S-114.780 referoitavat artikkelit

Saatavissa TKK:n kirjastosta elektronisesti:

Calvert, G. A., Bullmore, E. T., Brammer, M. J., Campbell, R., Williams, S. C., McGuire, P. K., et al. (1997). Activation of auditory cortex during silent lipreading. Science, 276, 593-596.

Driver, J. (1996). Enhancement of selective listening by illusory mislocation of speech sounds due to lip-reading. Nature, 381(6577), 66-68.

Fujisaki, W., Shimojo, S., Kashino, M., & Nishida, S. (2004). Recalibration of audiovisual simultaneity. Nature Neuroscience, 7(7), 773-778.

Kadunce, D. C., Vaughan, J. W., Wallace , M. T., & Stein, B. E. (2001). The influence of visual and auditory receptive field organization on multisensory integration in the superior colliculus. Experimental Brain Research, 139(3), 303-310.

Klucharev, V., Möttönen, R., & Sams, M. (2003). Electrophysiological indicators of phonetic and non-phonetic multisensory interactions during audiovisual speech perception. Cognitive Brain Research, 18(1), 65-75.

Lovelace, C. T., Stein, B. E., & Wallace, M. T. (2003). An irrelevant light enhances auditory detection in humans: a psychophysical analysis of multisensory integration in stimulus detection. Cognitive Brain Research, 17(2), 447-453.

Massaro, D. W. (1999). Speechreading: illusion or window into pattern recognition. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 3(8), 310-317.

McDonald, J. J., Teder-Sälejärvi, W. A., & Hillyard, S. A. (2000). Involuntary orienting to sound improves visual perception. Nature, 407(6806), 906-908.

Rizzolatti, G., & Arbib, M. A. (1998). Language within our grasp. Trends in Neuroscience, 21(5), 188-194.

Soto-Faraco, S., Lyons, J., Gazzaniga, M., Spence, C., & Kingstone, A. (2002). The ventriloquist in motion: Illusory capture of dynamic information across sensory modalities. Cognitive Brain Research, 14(1), 139-146.

Zangaladze, A., Epstein, C. M., Grafton, S. T., & Sathian, K. (1999). Involvement of visual cortex in tactile discrimination of orientation. Nature, 401(7 October), 587-590.

Eivät saatavissa elektronisesti:

Massaro, D. W. and D. G. Stork (1998). "Speech recognition and sensory integration." American Scientist 86: 236-244.

McGurk, H. and J. MacDonald (1976). "Hearing lips and seeing voices." Nature 264(5588): 746-748.

Sams, M., R. Aulanko, et al. (1991). "Seeing speech: visual information from lip movements modifies activity in the human auditory cortex." Neuroscience Letters 127: 141-145.

Stein, B. E., M. T. Wallace, et al. (1995). Neural mechanisms mediating attention and orientation to multisensory cues. The Cognitive Neurosciences. M. S. Gazzaniga. Cambridge, MA, M. I. T. Press: 683-702.