Document Approval

Author / Mark Pearce / 18/12/2015
Reviewer / Shazad Khalid / 06/01/2015

Document History

Version 1.0 / 06/01/2015 / Reason for Issue


Document Approval 2

Document History 2

Introduction 4

Company details 4

Sending and receiving of NOSI flows 4

Naming of received NOSI flows 5


1.  This form has been created for you to provide ElectraLink with some critical pieces of information in order for us to set up your existing DTS connection for use with NOSI flows.

2.  If you have any questions about the form please contact us on or on 0207 432 3012.

Company details

3.  Please populate table 1 with appropriate Gateway, MPID and contact details.

Description / Please add details
Company name
Main contact name
contact email
contact phone number

4.  Do you require a new Remote User Gateway (RUG) connection or are you an existing DTS User (Y/N) -

Sending and receiving of NOSI flows

5.  Please populate table 2 confirming whether you would like to send and/or receive NOSI flows.

Please check the boxes to indicate whether you would like to send and/or receive NOSI flows / Send NOSI flows / Receive NOSI flows[1]
NOSI / ☐ / ☐

6.  If you checked the ‘Receive NOSI flows’ box and you have a RUG account, recipient routes will be created for you. If you have either multiple Gateways or a single Gateway with multiple Hosts please populate table 3 to indicate into which Gateway and/or Host you would like to receive NOSI files.

Description / Please add details
Gateway ID
host ID

Naming of received NOSI flows

7.  If you have elected to receive It is possible to define the naming convention for received files in order to facilitate easy tracking. Two conventions are proposed, please indicate which option you would prefer in the below table. If no selection is made, ElectraLink will apply option one as a default.

Description / Notes
Option 1 ☐ / Display sending MPID, Role Code, flow type, version number, test flag, original file production number[2]. / The DTS will obtain information from the issued file and include it within the received filename. An example might be:
option 2 ☐ / Retain sending filename / The DTS will retain the original filename as created by the file issuer.

Web Tools users with permission to access this Host (mandatory)

8.  Webtools is an application used to view Audit data and perform functions such as re-submitting or re-collecting files. It is configured in line with your host. In the table below please provide full names and email address for those individuals you would like to access WebTools for this host. If the specified individual User already has an account, please specify this and we will update their account to reference the new Host.

Access to the following areas within Webtools will be provided by default:-

  1. ACMT – Routing Management. Allows user to set up or view existing incoming routes for their files
  2. Audit – Allows users to view file audit data for sent and received files and associated statuses such as file delivery or failure confirmations. Users can view up to 14 months of Audit information.
  3. Re-collection – Allows users to re-collect previously successfully delivered files to their Host.
  4. Re-submit – Allows user to re-send files to recipients who may have lost or misplaced these.

Full Name / Email / Notes

[1] If you have elected to receive NOSI flows, please note that you will need to select a naming convention in the next section.

[2] Different data items have been emboldened to make the resultant filename easier to read.