*(Note: Please Copy and then Paste into your personal Email – Customize with New Associate’s and Your Own Info – Then Save for future Mailings)

Dear ,

Thank you for becoming a part of our Winning Isagenix Team.I want to let you know that you can access your own Isagenix replicated website by going to .

Click on your website and then go to "Associate Login" to access your Back Office. Your usernameisxxxxxxx your passwordisthe word "password", (until you change it). YourAssociate ID number is #8555795.

Ÿ Please print out the very helpful and simple Welcome Team Documents located on the Team Site at the “Newbie” Welcome Link on the Left: . Afterwards, please giveme a call letting me know when the best time would be for me to walk you through your Back Office. It shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes or on the telephone to clarify it all for you. At another time when you’re available, myself or another experienced upline leader can further explain how to place orders, become acquainted with all the teaching tools, as well as how to order CDs, Wellness Reports, books and other items to your potential recruits. It is all very easy and I want to help you get started right away.

*Read well over 140+ Testimonials at:

* Team Training & Resource Site *

Sign-up to ReceiveTeam News/Updates:

*Comprehensive Training/Presentation Resource Site:

You will find easy-to-follow instructions on how to have great success with the Cleansing Tip Sheet located on the Team Site above. You will also find the Conference Call Reference Sheet and a simple one pageEnrollment Form to have on handas well, in a PDF file. Print these out so you can easily follow the appropriate program.Then,work through the Quick Start Document,as you will learn so much about theproducts and business.

Once your products arrive, PLEASE callme and letme know WHEN you will be starting yourPre-cleanse. Then,on DAY ONE of the Cleanse, callme at 11am to check in. This is VITAL to your success. We can make this program as flexible as you need it tobeand I am here to support you.

I also highly recommend that you call Dr. Becky Natrajan’s Cleansing Coaching Line:800-242-0363.This Toll Free Line is for everyone who is starting a 9 day or 30 day cleanse. It is a five-minute coaching call to get you started on your program and keeps you on track. The day before you begin your pre-cleanse, dial the number, ext 1144; The 9-Day Cleanse Info call is, ext. 1155; 30-Day Info Call, ext. 1166; andMaintenance Program Info Call is, ext. 1177.

* If you have a Business Interest see the following steps:

1. Opt-in to our Team Email List on the Team Site:

(Opt-in Box is in the middle of the main home page).

2. To get on Upline Leader Ron Reid's e-mail update list send your request including name, phone #, and who's team you are on to .

3. Print-out and work through The Success Team’s “System for Success”:

* Note: This document link is also on home page, bottom left column.

If you have any questions or concerns about anything related to Isagenix, please DO NOT hesitate to callus. You can also contact the following team members for additional support or information:

* Note: Please be conscious of Upline Leader's Time Zone...

(Most are on Pacific Standard)...Thanks!

Ron Reid (PST) -- Hm: 360-894-5850--

Ellen Bradley-Ganus (PST) --Hm: 818-762-2999 --

Andrea Henkart (PST) -- Hm. 415-382-7755 --

Marilyn Territo (PST) -- Hm: 650-365-7917 --

Robert & Joy Arthur (CST) --Cell: 817-894-0743 --

Gay & Monte Hudson (CST) -- Cell: 817-894-1454 --

Kevin & Angie Fry (CST) -- Cell: 817-578-9212 --

Shane & Monica Freels (CST) -- Cell: 469-766-2232 --

"Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right". Henry Ford

Robert & Joy Arthur

"Success Coaches"

Robert's Cell: 817.894.0743

Joy's Cell: 817.894.0741

Home: 817.736.8022


Health & Financial Freedom:

Testimonial Site:

* Sign-up for Training, Team News/Updates & more...: