TranquilityWildWestTown and Northern Rough Riders
Re-Enactment Group (April 2017)
Membership Application Form:
Northern Rough Ridersaim to become the premiere western re-enactment group in Scotland, with its own western town (Tranquility). We as a group share responsibilities for all construction work of the town, and up keep of the town. We may travel to different venues and aim to compete in western re-enactment contests. As there are different types of re-enactment we will cover both “Hollywood” and “authentic” styles. Northern Rough Riders (NRR) isn’t just twice a year gun fights or round-ups; the Town of Tranquility will be open to members most weekends of the year for purposes of rehearsal, maintenance of buildings & general get-togethers etc
NB.Membership of Tranquility allows you to purchase .22 & .38 blanks at very advantageous club rates, get discounts on western gear & receive a regular newsletter by email to keep you updated.
Here are the club requirements:
- That you have or make an attempt to have western gear within 6 months of joining. Such as hat, boots, waist coat etc. Advice is always available for those who need.
- All new members remain probationers until they have satisfactorily attended at least one Round Up & one other event during their first year’s membership
●That the club year runs from 1st April until 31st March the following year.Annual membership fee: Full Adult £35.00 , Couple £60 Children ( under 16 yrs ) are free but must be accompanied by a parent or other responsible adult who is a member (fees goes towards equipment and upkeep of town + Public Liability Insurance)
●There is a nightly stay over chargeof £2 (except when you are there as part of a work party on construction / maintenance duties when no fee is payable ).Additional charges may be levied from time to time if members desire coal, logs or other fuels for campfires etc
- That once the group/ committee have made a decision on a topic, it is abided by, or member will be thrown out of group without refund (i.e. Membership fee)
- Unless notified differently members upon arrival are expected to change into their western gear so as to maintain the correct atmosphere
- No modern activities are to take place within the town limits without special dispensation
TranquilityWildWestTown and Northern Rough Riders Rules
You must read before signing the application form
- There will be no alcoholic drinks in the town between 8am and 6pm, or at other times specified from time to time by the Council.
- Members of the Town Council Committee are the main people in charge of the running of the town. All members are asked to respect their requests for help with tasks
- All mobile phones etc must be switched off &/or removed from the town during re-enactments, filming etc.
- All guns must remain unloaded at all times out with gun fighting events. Special dispensation will be given for members from time to time for the purpose of test firing etc, but this must be done in a safe area & a clear audible warning must be given prior to the commencement of firing. Never fire a gun in close proximity to another person & in such a manner that the blast from the weapon could cause injury.
- A charge system is in operation, if anyone breaks minor rules then they will be fined £1 by the Marshall or his deputies. Persistent, serious breaches of rules will inevitably lead to expulsion from the group.
- If I cause damage to property or injury to humans or animals(or to myself) where I have no Public Liability Insurance then I agree that the Club will not be held liable & I will take full responsibility for my actions.
- Confirmation of membership will be subject to the applicant providing a satisfactory written character reference.
- Members may not use the name of “Tranquility” or “Northern Rough Riders” for personal gain without the written consent of the Committee.
- The club/group will be non-profit making & all income will be used towards the maintenance & improvement of the town ( this to include purchase & upkeep of equipment, stationary, phone calls etc )
- Expenses arising from the running of the club shall be the joint responsibility of all members
- Proper books & accounts will be held to show all sums paid with all receipts being filed accordingly
Membership Form(use block capitals please)
Full Name ______
Date of birth______
Tel. No. (Home)______
I have read the General Rules applicable to TRANQUILITY WILDWEST TOWN & NORTHERN ROUGH RIDERS Reenactment Groupand agree to abide by them
Please send completed application form together with payment of £35 or £60 in the case of a couple
[Chequesshould be made payable to “Northern Rough Riders”]
C/o Drumblair
AB54 6EE
Also enclose a recent passport-type photo.