Northview School:
an IBO World School
Band Handbook
Ms. Alyssa Pitasi
Director of Bands and Orchestra
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Welcome! I am so excited to have been given the opportunity to work with your child. I am confident that this year will prove to be a productive and successful year for the Northview Band and Orchestra Program.
The goal of the Northview Band and Orchestra Program is to provide the best music education possible for its students and to instill the understanding that music parallels life and provides life-long enrichment that is not expected in other courses of study. Through music, a person can achieve an understanding of beauty, expression, and the appreciation of the finer things in life.
The study of music at Northview has wonderful administrative support. In Band and Orchestra classes, music is taught as an academic discipline through a performance curriculum. In addition to the development of musical proficiency, students in the program will gain skills in teamwork and discipline.
This handbook should help you to understand what is expected of you as a member of the Northview Band and Orchestra Program. Please note the band policies and procedures listed in the handbook.
It is my belief that through hard work, practice, and good attitude, each member of the Northview Band and Orchestra can improve as a musician and each member will benefit by this improvement. Let us continue a great tradition during this new school year!
Alyssa Pitasi
Band Director
Class Descriptions
6th Grade Band: All students in the sixth grade-beginning band will learn to play an instrument and perform in a large ensemble. The students will develop an understanding of musical concepts and will achieve mastery in several musical skill areas. Students will learn the importance of working together as a group and performing as an ensemble as well as an individual.
7th Grade Band: Students in the seventh grade intermediate band will continue to learn about their instrument and perform to a greater degree. Students will be encouraged to audition for county and honor bands held throughout the year. The ensemble will also be working to prepare for concerts throughout the school year as well as individual performances. Students will continue to learn the importance of performing as an individual as well as an ensemble.
8th Grade Band: Students in the eight-grade advance band will learn more extensively about their instrument and the fundamentals of music. Students are encouraged to audition for county and honor bands held throughout the year. The ensemble will be working to prepare for performances that will take place throughout the school year as well as individual performances. Students will continue to learn the importance of performing as an individual as well as an ensemble.
ALL students will need:
- *Instrument (unless the student is using a school owned instrument)
- Essential Elements Book 1 for your instrument (6th and 7th grade)
- Essential Elements Book 2 for your instrument (7th and 8th grade)
- 1-inch black 3-ring binder
- 10-15 page protectors
- Loose-leaf paper
- Pencils
*6th grade students will need to have their instruments by Sept. 8th. Please contact Ms. Pitasi if this will be a problem. *
Materials for each Instrument
All materials can be purchased online, at the local music store, or some materials like reeds, can be purchased directly from the director. The purpose of this list is to ensure your child’s success. *If renting an instrument, most of these materials will be included. *
- Suggested Brands: Yamaha, Gemeinhardt, Armstrong, Jupiter, Selmer, Artley
- Cleaning Rod (most flutes come with one)
- Cloth (can be pieces of an old t-shirt)
- Suggested Brands: Yamaha, Selmer, LeBlanc, Buffet
- Cleaning swab (most rented clarinets come with one)
- Cork grease
- 3 (or more) good reeds at all times
- 6th grade: size 2/2.5 Rico Reeds
- 7th & 8th grade: size 3 Vandoren blue box
- Suggested Brands: Yamaha, Selmer, Conn, Amati, Jupiter
- Cleaning Swab
- 3 (or more) good reeds at all times
- 6th grade: size 2/2.5 Rico Reeds
- 7th & 8th grade: size 3 Vandoren blue box
- Suggested Brands: Yamaha, Bach, Holton, Conn, King
- Valve Oil
- Suggested Brands: Yamaha, King, Bach, Jupiter
- Slide Grease
French Horn:
- School owned instrument or rented
- Mouthpiece:
- School owned instrument
- Mouthpiece:
- School owned instrument
- Mouthpiece:
- Vic Firth Education Pack (drumsticks will NOT be provided)
- Rented Percussion Kit (comes with bell kit and snare drum)
*There are a limited number of school instruments available. If you are able to rent, please do so. If you are unable to rent, contact Ms. Pitasi and we will go from there. *
You can rent from The Music Center located at:
240 Signal Hill Drive
Statesville, NC 28144
Phone: 704-872-4521
School Owned Instruments
If your student is borrowing a school owned instrument for band, there is to be a $50 non-refundable fee to cover the general wear and tear of the instrument. It is expected the borrower will return the item in good repair at the end of the school year. Should items fail to be returned or returned with damages beyond normal wear and tear, an invoice will be mailed from the school book-keeper for replacement or repair of the instrument. A contract will be provided for both student and parent/guardian to sign and adhere to.
Instrument Repair
If your instrument is not working properly or needs to be fixed, please DO NOT attempt to fix it at home! Bring it in to Ms. Pitasi first! Minor repairs can be done by the director free of charge. If the damage is too great or the school does not have the correct tools, the instrument will need to be taken to the local music store or can be done through the school music representative at your own expense.
Classroom Expectations
- Food, drinks (except water), and gum are not allowed in the band room at any time.
- Be respectful to yourself, others, the equipment, and the band room.
- Be prepared for class every day with instrument and materials.
- Be on time to class! If you are late, you will be marked tardy.
- Students will not play or speak out of turn during class. Raise your hand if you have a question or need assistance.
- Students will not leave their assigned seat unless given permission from the teacher.
- Handle your own instrument. Percussion equipment is for percussionists only!!
If any of the rules are violated, the director will take the following actions. I reserve the right to issue multiple consequences or “skip steps” at my discretion depending on the severity of the infraction.
- Warning
- Time to refocus (remove from activity for 2-3 minutes)
- Change seats
- Grade reduction from daily participation
- Alternate assignment
- Parent contact
- After school/Lunch Detention
- Office referral
Grading Policy
Grades are determined by the total number of points you earn each quarter, divided by the maximum number of point possible. Grades will be earned in the following categories:
Concerts: 200 points per performance.
Playing and Written Assessments: 10-50 points each.
Class and Homework Assignments: points determined by assignment.
Participation: 5 points per day, earned by following all classroom procedures and rules, meeting expectations, and participating in all activities as directed.
Restroom/Water Policy: Students are expected to use the restroom and get water prior to entering the band room. Students should remain in the band room once they first enter. Students will only be allowed to leave the room in the event of an emergency. Please notify the director immediately if there is a medical condition require regular restroom breaks.
Attendance is MANDATORY for all students for any event in which their ensemble is involved. Please refer to the calendar of dates located at the end of this handbook.
Excused Absences: If a student has an excused absence from a concert, she or he will make up the grade by playing the concert music privately for the director.
- Emergency: In the event that a concert is missed because of an emergency, the student MUST bring a note written and signed by a parent/guardian the day the student returns to school.
- Illness: If a concert is missed because of illness, the student should bring a note written and signed by a parent/guardian the day the student returns to school.
- Known Absence: If, upon reviewing the band calendar, you discover an unavoidable conflict with a concert date, please send a written and signed note to the director as soon as you are able.
Unexcused Absences: Any absence that is not previously excused by the director nor is a family or health emergency will not be excused and will earn a grade of 0 for that performance.
***Please note that students who fail to participate in a scheduled performance due to involvement in other extra-curricular rehearsals or practices (school-sponsored or not) will NOT be excused from the concert. Performances/games take precedence over rehearsals/practices. In addition, games for recreational sports or other activities will not be excused as the concert is a school-sponsored, curricular event.
- Nice white top (ties optional for boys)
- Black slacks/long skirt (no jeans, shorts, or leggings)
- Black belts
- Black socks/tights
- Black shoes
Concert Grading
Each concert is worth a total of 200 points. Most students earn a perfect score on the concert.
- Attire (25 points)
- Attendance (-2 points per minute late or minutes left early)
- Concert Etiquette/Behavior (-5 points per infraction)
- Some examples of poor concert etiquette include talking, gum, food, candy, drinks, etc.
- Use of cell phones or other electronic device is prohibited (-15 points)
- If a student is found with a cell phone or device, it will be taken and held onto until the concert is over.
Instrument Make/Model______Inst. Serial # ______
Parent/Guardian Information
Mother/Guardian 1______Father/Guardian 2______
Home Phone______Home Phone______
Cell Phone______Cell Phone______
Work Phone______Work Phone______
Email Address______Email Address______
Preferred method of contact? ______Preferred method of contact? ______
We have read, understand, and agree to all of the rules and expectations outlined in the Northview IB Band Handbook. By signing this contract, I agree to the conditions set forth for by the Northview IB Band Program.
Student Name (PRINT)Parent Name (PRINT)
(Parent/Guardian Signature)(Date)
(Student Signature)(Date)
**Please fill out and return to Ms. Pitasi by September 8th**
Winter Concert: TBA
All County Auditions Saturday December 10th @ Lakeshore Middle
Snow Date Jan 5th
All-District Band Auditions Saturday Jan 7th @ Central Davidson MS and HS
Snow Date Jan 21st
All County Clinic Friday January 27th and Saturday January 28th
Snow Date April 7th and 8th
All-District Band Clinic February 17-19th @ App State
All-State Honors Band Audition March 4th @ Central Davidson MS and HS
Snow Date March 11th
All-State Honors Band Clinic May 5-7th @ UNCG
Carowinds: TBA
Spring Concert: TBA
**I will send home an updated calendar once I get the dates for both concerts and Carowinds. Thank you for understanding!**
Instrument Rental Agreement
In an effort to maintain good repair on your child’s equipment, Northview requires a fee of $50 for the use of the school owned instrument this year. This money will go towards the regular maintenance of the instrument used by your child during this school year. Some examples of routine maintenance are: new pads, new corks, removing dents, instrument cleaning, and any other repair needed due to normal wear and tear. This fee DOES NOT cover any damages caused by your child’s negligence (lost or broken parts).
Please send the $50 in with your child. Checks can be made payable to Northview and please add your phone number. I have listed the instrument your child has been issued. Please sign at the bottom and return with the fee. Your child will not receive the instrument until this form, including the fee, have been turned in. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call or email me.
Alyssa Pitasi
Director of Bands
Northview IB School
Northview IB School
Instrument Use Form
Student Name: ______
Instrument: ______Model: ______Serial Number: ______
Instrument Condition: ______
I, ______, understand that I am personally and financially responsible for this instrument(s) while it is in my care, outside of normal wear and tear. I will be responsible for damages to the instrument(s) due to abuse and neglect. If I suspect vandalism from someone else, I will notify Ms. Pitasi immediately.
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______
Date Checked In: ______Band Director Initials: ______
Condition of the instrument(s): ______