Dennie Fidalgo, Principal 904 Sioux Drive

Ellice Oeser, Assistant Principal Jacksonville, NC 28540

Cathy Johnson, Secretary/Treasurer Phone (910)347-1202 Fax (910)347-0713



I agree to allow my child to bring his or her personally-owned device (i.e. tablet, netbook, laptop, Kindle, Nook) to Northwoods Park Middle School. I understand that the student named below will be permitted to use the personally-owned device, subject to the conditions described in the following documents:

ü  NWPMS Student Responsibility Statement for Personally–Owned Devices (attached)

ü  Internet and the Educational Program (OCS Policy- 3225/7320) (attached)

ü  Student/Parent Agreement Internet in the Educational Program (OCS Policy-3225/7320) (attached)

I understand that Onslow County Schools (OCS) and Northwoods Park Middle School (NWPMS) are not responsible for any device or data loss, theft, damage or other associated costs of replacement or repair incurred during the school day or at home as a result of participation in this program.

I understand that OCS uses technological measures such as filtering to promote internet safety. Filtering limits students’ ability to access harmful internet sites from any device connected to the OCS network, but only when this equipment is used on OCS property.

I understand that the purpose of allowing my student to use a personally-owned device is to access and enhance the OCS curriculum, and that uses unrelated to the OCS educational program (including but not prohibited on the school network.) This policy does not allow students to use cell phones during the instructional day.

I agree to review the responsible use of personally-owned devices with my student.


Parent or Guardian’s Name (Print) Parent or Guardian’s Signature Date


As a student of NWPMS, my signature means that I agree to follow the policies, guidelines, and procedures of NWPMS/OCS and acknowledges my understanding and acceptance of the information presented within the Student Responsibility Statement for Personally-Owned Devices and BOE Policy 3225/7320.


Student’s Name (Print) Student’s Signature Date


Primary class/purpose for device use: ______

Manufacturer & Device Type (i.e. Apple iPad2, Dell Laptop): ______

Serial Number: ______