Northwest Guilford High School
School Based Leadership Team
Meeting Minutes 1/16/07
Members Present: Curtis Adair, Ashley Ball, Susan Boykin, Karen Brady-Siler, Phil Coley, Gwen Fagerberg, Melanie Fehrenbacher, Bryan Heide, John Hughes, Wendy Jackson, Angelo Kidd, Penny Loschin, Martha Mittman, Russell Nelson, Don Rhoney, David Seidel, Greg Slate, Lance Sockwell, Natalie Strange, Cynthia Swink, Janet Wells
Presiding: Phil Coley Chairman and Melanie Fehrenbacher Assistant Chair
Meeting began: 4:10 pm Meeting Adjourned: 6:10 pm
1. Blue Ribbon Team –
- Will bring recognition to Northwest High School
- A group of people will come in and do a study of Northwest High School. They would detail the strengths and weaknesses.
- This would be a National recognition.
- We expect 90% or better on our profiency tests – this would help us to see what we need to do to get there.
- Expense $3995.00 for the team to come in. Plus expenses – approximately $6000.00 total
- The kids will be the ones to benefit from this.
- We may be able to fund this with grants or other funds. It is affordable with our budget.
- There will be no extra work for teachers, parents or administrators other than the completion of a survey
The SBLT approved this program. Therefore, it will then go the faculty and the PTSA board for approval.
2. Attendance Incentives Proposal –
- a.There has been more talk amongst the students regarding attendance since this program has been implemented.
- b.Last few days attendance has been at 96%.
- The results are posted at the attendance office.
- At the end of the quarter a report will be pulled to award the homework passes and ticket to a home athletic event.
3. Tardy Policy-
- An e-mail was sent out to get opinions on restarting the tardies for the second. Very little response. The responses received were in favor of restarting the tardies at the beginning of the second semester.
- Problem with consistent tardies especially on Fridays.
- Key to success is consistency
The tardy policy will restart on Monday January 22, 2007
Keep the tardy policy as is and use teacher discretion.
Consuequences of tardies were reviewed:
1st tardy- verbal warning
2nd tardy- e-mail to grade level administrator and after school detention
3rd tardy- two after school detentions
4th tardy- choices including ISS, take away parking pass, school service etc.
7th tardy- OSS for one day
- Academic Mission Statement–
- Needs to be measuarble. Needs to be a goal.
- This is not the same as the mission statement.
Northwest students will achieve 90% proficiency or better on all standadized assessments.
- Need committee for School Improvement Plan Implementation-
a. Will use the PLC to review the plan and strategies for school improvement.
- Need to set a date to be completed by March 1, 2007
- Input on the Exam Schedule for the end of the year-
- Tests are untimed except Biology
- Early college/ Middle college students are taking about 3- 3 ½ hours per exam.
- Exams are harder and longer.
- Possibly take one exam per day for six days
- Once you administer an exam for a class, the teacher may not administer the test again.
Bring ideas for how to accomplish the exams to the table in February.
- Miscellaneous –
- Curriculum Fair – January 29, 2007 in the gym during the day and at night
Every department should have each period covered.
Elective teachers this is the time to recruit hard for your classes.
Each department should provide a table and syllabus for your class.
- Career Fair- February 28, 2007
- Parking Permits-
This year the parking permits were distributed to all seniors and juniors were placed in a lottery.
For next year an incentive program has been suggested for juniors only.
This would be a point system.
Points would be given based on the following:
178 points for attending class every day
10 points for a 3 on the writing test
20 points for a 4 on the writing test
Points would be subtracted based on the following:
2 points for each absence
1 point for each tardy
1 point for ISS (all day would be 5 points)
10 points per day for OSS
10 points for a semester grade of an F
5 points for a semester grade of a D