IUSRS 2018Application Form for Student Participants
Indigenous Undergraduate Summer Research Scholars Program
Application Deadline is March 19, 2018.
Program runs from May 7 - June 29, 2018at McMaster University, Hamilton ON
Questions can be directed to:
1. Your Name (First and Last)
2. What is your Indigenous Nation/Community? (can include urban community)
3. Email Address
4. Phone Number
5. Mailing Address
6. What is the name of the university you currently attend? (or most recently attended)
7. What program are you in?
8. What level of study will you be entering in Sept 2018? (i.e. 3rd year, 4th year undergraduate)
9. What interests you about this summer scholars program? What do you hope to gain from participating? (Maximum 250 words)
10. What kind of career path are you thinking of at the moment? How do you think this program could assist you? (Maximum 250 words)
11. What are a few research areas or topics you would like to study further this summer? (Maximum 250 words)
12. What is your ideal research environment? (ie., working in a lab with other students and researchers; working independently (web-based or library archives); working as part of a team in a community-based setting (fieldwork, interviews); not sure yet; other)
13. After reviewing the 2018 IUSRS Faculty Supervisor profiles, let us know who you would like to work with. Please rank your top five (see Faculty Profiles on the McMaster School of Graduate Studies IUSRS webpage: ):
14. The Summer Program takes place on the McMaster University (main campus) in Hamilton, ON. Where would you be travelling from to attend this program (if admitted)?
15. This program may be able to provide accommodation in a McMaster campus residence if required (no cost to students). Please let us know your anticipated accommodation needs:
a)I prefer to live on campus for the entire eight weeks of the program______
b)I will commute daily/as needed from home to the McMaster Campus to participate ______
c)Not sure ______
**The number of residence spots available will be limited to 4 to 8 rooms**
16. Students are required to participate in research and planned group activities Monday to Friday from 8:30am-4:30pm, with some occasional evening and weekend programming as well. Do you have other commitments between May 7-June 29, 2018 (for example, summer courses, employment, athletic/recreational activities, travel) that could impact your participation in IUSRS program?
17. Is there anything else that you would like the organizers to know about you or your interest in the IUSRS program?
18. Please provide an Emergency Contact for while you are in the program:
Phone #:
Relationship to you:
*Foraccessibility or special dietary concerns, please email:
Upload your completed application to the macdrive here: