ShelterPoint Module SP 5.7
Note: The NH-HMIS Team highly recommends entering a client into ClientPoint before proceeding with the following steps.
Note: If your default provider log-in is not the shelter program:
· Click the “Enter Data As” function (upper right hand corner) to switch to the correct program
· Back Date mode is unavailable when you first logon, however once you get to the shelter check in part in step 1 below, you will be able to go into Back Date mode.
1.) Click on the ShelterPoint Tab on the left side of the screen located under ResourcePoint
a. Once the ShelterPoint tab is selected then the screen will refreshing showing the following:
i. Provider: Ensure the proper provider name is listed
ii. Unit List: Ensure the proper Unit List is selected (Depending on the provider name)
iii. Once those pieces of information are correct then locate the ShelterPoint Dashboard located under the Unit List.
1. Click Check Client In (Depicted as a bed with a little green plus sign)
2. Once you click on “Check Client In” then the Unit List will be displayed showing all rooms and beds that are currently available and which ones have clients in them.
3. Click on the check in icon (a bed with a little plus sign) next to the Floor, Room, Bed and the words EMPTY. This will be the floor, room and bed number where the client will be checked into.
4. Once you have selected the check in icon then the screen will refresh with the client search information.
5. Type in the client’s name that was previously entered into ClientPoint and presses the little green plus sign to continue to the next step.
2.) Unit Entry Data Screen
a. To finalize the check-in process of the individual you will want to complete the Unit Entry Data Screen
i. Please fill in the following:
ii. Date In: The date that the client entered the shelter
1. Ensure that the Date In matches the Back Date from ClientPoint. This is the area where you can do the Midnight Check In.
iii. Unit Name/Number: Should be filled in from previous screen
iv. Supplies Given: List any supplies given to the clients
v. Locker Number: List any locker numbers given to the clients
vi. Codes/Notes: Please fill in any Notes that will be beneficial for the clients
1. Incidents for (Client Number) – Client Name
a. This section is for incidentals and bans on the client
b. If a client has been banned or an incident has happened then click on the Add New Incident button
i. Banned Start Date: The date that the ban started
ii. Banned End Date: The date that the ban has been revoked
iii. Incident: The Incident that has caused the ban
iv. Ban Code: A code listing the severity of the ban
v. Staff Person: Person in charge of the ban
vi. Sites Barred from: Locations (internal or external) where the client is banned
vii. Notes: Any notes pertaining to the ban
viii. Once this information has been completed then press save to save the incident
ix. After pressing save, the section will refresh listing the incident just created. In this section you can press the pencil for edit (to edit the ban at a later time/date) or the trash can to delete the ban.
x. It might be a good idea to keep all incidents listed and not delete anything unless it is an error for Data Quality.
2. Household Overview
a. If the client is currently in a household then the information will be listed in this section. If there are no clients listed in a household (Single) then the text “This Client is not currently a member of any Households” will be displayed.
b. You can Search Existing Households or Start a New Household if needed. This relates to the information entered in ClientPoint.
c. To include Household members in this Check In, click the box beside each name. Then assign each member a unit. Click save and exit when done.
3. Entry Data
a. Provider: Ensure that the proper provider is listed in this section
b. Type: HUD *This element will always be HUD*
4. Once you press the Save & Exit button then the screen will refresh to the Unit List
3.) Unit Exit Data
a. To exit a client from the Unit List press the bed with a little red minus next to it
b. This will open up the Unit Exit Data Screen
i. Fill out the following:
1. Date Out: The Date that client is leaving the program
2. Unit Name/Number: The Bed name that the client is being exited from
3. Supplies Returned: Check whether the supplies give to the client at program entry were given back to the program.
4. Funding Sources:
a. If you would like to add a funding source for the individual then press the Add Source button.
i. A new screen will display and you can select the Funding Source and the Amount of Funding.
ii. Once this information has been entered then press Save or Save and Add Another if you would like add more funding sources
5. Reason for Leaving: Select the appropriate reason for leaving
6. Destination: Place where the individual is planning on going once leaving your program
7. Household Members: List of household members associated with this client (if none are associated then you will get the message “The associated household is no longer active.”
8. Incidents for (Client ID) Client Name: This section lists any incidents that happened during the stay at your program.
9. Once all of this information is correctly filled out then select the Save and Exit button.
10. Once you hit the Save and Exit button then the screen will refresh and the client will no longer be listed in the Shelter Inventory Information Unit List
11. Congratulations, you have finished entering a client into Shelterpoint!
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