HHHC9301 Set34 Sem 1 2014/2015
NG EE SANA144579
Fakulti: SainsKesihatan
Program: Fisioterapi
TahunPengajian: 2 (2014/2015)
In this HHHC 9301 regarding lifelong learning, what comes into our mind is first aid knowledge as this first aid knowledge requires us to keep learning and gaining knowledge and skills. First aid is the initial assistance or treatment given to someone who is injured/ suddenly taken ill. For example, first aid knowledge includes treatment bandaging, different methods of transporting casualty from danger place, extra knowledge for specific condition such as choking, shock prevention, CPR, burns, bleeding wound, sprain injuries, and many more. By learning first aid knowledge, we hope that we are able to help out others during emergency and thus we think first aid is very important and useful for everyone of us. So, our objective also includes teaching undergraduates from KTSN who are passionate in learning first aid skills. Through this project, we aregrouped together because of our passion in learning first aid knowledge. All of us have the same thought that this first aid is definitely a precious lifelong learning knowledge where we need to continuously learn and update our knowledge. Thus, all of us have joined the BulanSabitMerah Malaysia (BSMM) Det 88W Cabang UKM.
When we are completing this project, we have done several discussion to discuss on what we need to search for such as the history, benefits and basic of first aid knowledge that can be applied on daily life especially for us who are staying in the hostel. Besides that we also discuss about what we need to present and what form of presentation we are using. Here, every member cooperates well and everyone work together in searching for information through internet, first aid manual book, making short notes during duty slot in BSMM and others. By referring to various type of sources that we found, we compile all the information by doing slides and brochure.
To further enriching our knowledge, we also went to first aid courses ( KursusPertolonganCemasAsas and MingguKesihatan ) and we learnt how to perform CPR and other treatments such as bandaging, choking treatment and others. In one of the course, we sat for a first aid test on CPR and we passed the test. We also took part in a first aid competition to exchange knowledge and opinion with others. We won the first aid competition in UKM Bangi and also we won the Selangor state’s first aid competition.
After gaining the knowledge and skills, we decided to share our knowledge and skills to those who are interested in learning first aid by teaching them. In the sharing session, we teach basic first aid skills that might be able to apply in daily lives such as head bleeding treatment, ankle sprain treatment, and muscle cramp treatment. After that, we worked together to prepare for the project presentation, video and brochure.
The presentation slides consists of history, definition, aims and principles of first aid. Besides that, some techniques such as CPR and choking that we can apply when emergency happens. We also do the brochure together to share the knowledge to other undergraduates. The brochure consists of the initial management that are useful to be applied in different emergency conditions such as choking, burn, bleeding, fainting , sprains and CPR guidelines. There are pictures that are taken during our discussion and the first aid courses that we are joining in our video. It also includes those pictures which are taken when we are teaching.
During the presentation, we also demonstrated some treatment and technique such as Heimlich Maneuver for choking treatment, ankle sprain treatment and correct placing of the hand for CPR
Throughout the process of completing the project, we feel grateful as we cooperate very well and we really enjoy the whole process where we worked together, we learn together and we teach together. We would like to thank our HC lecturer, Dr.Nashrah who guides us and brief us regarding the HC so that we are really clear of what we need to do. We have realised that lifelong learning is really an enjoyable learning experience as long as we are passionate with what we are learning and doing. We also believe that we have achieved our goals and objectives while completing this project which is to learn and gain more skills regarding first aid knowledge and also we carry out a sharing session to teach those who are interested in learning first aid.