Northgate Village Surgery Patient Participation Group Meeting

Wednesday 30th November 2016


Members – Rachel Owen (Chairperson), Ken Holding, Ken Sylvester, Jeffrey Moran, David Richards, Mike Jackson, Pamela Male, Jean Cornes

NVS Staff – Grace Marshall (Surgery Representative), Sophia Boaro (PPG Secretary), Dr Ian Minshall


Adrienne Elloy, Sam Kilminster, Margaret Nixon, Elizabeth Linton, Brenda Southward, Val Pilling

Approval of Previous Minutes

Members approved the minutes of the previous meeting (21st September).

Matters Arising from Previous Minutes

1.  PPG Fundraising
The Christmas hampers are now on display along with the knitted Christmas puddings to raise money for the PPG Projects Fund. Rachel explained to the group that the price of the crash bag, which the group are fundraising for, should be halved as Northgate Medical Centre will be using it too. Rachel then went on to explain that the surgery is in need of a new Doppler machine, which is a device that is mainly used regularly by the nurses for patients with diabetes or ulcers. It was agreed that if the funding goes well then the group will look into buying a new one.

It was also discussed that the group will be giving a small amount of the money raised to a local charity. David suggested that it would be a good idea to add a question on the end of the patient survey to see what charity the patients at the surgery would like to support. Michael mentioned the work of the community ambulance drivers who offer transport to patients that are unable to get to their hospital appointments for many different reasons. It is a charity funded service within the NHS and the group agreed that this could be a possible cause to fundraise for. Grace explained to the group that any unspent money from the £250 set aside by the surgery will be absorbed back into the general surgery budget.
Action: Members and Staff to continue the fundraising. Grace to add an extra question on the patient questionnaire to help the group choose a local charity to fundraise for and this will be discussed and reviewed at the next meeting.

2.  Patient Online Access Workshop
David fed back to the group how the online access workshop turned out. Unfortunately the workshop was only attended by staff. Grace fed back some comments from the staff that attended and they were surprised as to how much access a patient has to their medical records when they have full access. The staff all found this very useful. The group discussed whether it would be worth running another workshop next year and what they could maybe do to get more people to attend next time. The group discussed areas for improvement if another session was to be run in the future, including whether or not bookable times would be more popular. David gave the group a small demonstration using his Emis Access.
Action: Another workshop will be run next year and will be better advertised.

3.  Delamere Street Car Park
Rachel fed back to the group what the Council have said about moving the disabled parking spaces. The Council have agreed to move the spaces and have given the group 2 options to choose from of how they would like the spaces to be set out. Each option included 3 disabled spaces by each lift however option 1 would be a parking space with disabled access on both sides and option 2 would mean that the spaces are close together in the middle and have extra space just on one side. The group agreed that option 1 would be more convenient for its purpose.
Action: Rachel to inform the Council that the group choose option 1.

4.  Questionnaires & Patient Feedback
Patient feedback was reviewed. The group agreed that the surgery still need a better way of keeping the patients up to date about how late the clinician is running.
Action: Grace to look into putting the clinicians name on the calling screen so that the patient who is waiting can see how many people are in front of them. Sign to be put on touchscreen to remind patients to use hand sanitiser.

5.  Information Leaflets
Rachel put the suggestion forward to the group that another use for money leftover in the PPG Projects Fund could be used to buy leaflet storage in the waiting room. The group all agreed that this would be a good idea to keep the patients informed of all the useful services within Chester.
Action: Members to suggest any useful services or charities that they would like to be included in this.

6.  National Association for Patient Participation (NAPP)
Rachel and Grace informed the group that they are now a part of the NAPP along with the Elms and they will get a log on to the official PPG website soon. This will be for all members to access.
No action.

New Business

7.  Extended Hours
Grace informed the group that the surgery are currently trialling new early morning appointments for patients who cannot get here during surgery hours due to working. These are on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
No action.

8.  Feedback from Chairs Meeting
Rachel asked the group for their advice on a survey regarding extended hours that she needs to complete and take back to the chairs meeting. She explained that they have a budget to improve extended hours so they want to know what patients would prefer. The group reviewed patient feedback on existing Extended Hours services for the CCG, along with previous patient feedback from the questionnaire over the past 2 years. Priority areas for access were agreed, including access to GPs and mental health services.
Action: Rachel to feed back to CCG that the majority of patients want weekend Extended Hours & GP Access.

9.  MJog Text System
Val was not able to send feedback via MJog although others had been able to.
Action: Grace and Sophia to monitor if any similar problems arise.

10. Changes since moving to Delamere Street
Dr Minshall joined us for this part of the meeting. The group wanted to ask him what he thought of the move and if he is glad that we left the old building. Dr Minshall explained that he only misses the old building emotionally. He explained to the group how the new building is more practical, there is more space and it is just more efficient in general. He also mentioned the bad points of the building for contrast, for instance his room being unbearably hot in the summer which isn’t the most ideal working conditions. The building as a whole are looking into getting an air conditioning unit installed to function through the vents. On the whole Dr Minshall confirmed he is happy with the move.
No action.

11. Cheshire Care Record
Grace and Dr Minshall both explained the Summary Care Record and the Cheshire Care Record to the group. It is a record that other healthcare providers can access when in need such as for emergency treatment. Not all patients have opted into this as they have the option to be in or out. If a patient has neither opted in or out then their records will have ‘implied consent’ on them so that if there was to be an emergency it could save their life.
No action.

12. Email Address
In order for the group to use the NAPP system they require an email address. Action: Grace to set up an email address for the group to use to access NAPP. Patients can use the email address to send in feedback and suggestions. Grace and Sophia to monitor the email address.

Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 18th January 2017 at 4.30pm

Dates of Next Meetings (subject to change)

·  Wednesday 22nd March 2017 at 4.30pm

·  Wednesday 17th May 2017 at 4.30pm

·  Wednesday 19th July 2017 at 4.30pm

·  Wednesday 20th September 2017 at 4.30pm

·  Wednesday 29th November 2017 at 4.30pm

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