). References at the end of the article, listed alphabetically by author. Please check carefully that all works referenced in the text correspond exactly to works included in the list at the end.

a) Books
Capitalise all main words in the title of books in English, e.g., De La Fuente, A. (2001) A Nation for All: Race, Inquality, and Politics in Twentieth-Century Cuba. University of North Carolina Press: Chapel Hill and London. Capitalise only the first word in the title of books in other languages (apart from proper names), e.g., Mariátegui, J. C. (1970) Temas de educación. Empresa Editora Amauta: Lima.

b) Articles in journals and newspapers
In English, capitalise all main words in title: Crow, D. (2005) 'Crossing Party Lines: Volatility and Ticket Splitting in Mexico (1994-2000)'. Bulletin of Latin American Research 24:1, 1-22. In other languages, capitalise only the first word in the title (apart from proper names): Uriel García, J. (1950) 'Problemas de sociología peruana'. Cuadernos mexicanos 9(2): 147-179.

c) Chapters in edited books
Radosh, R. (1976) 'The Cuban Revolution and Western Intellectuals: A Personal Report', in R. Radosh (ed.) The New Cuba: Paradoxes and Potentials. William Morrow: New York, 37-55.

d) Theses and unpublished reports
Wally, T. (1989) Dual Economies in Argentina: A Study of Buenos Aires. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Liverpool, Liverpool.

e) URLs
Full reference details should be given with the URL, i.e. author, year, title of document and URL. If this information is not available, remove the reference and just cite the web address in brackets in the text. Smith, A. (1999) Select committee report [WWW document]. URL 7 November 2003].

Published journals Authors will receive two copies of Diálogos Latinoamericanos free of charge.