NOT A FAN Discussion Outline
Additional reading at
NOT A FAN, FMC, Navigator’s ABF, 2/16/14, Ken Stoltzfus
Chapter 7 – The Relationship Defined
Background scripture: Matt. 7
1) Okay - - we’re in our fourth week and this is Chapter 7. Mark the words that describe how you feel about this study by now. Can you say why you feel that way?
- Insulted - Challenged
- Encouraged - Defeated
- Inspired - I want more of this
- I’m tired of this - I’m ready to just give up
- I’m ready to press on with new zeal
2) In light of Matt. 7:1-5 about judging others, how do you reconcile Idleman’s strong words about so many Christians being fans instead of actual followers of Jesus, when he has been so candid about some of his own weaknesses and has even admitted that he is a recovering hypocrite?
- Is he really qualified to challenge us in the way he does?
3) What does Idleman’s story on p102 say about risks in our spiritual pilgrimage? He says, “It never occurred to me that I was going the wrong way. The road I was on felt right to me. I’m sure there were signs and markers along the way indicating that I was on I-75, but they never got my attention. - - I had the radio turned up, and I was singing along to the music, completely oblivious. I never allowed for the possibility that I was on the wrong road.”
- Can we be on the wrong road and be oblivious to that?
- What can make us think we’re on the right road when we’re not?
- What can distract us along the way?
- Have you ever taken the wrong road at that point south of Cincinnati? I have!
4) Is the last paragraph on p104 “real life” or is Idleman just being super-spiritual? And what about what James says to us in 2:14-16 toward the bottom of p105?
5) What is the healthy way to hear those strong words? What would Jesus have us do with them?
Chapter 8 – Anyone, an Open Invitation
Background scripture: John 3:16 and Luke 9:23
1) Let’s pick out and talk about some key sentences in the first paragraph on p115.
2) Re p116, and his thoughts on the “believing” of John 3:16 and the “following” of Luke 9:23 - - what do you think of his lines mid-page, “These two things must necessarily go together. There is no John 3:16 without Luke 9:23.” Is that something that we need to take more seriously?
3) If so, what will we do, and is there any way that members of an ABF can help each other in that?
4) “Anyone Means Everyone” on bottom of 116 and top of 117. Do you ever feel that you might not qualify because of past sins or present weaknesses? If you knew someone who felt that way, what would you tell them?
5) Read these paragraphs three: P117 “A few years ago“; p119 “Just before I flipped”, and p121 “Morgan asked“. Is there anything on the bottom side of your white cushion? Has it been forgiven? If not, can it be?
6) Are there others who have put stain on your white cushion, and whom you need to forgive and release?
7) I love the story on the bottom of p123. Think about how you would respond to such a person if you met them in our foyer.
8) If you are among the “Anyones” on the lower half of p125, does it hinder you from becoming a more serious follower of Jesus?
9) If so, has this chapter encouraged you to reconsider that?
NOT A FAN, FMC, Navigator’s ABF, 2/16/14, Ken Stoltzfus