Note to applicants: The Aeroplan Charitable PoolingProgram helps uOttawa students required totravel by air to reach the destination of their community engagement or service learning activity. Students benefitting from the Aeroplan Charitable PoolingProgram must attend the Centre’s international pre-departure training and post-service debriefing.

Upon return, the student submit to the Centre a photo of him or herself in action during the community engagement activity and a 200-word summary about the student’s community engagement activity, the impact of the student’s work on him or herself and the impact of the student’s work on the community. The student is also expected to assist with the following year`s campaign (if it takes place).

Submission date:
First name:
Student number:
Home phone:
Cell phone:
Program of study:
Expected year of graduation:
Are you a Canadian Citizen?
If not, please provide your permanent resident card no. / Yes______
If applying for an international project:
a) Do you have a valid passport? When does it expire?
b) Indicate the local language and your level of knowledge / Written ______Yes: ______No: ______
Conversation: ______Yes ______No: ______
Other: ______
What is your travel destination (city/town and country) as well as start and end dates? / Destination ______
Start date: ______
End date: ______
Are you receiving other sources of funding for this project? / Yes______
Your Project
1.Please indicate in the space provided below:
a) a description of the community engagement or service learning activity in which you will take part (50-75 words)
b) a budget of your expenditures including the amount for airfare
Item / Cost
Health, medical, travel insurance
Local transportation
Food and living
2. Please explain below how your community engagement or international service learning activities:
a) constitute voluntary, unpaid work,
b) respond to a pressing social or development need identified by the community in which you will be placed and
c) aim to bring about positive social change in the community in which you will be placed.
3. Please describe below your leadership accomplishments and how you have the relevant skills, experience and knowledge to successfully complete your community engagement project or service learning activities.
Required documents:
Fully completed application form
Proof with a date confirming that you are currently registered at the University of Ottawa (for example, most recent version of your grade report downloaded from uoZone, etc.)
A letter of recommendation or support from a professor of a recognized post-secondary institution who taught you attesting to your ability to undertake the community engagement or community service learning activities, and to your ability to integrate into the community in which the community engagement or community service learning activities will take place. If this is your own community service project, kindly provide a letter from your community partner or a representative from the community commenting on your role in the project. If one or the other letter is not included in your application, it will be rejected.

Email your completed application form and proof of registration d have your professor or community partner send his or her letter of recommendation to . In the subject heading indicate “AEROPLAN CHARITABLE POOLING PROGRAM”. Please note that it is the responsibility of each applicant to ensure that the above documents are received by the Michaëlle Jean Centre for Global and Community Engagement.

Review ofapplications:The deadline to apply is February 28thand/or until all Aeroplan Miles have been used. Special selection committee meetings can be organized to address urgent requests, particularly in the months leading to summer when students tend to travel more for international or local volunteering.

Thank you for your interest!

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