Weekly Plan (3) Grade (6) Int.-H
September 24th – September 28th 2017
Unit 1(Ecosystems)
Lesson 1 ( What is an Ecosystem)
Homework: workbook p. 1+2 Jordanian International Schools
Day / English / Math / ScienceSunday / C.W: Writing: Narrative Writing
Writing a short story
There will be a reading quiz throughout the week. Practice reading pages 24+25+26
On your journal: write five sentences about good friends
Make sure that you write full complete sentences
H.W Read about the author Jerry Spinelli and his autobiography / C.W: Lesson: 1.1
Pg. 6 / Class work:
Cambridge check point science workbook, pages 6 to 9: "Laboratory apparatus".
Monday / C.W: TO work on the new vocabulary
The teacher will give two flash cards for each group and they should think how to act them.
Define he autobiography and things we should look for when reading it.
H.W; COPY ( The text on the last page of the weekly plan.) / C.W: Lesson: 1.1
Pg. 7&8 / Class work:
*Answering section (1.4: Joints) questions. /Course book.
*work book: exercise 1.2: Human organ system.
Tuesday / C.W: Introduction about the author Jerry Spinelli and his autobiography
Reading Knots in My Yo-Yo String
Learn about the Figurative Language and
Point of view / C.W: Lessons: 1.1 , 1.2
Pg 8 & 9 / Class work: First period: Work book: exercise 1.3:" breaking bones".
Second Period: course book, page 14: Introducing section 1.5: muscles.
**Science work sheet #1 will be handed to the students today.(please answer it and hand it tomorrow)
Wednesday / Continue Reading Knots in My Yo-Yo String
Learn about the Figurative Language and
Point of view
H.W: Practice for dictation ( The text on the last page of the weekly plan) / C.W: Lesson: 1.2
Pg. 10 & 11
H.W:Practice book Lesson 1.1 / Class work:
Answering science work sheet #1 with the class.
Homework: Science work sheet #1 should be handed today.
Thursday / C.W:
Dictation / C.W: : Lesson: 1.2
Pg.11& 12 / Class work:
Course book, page 14: How muscles work.
Note: When the homework is on Sunday this means that the due date to submit it is on Sunday
Day / Arabic / Religion / Social Studies / ICT / R.T.SSunday / C.W:
البدء بالوحدة الجديدة
(فصاحة صبية وفطنتهم)
الصفحات : 17-18
H.W :التدرب على قراءة النص وفق معايير القراءة الصحيحة / سورة مريم (41-45)
Monday / C.W:
البدء بالقراءة التفسيرية
في درس (فصاحة صبية وفطنتهم)
ببيان معاني المفردات وتوضيح الأفكار الرئيسة / الادغام الشفوي / Lesson 1:Advertisement
Unit 1 : smart And Responsible Consumers
Homework: activity 1.2 p.8It will be graded for the exam
Tuesday / إملاء خارجيّة + استماع}
H.W :التدرب على امتحان القراءة في درس (فصاحة صبية وفطنتهم) المقرر غدا
Wednesday / C.W:
امتحان قراءة في درس ( فصاحة صبية )
H.W : نسخ بيتي للفقرة الأولى ص17 في درس (فصاحة صبية) / اختبار قصير في:الدرس الاول،الدرس الثاني،الدرس الرابع،الدرس الخامس،الدرس السادس مع حفظ السورة غيبا. / Class work
-Finishing the poster.
-Answer page 13,14 in the class.
-Make amusement park map page 17,18
Thursday / C.W:
البدء بحل أسئلة المعجم والدلالة / Unit 1(Ecosystems)
Lesson 1 ( What is an Ecosystem)
Homework: workbook p
Zoe was excited." Great! Is she going to read it? Did she listen to my message? Do you think she suspects anything?"
I know she got your message, and she doesn’t suspect a thing. And I am pretty sure she is going to read it. So we'll just have to see what happened next."
Zoe was excited." Great! Is she going to read it? Did she listen to my message? Do you think she suspects anything?"
I know she got your message, and she doesn’t suspect a thing. And I am pretty sure she is going to read it. So we'll just have to see what happened next."