NYS Long Range Championship Match
Sponsored By: New York State Rifle & Pistol Assn.
Registered by : National Rifle Association
Host Club: Forbes Rifle & Pistol Club Inc.
Contact: Willard S Nethaway, 141 Hillcrest Ave, Schenectady, NY 12304
Telephone 1-518-374-9342. E-Mail
Entries accepted with SR - 1 Card and full entry fees (Checks Payable to: FORBES R & P Club Inc), not later than 10 Sept 2009. Post entries $10.00.
Direction: NYS Thruway Exit 24, to I -87 Northway, to exit 2W on Route 5 West, turn left onto route 155, right on Rifle Range Road. Alternate Route: Exit 24 to I -90 East to Washington Ave Extension, turn right onto Route 155, left on Rifle Range Road.
Rules: NRA High Power Rules. Service Rifle 3.1, 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, Rifle 3.3, Any Rifle 3.2, Any Sight 3.3.4, 3.7. Targets: MR Target 600 yards, LR Target 1000 yards
NRA High Power Classification will be used for the 600 yard Phase, and the Long Range Classification System will be used for 1000 yard Match. Empty Chamber Indicators are to be inserted into the Chamber at all times except during Live Fire while on the firing line.
Open to: NRA Members and Junior members of Affiliated Clubs. NYS residents must be members of NYSR&PA, out of State residents must be members of their respective State Association.
Entry Fees: 12 Sep 09 Saturday 600 yard Match Adults $45.50, Juniors $35.50.
13 Sep 09 Sunday 1000 yard Match Adults $45.50, Juniors $35.50.
*** Sunday an added any sight any rifle match has replaced the Plama Rifle match
Package entry fee: Adult $80..00, Junior $55.00. A $5.00 cancellation fees will be charged. No Show-No Refund. Entry Priority will be
given to competitors entering both days. ”F” Class may fire provided there is room. NRA Registration Fee is $5.50 per entry included in price of match above.
Two (2 ) Sighters allowed at each 600 yard stage. Unlimited Sighters at 1000 yards.
In slow fire stage sighters may be taken or waived. Rule 9.2(c). Coaching is allowed at 1000 yards until competitor announces 1st record shot, 30 minute time limit.
Squadding: Competitors will be presquadded . Unpaid entries will be squadded at 0715AM on the range on the day of the match. Teams and Competitors with Target Pullers will be pre-squadded if requested on SR-1 Card. Include Telephone Number on SR-1.
Challenge Fee: A $3.00 Challenge Fee will be charged and must be paid with exact change (Dollar Bills only), before a target is pulled. No Extra Time will be allowed for Challenges.
General: All competitors will be required to Pull Targets or provide an Approved Puller. Any puller whom is not suitable will be ejected by the Pit Officer and the Competitors on that target will be required to perform that duty. Competitors will be required to Score the relay as assigned by the Range Officer.
Ammunition NRA Rule: 3.17 Any Safe Ammunition will be allowed. No Tracer, Armor Piercing, or Incendiary ammunition is allowed.
Saturday Match # 1 Service Rifle, Match # 2 Any Rifle Iron Sight, Match # 3 Any Rifle Any Sight, Match # 4 Aggregate of Matches 1-2& 3.
Sunday Match # 5 Any Rifle Any Sight, Match # 6 Any Rifle Any Sight, Match #7 Iron Sight Any Rifle, Match # 8 Grand Aggregate of Match 5, 6 & 7 , this will be the Long Range Champion.
600 yards ,Two (2) Sighters 20 shots for Record Time Limit Twenty Two (22) minutes, each Match.
1000 yards, Unlimited Sighters 20 Shots for Record Time Limit
Thirty (30) Minutes, each Match.
600 Yard Match begins at 0800 AM on SATURDAY
Relay 3 & 4 will be in the pits. Pits seal at 0745AM. Targets must be in the frames not later than 0730AM. Road to pits at 600 yards will be closed to all traffic. 600 yard Phase on Saturday may have 5 or 6 relays due to the large number of Service Rifle Competitors firing only 1 day.
1000 Yard MATCH begins at 0800 AM on SUNDAY Relay 3 & 4 will be in the Pits. Pits seal at 0745 AM. Road to Pits from 900 yards will be closed to all traffic.
12 September 2009
Match Directors Bulletin # 1
1. Welcome Back: New York State Long Range Championship. Three (3) 1000 yard matches on Sunday
2. Target Pullers are always a problem in getting enough pullers for everyone that are quality pullers. The pullers you provide better be up to snuff or out they go and in you go to pull your own targets.
3. If you have a Puller that will work for you, it is recommended that you ask for special squadding on your SR-1 Card or contact me no later than Wednesday before the match. I will not be responsible for coordinating your Target puller with other competitors. Extra pullers are always welcome but let me know before you bring them.
4. Awards will be in Cash. Please indicate on your SR-1 Card if you want Award Points, as I have to order them from the NRA so I can get the results out within ten (10) Days. Juniors will receive an Appropriate plaque or Trophy.
5. Five shooters make a class. Four or fewer will be combined with next higher class. Unclassified shooters will compete in the Master Class, High Masters will compete for Open Awards Only and will not be combined with Masters. There will be two (2) categories for the Service Rifle and the Palma Rifle in Match 9.
6. Matches will begin at 0800 hrs on Saturday and 0800 hrs on Sunday. Relay 3 & 4 will be in the pits. Pits seal at 0715 hrs Saturday and 0745 hrs on Sunday. Targets must be in the frames not later than 15 minutes prior to pit seal. Road to the pits at 900 yards will be closed to all traffic on Sunday
12 September 2007
Match Directors Bulletin # 2
1. The following individuals are assigned to:
Match Director: Willard S Nethaway
Chief Range Officer: Brenda Spencer
Chief Pit Officer: Kevin Nethaway
Statistical Officer: Henry Ristau
NRA Jury: Julian B Alfonso Chairperson
Ron MichonMember
Tom LewisMember
Ernest MullerAlternate Member
2. Schedule: Saturday0730 AM Squadding Sunday 0745 AM 0745 AM PITS SEAL Sunday 0745 AM
0745 AMFiring Relay to the Line
0745 AMPreparation Period
0800 AMFiring Commences
3.Course of Fire: SATURDAY 3- 600 yard Matches
600 yards ,Two (2) Sighters 20 shots for Record Time Limit Twenty Two (22) minutes, each Match.
SUNDAY 3-1000 yard Matches. Unlimited Sighters 20 Shots for Record Time Limit Thirty (30) Minutes, each Match.
4.Competitor Duties: All competitors will score and pull targets as assigned. Paid pullers are allowed, however: the competitor is responsible for the pullers actions and target operation.
600 SRRelay 1,2 & 3 ShootRelay 3& 4 Pits Relay 3,2,1 Score
Relay 4 & 5 Shoot Relay 1 & 2 Pits 5,4 Score
600 IronRelay 4& 5 ShootRelay 1 & 2 PitsRelay 5,&4 Score
Relay 3,1 & 2 ShootRelay 5 & 4 Pits 2,3,1 Score
600 AnyRelay 1,2 & 3 ShootRelay 5 & 4 PitsRelay 3,1,2 Score
Relay 5 &4 ShootRelay 1 & 2 Pits 4,5 Score
1000 YardRelay 1 & 2 ShootRelay 3& 4 Pits
Relay 3 & 4 ShootRelay 1 & 2 Pits
1000 YardRelay 3 & 4 ShootRelay 1 & 2 Pits
Relay 1 & 2 ShootRelay 3 & 4 Pits
1000 YARD Relay 3& 4 shoot Relay 1& 2 Pits
5.Pit Changes at 600 yards will be 10 minutes, Pit Changes at 1000 yards will be 20 minutes, unless the pit officer determines that all personnel are in the Pits and will seal the pits before expiration of the allowed time.
6.Parking on Range Road at the 1000 yard line has been assigned as follows:
Competitors that are not using a puller will park on road nearest the 900 yard line in front of the 1000 yard walk ramp. All others may park in the road behind the walk ramp to route 155. Parking is not allowed in the driveway adjacent to the 1000 yard walk way.
Please cooperate as it will save time and allow the competitors an easy access to the pits. Caution is advised on the turn at the dirt road leading to pits from the 600 yard line.
7. A Port-a-John is provided at the 600 & 900 yard line. Clubhouse is OFF LIMITS.
Willard S Nethaway
Match Director
12 September 2009
Match Directors Bulletin # 3
AWARDS SCHEDULE: ( 1 Award 5-9 Comp., 2 Awards 10-14 Comp.,3 Awards 15+ Competitors)
Matches # 1 - 3 , 5 - 6 Individual Matches
Match Winner 15 Award Points
1st Place each Category/Class 10 Award Points
2nd Place each Category /Class 8 Award Points
3rd Place each Category/Class 6 Award Points
Matches 4 & 7 Aggregate Matches
Match Winner10 Award Points
1st Place each Category/Class 8 Award Points
2nd Place each Category/Class 6 Award Points
3rd Place each Category/Class 4 Award Points
Match 8Grand Aggregate 5,6,7
NYS Champion*/ Match Winner50 Award Points
2nd Place30 Award Points
3rd Place20 Award Points
* Only one award to a competitor
Special Awards: High Senior * 20 Award Points
High Junior * Appropriate Trophy Plaque
High Women * 20 Award Point
There must be five or more competitors/teams in a class and category. Less than five will be combined with another category or next higher class. The High Master Class may not be combined with the Master Class. Special Awards must have Five (5) or more for award.
Match Director