Meeting Location: Northwest Arkansas Classical Academy

Upstairs Cafeteria

Minutes Prepared By: Jane Hamm

Board Members Present:

  • Judy Patterson, Co-President
  • Rachel Hamm, Co-President
  • Star Scott, Treasurer
  • Jane Hamm, Secretary
  • Brian Rabal, Vice-President
  • Meghan Vernitti, Volunteer Coordinator
  • Michael McCauley, Spartan Dad
  • Lynn Kwartowitz, Member at Large
  • Karin Berry, Non-Voting Member at Large

Approval of Prior Meeting’s Minutes:

Judy Patterson made a motion to approve November Member Meeting Minutes, this motion was seconded by Alicia Wiginton. The line “Velva said the golf tournament in the spring will pay off the loan.” was stricken from the minutes at Velva Rowe’s request due to inaccuracy. The motion passed.

Agenda Item: Treasurer’s Report by Star Scott:

As of 12/17: the PTO Checking Account Balance was $14.475.53

Star Scott continues to not have access to the account for the Bank Cards.

Mike McCauley encouraged the members of the old board and the new work together to get any issues surrounding the bank cards resolved.

  1. Motion made by Brian Rabalto have the PTO vote to repair whatever is necessary to get Star access to all accounts needed to do her job. Alicia Wiginton seconded the motion. The motion passed.
  2. Motion made by Rachel Hamm to allow Star Scott to make all minimum payments on recurring bills. The motion was seconded by Velva Rowe. In disucussion, a friendly adjustment to the motion was made changing the motion to; Allow Star to make all minimum recurring payments on previously approved expenditures under $200 without Membership vote. The adjusted motion passed.

Agenda Item:Transfer of School Store Chair. Rachel Hamm nominated Alicia Wiginton to Chair the School Store Committee. This was seconded by Lauren Foster. As the existing Co-Chair, Tanya Deselle, was not available, it was decided to table this issue until the January meeting.

Agenda Item: Consignment Store Committee. Meghan Vernitti asked for volunteers.None came forward.

Agenda Item: Spartan Gear Committee. Meghan Vernitte asked for volunteers. None came forward.

Additional Comments: The Membership discussed on what occasions children could wear Spartan Gear to school. It was clarified that these items could be worn on the first Friday of the month along with jeans.

Agenda Item: Time and/or location of Meetings. Rachel Hamm has set the next Member meeting for January 14th at 4:00 p.m. in the upstairs cafeteria of the school. The following Member meeting will be in the evening at the Library to allow for a rotating schedule. Mention was made of using the Arvest Community Center.

  1. Motion made by Meghan Vernitti to hold the Member Meeting at 4:00 p.m. in the upstairs cafeteria on January 14th. LynnKwartowitz seconded the motion. There was one opposing vote, Motion Passed.

Agenda Item: Insurance Claim. Judy Patterson explained to the Membership that there was no deductable for an insurance claim. An insurance claim could be filed for Bad Faith Acts. Because of the two meetings and the gravity of the issue, the issue of filing an insurance claim was voted on by ballot.

Rachel Hamm will notify parents of the results via email after both meetings are concluded.

Ballots were distributed and Members reminded that only one vote could be made per household and that they could only vote in one of the two meetings. Jane Hamm collected the ballots and will combine with the ballots from the second meeting.

Additional Comments: Rachel Hamm explained the Television drawing.

Agenda Item: Meeting Adjournment. Judy Patterson motioned to adjourn the meeting

Motion to Approve Minutes Made By:______

Date and Time of Approval of Minutes:______

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