March 23 (Monday) through March 29 (Sunday)
WELCOME to week 27 of school!
School Board meeting is this Tuesday, March 24 at 6:30 p.m. at the convent.
There is Mass this week---Wednesday, March 25 (feast of Annunciation). Prayer leaders will be Sixth Graders. All are invited.
Students from Japan arrive on Mar. 26 and will be with our students until April 2
The Science Fair will bein the McDonaldSchool gymnasium. Science Fair projects are due at McDonald’s between 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. on March 30th students involved in giving presentations will be on March 31st with pick-up of science projects 3:00-7:00 p.m. on April 1st.
World Meeting of Families----if you would like to go with Bishop Peter to meet with Pope Francis next September. The parish will be choosing and paying for two people to attend. If you would like to be considered please fill out the form that is attached. Application needs to be submitted on/by March 27th.
Friday, March 27 is the first Annual Seder Meal: and all are welcome at the ParishCenter. Cost is $5 per person or $12 for the entire family. Tickets are going fast. Please call the parish office to reserve your space 882-4813.
March 28 at WSU is the Kids’ Science and Engineering Day. Cost is $5 or $10 at the door. For more information/registration go to:
HELP NEEDED: Next week is Holy Week: on Thursday, April 2nd, we will have our traditional retreat day for the whole school, focused on the meaning of Holy Week. There are several items I need help with for the modified Seder Meal. A sign-up e-mail will be sent separately.
I need:
Charoset (made with apples, honey, walnuts, cinnamon and grape juice)
Hard boiled eggs (peeled) –14 dozen
Matzo crackers—7 boxes
Grape juice—21 bottles
Events for Holy Week at Church- March 29 through April 6th.
Palm Sunday (March 29)Mass times as usual
Holy Thursday (April 2) Retreat Day for the students, grades K through 8th. (See help needed with modified Seder Meal above)
Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7:00 p.m. Mass on Holy Thursday commemorates the gift of the Eucharist. The “foot washing ceremony” is central to the Mass. “Operation Rice Bowl boxes will be collected during the Mass. The money is sent to Catholic Relief Services. At the end of the Mass, the Blessed Sacrament will be carried in procession at the Altar of Repose and we are invited to spend some time watching and praying with Jesus until midnight.
Good Friday (April 3)NO school; nor childcare; Stations of the Cross at 12:15 and Passion/Veneration of the Cross and Communion at 7:00 p.m.
Holy Saturday (April 4) Easter Vigil Mass at 8:00 p.m. and welcome to Rae Family into the Catholic Community.
Easter Sunday (April 5)Mass times as usual
Easter Monday (April 6)NO school; childcare is available.
- Mrs. O’Rourke (aide in Gr. 1) on March 30th. Many blessings on each one of you!
- Nikki Crathorne (music) on April 2nd.
This year we will be having TWO OPEN HOUSES:
Wednesday, April 8, 2015 will be ST. MARY’s OPEN HOUSE for your family and for all families interested in knowing more about St. Mary’s, 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., at St. Mary’s. The Open House is for ALL current parents (Grades Kindergarten through Eighth Grade) to come and see what is happening in your child’s classes as well as any prospective families, Kindergarten through Eighth Grade. Please invite your friends, neighbors to come and see.
Wednesday, April 15, 2015 will be ST. ROSE’s OPEN HOUSE for those currently enrolled in Preschool and in PreKindergarten as well as NEW families who are interested in the 3 years old and 4 years old program. The program will start at 5:30 p.m. and run until 7:00 p.m. Appetizers will be served. Please encourage those you know who might have children at this age regarding our St. Rose Preschool and PreKindergarten and Childcare program.
Remember, children are invited to come with you too to both Open Houses. If you know families that we should contact, please call Heather Lannigan (882-2121), Kathy Burton (882-4014) as soon as possible. It would be great if you would take time to talk with any families that would benefit from an education at St. Mary's School. You are the best source for knowing the advantages students receive here. The best advertisement and promotion is through YOU!
Save the Date:Jan Hall’s Retirement Party (parish secretary for over 22 years) will be held on April 11 at 6:00 p.m. It will be a potluck and you and your family are invited. Child care is available.
Does any parent know how create an event via email and set it up as an invitation in an email with a link to attend the event?
The last Mass we had as a school community was held on March 10 and led by Grade 4. The focus was on prayer and as a reflection the students created a petition: they stated something they were grateful for and a petition flowing from that petition. Mrs. Herrenbruck said the students totally themselves with no assistance from her. They did a beautiful job; and what they said definitely showed a high level of moral development. I am writing them here for you: it is a beautiful reflection for Lent.
I ask that all children have a loving family to grown up in.
I am thankful for my home. I ask that those people who are homeless are given shelter.
I am thankful for the clothes I have. I ask that the poor are able to have the things they need.
I am thankful that I have enough food to eat. I ask that those who are hungry be given adequate nourishment.
I am thankful for my friends. I ask that those who are lonely know they are loved.
I am thankful that I can play sports. I ask that those who cannot because of mental or physical handicaps realize they are gifts in other ways.
I am thankful that I live in a safe community. I ask that those who live in fear be granted peace.
I am thankful for my faith. I ask that those who are unbelievers come to realize God’s love for them.
I am thankful for the water I have. I ask that everyone have a good supply of clean water to drink and raise their crops.
I am thankful for nature. I ask that everyone do their part to take care of God’s creation.
I am thankful for my school. I ask that all children have the opportunity for a good education.
Another fact: Second graders are real lovers of reading; they are devouring books! And whenever they have any time, what are they doing? Reading!
Please remember: if you buy items from Amazon, type in when you first order any items from Amazon and name the school’s foundation as the recipient for % earned. Thank you.
Do you know how to keep your tuition low? There is ONE simple solution. Invite and bring ONE new family into school.