Northwest Georgia Region 1 EMS Advisory Executive Council Meeting Minutes
Subject / Council Meeting / Date / January 24, 2013Facilitator / Randy Pierson / Time / 12 N
Location / Trinity Baptist Church, Calhoun, GA / Scribe / David Loftin
Attendees / Courtney Taylor (Gordon County), Carlton Firestone (Haralson County), Bud Owens (Floyd County), Larry Owens (Bartow County), Sloan Elrod (Pickens County), Rick Cobb (Whitfield County), Randy Pierson (Council Chair) and Lana Duff (Council Vice-Chair)
Staff / David Foster, R1 OEMST PD, David Loftin Recording Secretary,
Absent: Dr. Patrick McDougal Regional Medical Director
Key Points Discussed
/ Highlights1.
/Call to order
/ The meeting was called to order by the chairman with a quorum present.2.
/Minutes Approval
/ A motion was made by Larry Owens and seconded by Carlton Firestone to approve the minutes of the last meeting as submitted. The minutes were approved as submitted.3.
/Old Business
/ There was one item of old business. Randy Pierson gave a report on the status of the Northwest Georgia Emergency Medical Services Systems (501C3). He reported that the document has been returned by the lawyer but Mr. Pierson still had to make some minor corrections to the document which has been marked with strikethroughs on the document which will be submitted today to the EMS Council for approval. Mr. Pierson will be meeting with the accountant on Monday, January 28, 2013 to finalize forms for the Internal Revenue Commission for approval as a 501C3 not for Profit Corporation. Mr Pierson suggested that a checking account should be established for use before the tax exempt status is approved for ASPER courses and the Awards Banquet expenses. Larry Owens asked who can sign the checks from this checking account. Randy Pierson stated that this will be determined when the officers are elected at the first meeting of the Northwest Georgia Emergency Medical Services Systems (501C3) later today. He also stated that all expenditures will be approved by the Board of Directors and will be signed by two officers. He also stated that the treasurer will be required to be bonded.4.
/New Busines
/ A motion was made by Curtis Vincent and seconded by Danny West to approve the minutes of the last meeting as circulated. The motion carried.5.
/New Business
/ There were three items of new business on the agenda.The first item of business was a status report of the EMS Council. David Foster gave a status of the council report. A letter has been received by the Whitfield County Commission asking for reinstatement of Claude Craig who has been removed for three consecutive absences. The Council will consider this issue at the meeting today. All EMS Council members have been re-nominated except for Glenn Downes (Chattooga County) who will be replaced by David Young and Robert Early (Floyd County) who will be replaced by Gordon Tucker. An election of one of the three at-large Council memberships will be done later today at the EMS Council meeting. The following three people have been nominated to replace Jim Cutcher as an at-large position: Jim Cutcher, Sherry Peace and Tony Cooper. David Foster has recommended that the Chair and Vice-chair position terms be extended because of the establishment of the 501C3 and the RTAC to maintain consistency. However nominations will be taken from the floor for these positions. All of the members of the current EMS Council Executive Committee have been re-nominated as well as Danny West. Therefore the EMS Council will vote for 8 of the 9 nominees to determine the EMS Council Executive Committee later today. The eight nominees receiving the largest number of votes will be chosen to serve. . The new bylaws have established a treasurer position but the EMS Council has no funds to disperse therefore Mr. Pierson recommended that this position remain vacant. Rick Cobb asked if one person could serve as the Treasurer for both the EMS Council and the 501C3. Mr. Pierson stated that this was not necessary because the Northwest Georgia Emergency Medical Services Systems (501C3) will take in and disperse funds for the EMS Council and will have a Treasurer position.
The next order of new business is a report on the 2013 Northwest Georgia Region 1 EMS Awards banquet by Randy Pierson. The 2013 Northwest Georgia Region 1 EMS Awards banquet will be held in Canton at the Cherokee County Conference Center at the Bluffs located at 1130 Bluffs Parkway on March 28, 2013. Tommy Sanders of Southeastern Emergency Equipment has pledged $4000 to fund the awards banquet. The costs of the awards banquet have been estimated as follows:
Facility rental ($2500) to be paid by Northside Cherokee Hospital at the R.T. Jones
Meal catering ($4500) [estimated at $14 each except for those individuals nominated for awards]
Plaques and door prizes ($1100)
This means that we need about $1600 more to cover the expenses for the banquet. Mr. Pierson suggested that we will need to charge each attendee about $20. Bud Owens suggested that we ask for donations from additional sponsors to cover the rest of the expenses and agreed to give $1000 from Floyd Medical Center if we would allow banners or signs advertising Floyd Medical Center at the banquet. Mr. Pierson stated that the contributions should be routed through the checking account of the Northwest Georgia Emergency Medical Services System (501C3). Carlton Firestone asked why the Air Medical Services could not be solicited to sponsor the plaques as they have done in previous years. David Foster stated that he did not wish the names of corporate sponsors on the plaques.
The next order of new business was a concern about pass rates of Advanced EMT graduates by Larry Owens. Mr. Owens stated that about half of the graduates of the Advanced EMT courses in the Region were passing the National Registry exam. David Foster gave the following information on a comparison of pass rates for Georgia versus the Nation:
Georgia National
Emergency Medical Responders66%75%
Emergency Medical Technician86%81%
Advanced EMT66%66%
Randy Pierson stated that many of the Level 2 EMS instructors teaching the Advanced EMT program have never taught some of the subjects included in the new course and he predicts that the pass rates will improve over time.
/Rick Cobb stated that Claude Craig would give a current weather advisory at the end of the meeting for those attending.
/A motion was made to adjourn by Rick Cobb, seconded by Courtney Taylor and passed. The meeting was adjourned.
Action Plan
/Action Item(s)
/ Owner / Target Date1.
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