US HistoryNames______

The White Man’s Burden – American Imperialism______

Points Possible: 25 pts______

*Introduction–Form into groups of 2-3 (or do this as an individual if this is for homework). Log on to click on Projects Page, then click on “The White Man’s Burden – American Imperialism Webquest” under Topic 7.

Task 1 – Background

  1. Describe specifically the factors that inspired many in the United States to desire an empire:

Task 2 – Document Analysis

*Alfred T. Mahan, “On Sea Power”

  1. List TWO reasons why Mahan believes that the United States needs to build an empire:

*Albert Beveridge, “The March of the Flag”

  1. List TWO reasons why Beveridge believes that the United States needs to build an empire:

*Rudyard Kipling, The White Man’s Burden

  1. Define Altruism –
  1. Describe specifically how Kipling’s poem is representative of the idea of altruism as it relates to imperialism (cite examples):

*William Jennings Bryan, “The Paralyzing Influence of Imperialism”

  1. DescribeTWO of Bryan’s arguments against American participation in imperialism and empire building:

Task 3 – China’s Open Door

  1. What kinds of problems faced the Chinese following the intrusion of European capitalists in the 1830s and 1840s until the end of the 19th century?
  1. Define spheres of influence –
  1. Describe the Open Door Policy representative John Hay envisioned it:
  1. How did the Chinese respond to the Open Door Policy, and was the result for China?

Task 4 – Teddy Roosevelt’s “Big Stick” Diplomacy

  1. What were Teddy Roosevelt’s views of Imperialism?
  1. Teddy Roosevelt is often remembered for saying that the Presidency is like a “Bully Pulpit,” and he believed that in both American and international issues he should “speak softly and carry a big stick.” How did his actions with the Panama Canal and his interpretation of the Monroe Doctrine reflect these beliefs?

Summary Question

Based on what you have read (and based upon your personal opinion), do you think that America needed to expand its global influence influence in the late 19th and early 20th centuries? Was American imperialism justifiable? Explain your answer using specific examples.