Dear Parents/Carers,

Each year, the Board of Governors must formally report to you. The Annual Report is made available to all families in Lough View and summarises the work and achievements of our school during the periods indicated.

Should you wish to respond to the report or wish to seek further clarification on any points, please write to:

Mrs. H. Fraser

Chair of Governors

Lough View Integrated Primary and Nursery School

63 Church Road


BT6 9 SA

Thank you

M.McKnight Principal


This Report will cover the following periods.

The financial year 1 April, 2011 - 31 March, 2012.

The school year September, 2011- June, 2012

1. Organisation and Management

The Board of Governors has overall responsibility for the management of Lough View affairs. The full Board of Governors met on 9 occasions during the period which the report covers.

Board of Governors

The Board of Governors for the period this report relates to was as follows;

Type of Governor / Roles/Functions / Term of office
Mrs. M. Irvine / Foundation / 2011-2015
Mr. P.Herink / Foundation / 2010-2014
Mr. B. Brennan / Trust / 2011-2015
Mr. T. Clifford / Trust / 2009-2013
Mr. K. Bingham / Trust / Responsible Officer / 2010-2014
Mrs. H. Fraser / Trust / Chair / 2011-2015
Mr. T. Busby / DE / 2011 -2012
Mr. P. McAllister / DE / 2009-2013
Mr. G. Proctor / DE / Co-opted member / 1/9/11 – 30/6/12
Mrs. G. James / DE / Co-opted member / 1/9/11 – 30/6/12
Mr. I.Brown / Parent / 2008-2012
Mrs. K.Fletcher / Parent / 2010-2014
Mrs. T. Geraghty / Parent / 2010-2014
Mr. A. Webb / Parent / 2011-2015
Mrs. B.Kerr / Teacher / 2010-2014
Mrs. H.Walker / Teacher / 2009-2013

·  Due to ongoing issues within the Department of Education no new DE reps have been ratified. Until this is resolved members will be co-opted by the Board.

·  On the completion of the term of office of parent governors, the school will invite nominations for new parent governors in the autumn term. Elections will take place if required.

2. Responsibilities of Governors

The following areas of responsibility were dealt with by the Governors.


The school’s accounts were approved by the full Board. Baker, Tilly, Mooney Moore - certified accountants were appointed as auditors in line with the Financial and Audit Arrangements for Grant – Maintained Integrated Schools. Appendix A. summarises the school’s annual accounts for the year ended 31 March 2012. The school continues to maintain a healthy financial position.

Admissions and religious balance

School admissions and religious balance for this year were as follows.

Primary 1 / 30 / 30 / 60
Nursery Class / 16 / 10 / 26
YEAR / Protestant / Roman Catholic / Others
Primary 1 / 23 / 24 / 13
Nursery Class / 10 / 11 / 5
Whole school / 219 / 140 / 79

Staffing and Appointments

In order to deliver the curriculum effectively the Board of Governors employ a Principal, 14 class teachers, a full time Special Educational Needs co-ordinator and two learning support teachers, a Nursery teacher and classroom/learning support staff.

There were also several changes within the non teaching staff, with several staff leaving at the end of their contracts, some moving to other jobs within Lough View and one career break.

Summary of Curriculum Policy

The curriculum reflected the aim and objectives of our school and conformed to the statutory requirements of the Education Reform Order (NI) 1989 and the 2007 Education Order.

3. Principal’s Report

Educational Provision

The school year 2011/2012 was another year of growth, development and consolidation for Lough View. Within the context of the School Development Plan, a number of projects were successfully completed.

The following is a brief summary of our achievements;

ü  Literacy – Line of progression in comprehension completed, staff training on developing comprehension skills, new literacy policy.

ü  Numeracy – Scheme of work updated in relation to new lines of development, progression in number and mental maths – staff training

ü  World Around Us – Nature Detectives Club established, School Plant Sale

ü  PDMU – Roots of Empathy Programme introduced into Y5, Buddy Scheme established, School Council elections

ü  Parents and Community – Managing Behaviour Classes, parent ‘focus group’ on homework, After School Clubs – Parent Survey.

ü  Assessment – Piloted new End of Key Stage Assessment

Pupil Achievement

Lough View took part in the ‘shadow year’ trial for the new levels of assessment in Communication (Literacy) and Using Mathematics (Numeracy) during the 2011/12 school year. These new arrangements for assessment become statutory in the 2012/13 school year.

Given that the new levels are more challenging than before, our results will not be directly comparable with previous years and can not be considered against NI averages until all schools have switched to the new system.

Key Stage 1 / Communication / Using Mathematics
Level 1 / 1.72 % / 3.45%
Level 2 / 79.31% / 96.55%

Level 3

/ 18.97%

Key Stage 2

Level 2
Level 3 / 14.29% / 17.86 %
Level 4 / 60.71% / 57.14%
Level 5 / 25.00% / 25.00%

Curriculum Enhancement

Our pupils’ learning experiences were supplemented throughout the year by a number of visits into and out of school. These included visits from Road Safety, Castlereagh Council’s recycling team; and trips to Castle Espie, The Ulster Museum, Titanic Quarter and Newtownbreda Library.

Y6 attended their residential at White Park Bay on the North Coast, while Y7 got into the great outdoors on their residential at Ardnabannon.

PE and games within the curriculum were also enhanced by Skills Programmes run by the Irish Football Association and Castlereagh Council. Thank you to both bodies.

P7 Leavers

Our P7 leavers transferred to the following post primary schools: Lagan College 30, Grosvenor Grammar 7, Our Lady and St. Patrick’s College 2, Wellington College 4, Methodist College 3, Victoria College 4, Strathearn 1, Hunter House 1, RBAI 1, Newtownbreda High School 2, Assumption Grammar 1, Ashfield Boys 1, Knockbreda High 1,

School Carol Service

The school Carol Service took place at Willowfield Parish in December. The service was well attended and enjoyed by all.

Catholic Sacraments

First Communion and First Penance were conducted in St. Anthony’s, Willowfield. Our Y7 children joined those from St. Bernards P.S. to make their confirmation at St. Bernadette’s in Rosetta. All of the services were well supported by parents, friends and family. Many thanks to all of the teachers and other staff who helped organise these important events. Many thanks also to both parishes for hosting the services.


Music has continued to flourish at Lough View with many highlights for the choir and orchestra over the past 12 months. The choir were invited to perform at the Ministry of Justice at Stormont as part of their Christmas celebrations. This was followed in March by a performance at the launch of Integrated Education Week in the Long Gallery in Parliament Buildings.

The choir and some musical soloists also performed for senior citizens at two local churches – Saintfield Road Presbyterian and McQuiston Memorial.

The orchestra which has now grown to include woodwind, played at several school events, the highlight of which was our St. Patrick’s Day concert.

At the end of the year many of our singers and players showcased their talents at Lough View’s Got Talent, which was once again coordinated by Parents’ Council.

As well as introducing woodwind tuition into school, vocal coaching was also very successfully launched.

A number of pupils passed their grades in piano, violin, flute, clarinet and singing.


Lough View believes in promoting a positive working relationship with parents and over the past year efforts were made to continue to develop this important aspect of school life.

Most school events were well supported and many parents assisted with trips or transport to various sporting events. Parents also gave of their time and effort within Parents’ Council and facilitated the events held during the year. One of the highlights of the year was the Table Quiz at the Four Winds which drew a large and very competitive crowd.

Parents also helped organise two important events in the school calendar – the Year 7 Leavers’ Assembly and First Communion Tea.

On behalf of the staff and governors, thank you for your contribution.

Links with other schools/community

·  Autumn Fair event at Botanic Gardens

·  Queen’s University – P7 Link Up

·  Y6 Taster Day at Lagan College

·  Y7 Confirmation with St. Bernard’s PS

·  Y7 attended Lagan school play.

·  Cross country team took part in Athletics N.I. primary schools’ league

·  Football and netball teams played against various local schools.

Extra Curricular Activities and Sports

Our Thursday afternoon clubs programme for Y5-7 operated successfully throughout the year. Activities included soccer, gaelic football, netball, hockey, drama, gymnastics, art and craft. Many thanks to the staff and youth sport coaches who were involved.

Lough View teams also took part in a range of inter school sports throughout the year. The football team competed in the Castlereagh league, while the Netball team played in several ‘friendlies’ and local tournaments. Both teams proved very competitive over the season and while they didn’t pick up any trophies, they did manage to win a number of games. A Year 6 team also took part in an Olympic Handball event at Lough Moss, while a Year 5 team took part in the Sportshall Athletics Challenge at Lough Moss.

We also enjoyed another encouraging year in cross country. Both boys and girls’ teams finished runners up in the Castlereagh Schools Cross Country and the ANI county Down League. Sarah McMahon and Stewart Henderson both were individual medallists in the Castlereagh event.

Cross country has also become a very popular after school club with around 50 KS2 children running on Fridays after school.

Lough View Olympics – To tie in with London 2012 we staged an ambitious Olympic themed sports day in June. As well as competing in a range of enjoyable events, the children also made t shirts, banners and flags for the event. Fortunately we were also blessed with fine weather.

We look forward to high levels of participation and more success and enjoyment in the years to come!

Belfast Sports Awards

Mr. McKnight was the recipient of the Education Award at the 2012 Belfast Sports Awards held at the City Hall. The award recognised the work undertaken at Lough View in raising the profile of sport and in providing our children with enhanced opportunities to get active. Mr. McKnight was nominated by a member of the parent body for the award and was happy to accept it on behalf of all the Lough View teachers who promote and develop sport within our school. Thank you to Mrs. McAskie for the original nomination.

Special Educational Needs

Ninety two children were placed on the SEN register during the school year and thereby accessed a range of additional learning support within school. This included IEPs (Individual Education Plans) and additional teaching either within the classroom or through withdrawal.

A number of children were also referred onto other agencies including the SEELB Educational Psychology Service as the school sought additional guidance and help. Several children received outreach support from SEELB during this period.

Attendance Rates

During the 2011/12 school year the pupil attendance rate was 97%. The staff attendance rate was 98%.

4. Parents’ Council Report

All parents of children attending Lough View IPS are members of the Parents’ Council. The role of the PC includes the promotion of Lough View as an integrated, all-ability school, welcoming new parents, encouraging parental involvement, and organising activities to support and provide resources for the school. The Parents’ Council runs on the principle of collective responsibility, with its direction and activities driven by those who attend meetings.

Our main event of the year was the Christmas Fair, which ran under the very capable hands of Julie Chandler and Deirdre McConvey. The fair is always a very successful fund-raiser, but equally important is its role as a community event, where staff, children, family and friends get together to share fun and excitement. The organisers are very grateful for the tremendous support offered by the teachers, and by the many parents who baked buns, ran the café and stalls, donated prizes for the raffles, organised children’s activities, painted faces, braided hair, made badges, and much, much more.

Last year’s Fair raised just over £2149 for school funds. Thank you!

In March we held a Pub Quiz at the Four Winds, with many thanks to our grand quizmaster Barry Brown (and Diane) for a thoroughly enjoyable night. The event also raised £330.

This year also saw the continuation of our recycling opportunities within the school environment with a clothes recycling bin, a paper recycling system with Bryson House and a uniform recycling programme, which makes second hand uniform available to parents in lieu of a donation to our chosen charity.

In the summer term Lough View’s Got Talent was staged. A bit thank you goes to Deirdre McConvey, for her coordination of the event. Thanks also to The Signature Works for their sponsorship of medals for all of the participants. The show was a big hit and drew a large and enthusiastic crowd!

The other main events of the year were a wine and cheese evening for new Y1 and Nursery parents and the First Communion celebration held at school.

I would like to thank all of those parents, teachers, school staff etc. who have given generously of their time and effort to help out at all of our events, it is always very much appreciate. I would also like to encourage all parents to consider giving even a little time to enable the Parents’ Council to further grow and develop, adding to the rich experience all our children have at Lough View.

Martha Brennan

Chairperson. Parents’ Council

January 2012

(Appendix A)








Staff Costs 1,072753

Other Operating Costs 250,898




Net assets 351,083