USC Department of Spanish and Portuguese
SPAN 499 – Language Loss and Deculturization in Cusco, Peru
Application due: November 15, 2017
Instructions:Please submit the following documents via email to:
- This application form completed and signed (signature required, not typed)
- Personal statement (250 words)
- Subject line for your email: PWP: Cusco Program Application for “your name here”
Recommenders (2):
- Please download and fill out the Faculty Recommendation Form from: email it directly from your USC email address to
- The comments in the recommendation form or letter of support should indicate the applicant’s suitability for an overseas PWP course in Cusco, Peru
- Subject line for instructors’ letter: PWP: Cusco Program Letter of Rec. for “Student’s name here”
Student name: USC Email:
Student ID:Cell Phone# Permanent Phone #
Major: Minor:
Class level: Expected Graduation Date:
Local Address
Permanent Address
Passport Nationality Passport No.
Passport Expiration date Birthday (mm/dd/yy):
Do you speak Spanish? Where did you learn it?
Spanish courses taken at USC (indicate semester and instructor; include Fall 2017and Spring 2018):
Overall GPA: Spanish GPA:
Are you the recipient of a scholarship or other academic award? If so, which:
Have you participated in a Study-Abroad opportunity before? Where?
Names of TWOinstructors who will provide recommendation letters:
1. Course:
2. Course:
Person to contact in case of an emergency (U.S.):
Name: Relationship: Phone:
Health Insurance Company:Policy No.
There is a $400 deposit added to the Students’ account, whenstudent is accepted to the program.
More information: (213) 740-1258 Review of applications will begin on December2, 2017
PWP: Cusco, Peru
Summer 2018
Personal Statement
In no more than 250 words, please explain your interest in taking a Problems Without Passports Study-abroad opportunity. In particular, why are you interested in SPAN 499: Language Loss and Deculturization in Cusco, Peru? What do you hope to gain from this experience?You will visit many sites, work with other USC students,and be immersed in the language and culture of Peru, but you will also be living in a community very different to your own. Are you prepared? Describe your willingness to live and work in this new environment.
Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
USC Department of Spanish and Portuguese
Faculty Recommendation Form
PWP Cusco, Peru Program – Summer 2018
SPAN 499 – Language Loss and Deculturization in Cusco, Peru
To access this form, please go to:
Student Name:
Recommender’s Name: Rec. Phone #
We recognize the demand of this recommendation and appreciate your openness and honesty. Your comments will help us make an appropriate and informed admission decision regarding this student.The comments in the recommendation form should indicate the applicant’s suitability for an overseas PWP course in Cusco, Peru. Thank you for your time in providing a recommendation.
How long have you known this student?
In what capacity? (e.g. teacher, counselor)
What courses have this student taken with you?
Is the student mature enough to spend three weeks in Cusco, Peru?
Yes Somewhat Not able to judge
Please rate student in the following categories. Please use the student’s peers as a comparison group.
Productive participation in discussions: Below Average Average Good Very good Excellent (top 5%)
Maturity: Below Average Average Good Very good Excellent (top 5%)
Concern for others: Below Average Average Good Very good Excellent (top 5%)
Integrity: Below Average Average Good Very good Excellent (top 5%)
Motivation: Below Average Average Good Very good Excellent (top 5%)
Compared to other students you teach or other college-bound students in your community (if you are not a teacher), please rate the student’sIntellectual curiosity on a scale of 1-10.
1(very little or none) 5(average)10(high)
12 3 4567 8 9 10
Please comment on your experience with this student’s contribution to a positive learning environment in the classroom, and dedication. Please add any additional comments you deem important.
Would you take this student to a 3-weeks overseas Program? YesNo
Why not?
Signature Date
Return this form via email (from your USC email account) to:
Please include the following info. in the Subject line: PWP: Cusco Program Letter of Rec. for “Student’s name here”
If preferred, you can mail this form to: USC Department of Spanish and Portuguese, THH 156, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0358. Attention to Karen P. Pérez.