Teaching Innovation Projects 2016– 2017

Guidance Notes for Applicants

Funding of up to a maximum of £5000 per project is available for 2016 - 17to develop and evaluateteaching and learning innovations. It is envisaged that, except in exceptional circumstances, projects will start and finish within the academic year 2016-17.

Projects can address any area of learning, teaching or assessment

The Learning and Professional Development Centre (LPDC) can offersupport in developing your proposal, please contact .

All projects must have the approval of the Head of School or equivalent line manager. The Project Application Form must therefore be accompanied by a signedStatement of Support from the Head of School or equivalent. A template for this is provided.

Project Funding

The maximum sum that will be awarded to a project is £5000. However, applications for any sum below this threshold will be considered.

Project proposerscan request funds to support the costs of:

(i) Equipment. Applicants are asked to consult with Matt West, the Learning Technology Officer in the LPDC,with regard to the use of computers, cameras, software, etc.You may also wish to speak to your School/Faculty based Learning Technology Officer. Where equipment and software is already available on campus for free loan applicants would be expected to explore its availability before requesting funds to purchase.

(ii) Staff Time. The funding cannot be used to pay for replacement teaching. Funding can be used to employ others, at standard university rates,when the work will be performed by colleagues who are not currently employed by Keele.

(iii) Professional Development. With the agreement of their Head of School or equivalent, any named Project Leader may make a claim for up to a maximum of £750 as income into their T-account for use to support professional, pedagogical development.

(iv) Project Dissemination. For example, presentation at an academic conference or production of teaching resources.

(iv) Any other costs that can be justified.

Proposal Evaluation

The Keele Teaching Innovation Projects fund is necessarily limited and not all project applications may be funded. Each project is assessed by a panel chaired by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education and Student Experience) and includes representation from across the Faculties, the LPDC,Keele SU and the Keele Postgraduate Association, as well as an external member from another institution. Please note: Members of the assessment panel are ineligible to apply for the Project Funding.

Project Criteria

Project applications are assessed against six key criteria:

  1. The impact that the project will improve the student learning experience, both during and beyond the lifetime of the project;
  1. The extent to which the project is grounded in pedagogic literature;
  1. The ability to which the project can be adapted and/or adopted, with a view to inclusivity, in other parts of the University for the benefit of student learning across diverse cohorts;
  1. The extent to which the proposal is innovative (interpreted as creative or imaginative to current practice locally, nationally or in the discipline);
  1. The extent to which the project’s evaluation strategy is appropriate and well planned;
  1. The quality of the delivery plan and costings.

Key Dates

Monday 11th January 2016:

The Call for Teaching InnovationProjectsis launched.

Midnight, Friday 29th April 2016:

The submission deadline for projectproposals.Applicants need to submit both the Project Application Form and a signed copy of the Statement of Support to .

June 2016:

Assessment panel meets.

June/July 2016:

Outcomes are reported back to Project Leaders and funding is disbursed into School accounts.

March 2017:

Network Meeting

July 2017:

Report on project to be back with LPDC

Please note: all successful grant winners are required to share their work with Keele colleagues. Normal expectation for this would be though Solutions ( institutional space to share and showcase practice both internally and to the sector. In addition to Solutions, the Learning and Professional Development Centre also provides additional mechanisms for sharing work, including the Annual Teaching Symposium and JADE (Journal for Academic Development and Education

If you have any queries or questions

about the 2016-17Teaching Innovation Projects,

please email

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