Elko County Board of Commissioners


Sheri Eklund-Brown

John Ellison

Charlie Myers

Mike Nannini

Warren Russell Elko County Manager Robert K. Stokes


COUNTY OF ELKO. ) ss. MAY 2, 2007

The Board of Elko County Commissioners met on Wednesday, May 2, 2007, at 10:00 a.m., in Room 105 of the Elko County Courthouse at 571 Idaho Street, Elko, Nevada.

There were present: County Commissioners John Ellison, Chair

Mike Nannini

Charlie Myers

ABSENT Sheri Eklund-Brown

Warren Russell

Elko Co. Manager Robert Stokes

CFO – Asst. Co. Manager Cash Minor

Deputy District Attorney Kristin McQueary

Deputy County Clerk Marilyn Tipton

Sgt. Sheriff’s Dept. Doug Gailey

Planning & Zoning Dir. Randy Brown

Road Supervisor Otis Tipton

Library Director Jeanette Hammons

Elko Justice Court Frankie Correa

Wells Justice Court Patricia Calton

District Court 1 Linda Sarman

District Attorney’s Ofc. Liz Watson

District Court 2 Andrew Puccinelli

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The proceedings were as follows:


Chairman Ellison called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.

Commissioner Ellison noted for the record that Commissioner Eklund-Brown was absent.


Commissioner Myers led the meeting participants in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Ellison noted Commissioner Russell would represent the County tomorrow at the legislative session on the airport subsidy for the Elko-Reno connection.


Milt Grisham would like to be upon a future agenda regarding the Sheriff’s Posse. He would like to have the benefits of having a Sheriff’s posse before the public and the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Ellison requested that Milt Grisham submit more information about the posse before the next meeting. He knew in 1987 the posse was formed under James Miller. Milt Grisham stated the posse was incorporated in 1984 but the posse was initiated in 1982 and used for Fair security that year. Milt Grisham reported that the posse put in over 1,000 man hours at the Fair. He stated there were hundreds of hours of security performed by the posse over the years. He said it was the prerogative for the Sheriff to dismiss a person at his discretion. Milt Grisham commented that he did not retire. He had been with the posse for over 18 years. He was concerned about the posse and their benefit to the public. Commissioner Myers asked for some insurance information from Cash Minor and would like that to be an action item.

Gerald Miller presented the Board with a “Take Pride in Elko” t-shirt signed by the committee. He stated their committee had chosen May 12, 2007 as their “Take Pride in Elko Day” and they were seeking volunteers from 6:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. with a BBQ in the Park afterwards.


Discussion and consideration of a request from Gregory Development Group to transfer Elko County’s tax exempt bond allocation for the acquisition and rehabilitation of affordable housing.

Holly Gregory, of Gregory Development, stated most of the tax exempt bonds had gone to Clark County in the past. She stated the Nevada Rural Housing Authority had used these bonds in the past year for the First Time Home Buyer projects throughout the state. Holly Gregory stated they had a rehab project and did have the City’s allocation of their bonds. She asked the County for their bond allocation for affordable housing. Holly Gregory stated there were no more federal funds. She stated they would like to do Sage West I and II here in Elko but they would like to get more project based rental assistance. She noted they may go to more counties in the future asking for them to do this in the future. Commissioner Ellison inquired if this would affect the advalorem. Cash Minor replied it would not affect the advalorem. He stated the Private Activity Bond Cap was an allocation received statewide and allocated to local governments. Cash Minor stated that if it was not allocated, then it would go back to the state level. Commissioner Myers asked if this was a federal program and received an affirmative response from Cash Minor.

MOTION: Commissioner Myers moved to approve the Private Activity Bond Cap allocation transfer request to Gregory Development Group for Elko County’s tax exempt bond allocation for acquisition and rehabilitation of affordable housing. Commissioner Nannini seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.


Discussion and consideration of approval to conduct the 2007 ATV Jamboree on May 15 - 18, 2007 in which portions of planned routes may include Elko County roadways.

Pam Borda, Elko County ATV, noted they had previously submitted a packet. She stated they would not do the Bullion Ride because they did not get the approval of the BLM for that ride. She stated the Tomera Family did not want anyone in there because of the burn areas and the reseeding activities. Pam Borda stated they would not be doing the Winnemucca Sand Dune ride either. She stated their alternative ride would be on Squaw Peak and Robinson Mountain for the Harrison Pass Trail because of the snow pack. Pam Borda commented the ATV Jamboree would essentially be the same but they were adding a day with additional rides. Commissioner Myers invited the Board Members to attend this jamboree. Pam Borda thanked everyone in the community for their cooperation and support inclusive of the Forest Service, BLM, County, City, local businesses and ranchers. She noted Don Newman from the Convention Center was here and the ECVA had advertised this event all over. Pam Borda stated they were being flooded with requests and had 50 out-of-town people signed up that were not repeats. Commissioner Myers inquired about the number of last year participants. Pam Borda replied there were approximately 30 participants and most of those were from large groups.

MOTION: Commissioner Myers moved to approve the 2007 ATV Jamboree from May 15th to May 18, 2007 which would include portions of routes that include Elko County roadways. Commissioner Nannini seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.



Pursuant to Notice 10-2007, Notice of Request for Proposal and Statement of Qualifications – Coordinator to direct the watershed assessment process for the Tuscarora Watershed/Sage Grouse Population Management Unit (PMU) in western Elko County. Discussion and consideration of the selection of Coordinator from the applicants.

Robert Stokes explained that this was for someone to do the study.

Gerald Miller, President of the Northeastern Nevada Stewardship Group, stated the County was the fiscal agent of the Question 1 funds to do this Watershed Plan. He noted they had a seven member committee to review the candidates. He stated both corporations from Elko who submitted proposals asked if they could modify the scope of the work due to the fires. The Grant Administrators Kevin and John in Carson City stated they could change the scope of the project and they could apply for more funding because of the fires. He stated the grant was originally submitted in March 2006 and almost 80,000 acres were burned in this particular watershed. Gerald Miller stated the interview committee chose SRK Consulting and he hoped that the Elko County Commission would agree with their decision. Commissioner Myers asked what the cost difference was. Gerald Miller replied $151,000 but the grants they applied for was 25% to 30% over and they had more details to work out. He stated they would have to revise the scope of work at the Rock Creek Watershed, the Willow Creek Watershed and possibly some of the outlying areas. He stated they would look at more specific details on the 19th of May. Commissioner Myers noted the NNSG made a selection of SRK but the Commission did not know the difference between the two proposals. He asked legal counsel if the Board could legally select SRK Consulting. Kristin McQueary stated this was a selection of professional services and the bidding requirements were different. She stated they should pick the firm that best suited their needs. Commissioner Ellison noted that the Question 1 Committee would also look at that selection. Commissioner Russell stated the approach of the Northern Nevada Stewardship Group was looking more to the watersheds rather than looking at other categories. He felt it was a very useful way to approach the studies and their information was very substantial. He believed that NNSG had paid a lot of attention to the selection of this firm.

MOTION: Commissioner Russell moved that upon recommendation by the Northeastern Nevada Stewardship Group and the qualifications and statements made about the two firms that SRK would best fit the needs for that watershed study in Tuscarora of the sage grouse population and that they approve it. Commissioner Myers seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.


Report and review of Board of Trustees activities and minutes including issues related to the continuing operation of the County Library.

Jeanette Hammons, Library Director, reported that Just Desserts was a great success and some of those funds would be used to increase their new collection of play-aways. She stated they were in MP3 format and thanked the community for their support. Jeanette Hammons reported that the Library would participate in the May 12th spring clean-up day. She stated that there was nothing new to report for the Law Library.


Discussion and update report of ongoing issues and activities of the UNR Agricultural Extension Service.

Robert Stokes stated they had received updated e-mails in their packet. Commissioner Ellison noted he had sent Jay some e-mails on the vaccines. Commissioner Myers would like to see the spraying schedule because they were already seeing mosquitoes. Commissioner Ellison did not believe they would do larvae treatments and would have to go forward with the spraying.


National Law Enforcement Memorial Week:


MOTION: Commissioner Myers moved to adopt PROCLAMATION 2007- K, entitled: A PROCLAMATION BY THE ELKO COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS DESIGNATING THE WEEK OF MAY 14th THROUGH MAY 18th AS NATIONAL LAW ENFORCEMENT MEMORIAL WEEK. Commissioner Russell seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.

Commissioner Myers read the proclamation into the record.


Discussion and consideration of work scheduling issues in the Assessor’s Office.

Joe Aguirre, Elko County Assessor, stated their appraisers were going to a 10 hour workday, four days a week. He stated their appraisers could get more permits done in one day and spend less time on the road. He stated this was just an informational item for the Commission. Joe Aguirre noted that Robert Stokes and Jerilyn Underwood wanted the Commission to be informed.

Joe Aguirre noted the lady they had recently hired had already passed the state certification test and passed five classes. He noted they moved Janet up to Appraiser III work, the income approach. Commissioner Ellison inquired if his office would be open five days a week. Joe Aguirre stated there would be no change of hours in the office. He would do some of the office work so if there were any questions on the appraisals. Commissioner Myers noted Joe Aguirre had written a letter and inquired what would make this work this time. Joe Aguirre stated it would take overseeing but they would monitor each other more. He stated so far they had good a response. Commissioner Myers asked how many appraisers were on the road and Joe Aguirre replied five. He stated even the personal property appraiser was on the road.

Commissioner Russell noted he had seen a road crew coming in the other day at 3:30 p.m. He felt the seasonal four day work approach would be advantageous to the Road Department. Commissioner Myers stated they could have that conversation on the next road agenda.

Commissioner Russell inquired if that would be a seasonal thing. Joe Aguirre noted they went last year from 400 permits to 875 building permits this year and they had to be on the list by the 1st of July. Commissioner Russell suggested a seasonal approach for the four 10 hour shifts for the roads and the building departments. Commissioner Myers felt it would be affected by the bargaining unit.

Robert Stokes noted that Building and Grounds come in earlier. He reported that the air conditioning compressor for the annex had died which impacted the Clerks and Assessor’s office. He stated the Clerk’s Office had been dealing with 90 degree temperatures. He noted they brought in portable cooling units but they cannot keep up with the temperature loads. Commissioner Myers asked about the time frame. Robert Stokes stated they had received one quote of $17,000 and they were trying to get another quote. He stated it was complicated because the location of the current unit did not meet OSHA standards so it would have to be moved. Commissioner Russell inquired if they could minimize the costs considering some of those facilities would be part of new heating/cooling. Robert Stokes noted most of changes to the existing building were to the Assessor’s basement floor but this air conditioning unit was on top of the third floor. Commissioner Myers asked if they had a time frame. He had taken a tour of the Clerk’s Office and the fans and the portable air conditioning units could not keep up. Robert Stokes stated there would be cooler temperatures for the rest of the week but the Clerk’s Office took the brunt of the heat because they were on the third floor.