The Label Application form on this website takes the place of the 3 label application forms (Home, Export and Approved Stocks).

The old forms are no longer in use and if you have any of them they should be destroyed as they are not acceptable.

There are some fields on the form that you may not be familiar with therefore below is some information to help you complete them.

Use the Tab key to move around the form.

1.  Crop Identification No – Enter the 5 digit number from you crop inspection report form that relates to the crop you want to request labels for.

2.  Applicant Name – This field does not need to be completed if you are the owner of the crop that labels are being requested for. If you are applying for labels from a crop that someone has authorised you to then your name must be entered.

3.  Applicant Number –This field does not need to be completed if you are the owner of the crop that labels are being requested for. If you are applying for labels from a crop that someone has authorised you to then your number must be entered. If you do not know the number then check with SPCS.

4.  Label Class – Select the class that you wish to appear on the labels – if this is left blank then the class that appears on the crop inspection report form will be printed. Refer to the Marketing leaflet for further information about class options.

5.  Print Field Generation on label – this is the generation for the number of years a stock has been grown in the field (not to be confused with class generation).

6.  Approved Stock Label Options – Refer to the Marketing Leaflet

7.  Chemical Treatment – a) Tick/check if the consignment has or has not been treated with a chemical. B) Tick/check the option for when the chemical was applied. C) Enter he name of the active ingredient (not the brand name) of the chemical applied if it is to be printed on the label.

8.  Invoice to Number – Enter the number of the person who is to be invoiced – either the owner of the crop or yourself. If you do not know the number then check with the owner of the crop or SPCS.

9.  Invoice to Name – Enter the name of the person who is to be invoiced.

10. Applicant Signature – Enter your name. If the form is being completed electronically and submitted by e-mail then the e-mail must make it clear who is applying for the labels and their position in the business.

11. The e-mail addresses for the Area Labelling Offices are:-

Inverness –

Perth -

Inverurie -

If you require further assistance with completing or submitting this form please contact your SPCS Administration or local Area Labelling Office