

Enrich children's lives; Empower families; Engage our community

Policy Council Meeting Minutes

Date: August 20, 2015

1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

  1. CALL TO ORDER– Bethany Sherrik, Policy Council Vice Chairperson, called the September2015 Policy Council Meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.in Araceli’s absence. She welcomed everyone and introductions were made.

Roll was taken.

Representatives in attendance: Bethany Sherrick,Dawney Simon, Elizabeth Ben Lanes, Laurel Bickers,Martha Dixon, Alejandra Beltrán

Representatives that were missed:Araceli Martinez, Patricia Becerra, Carl Stolt

Alternates in attendance:Mark Marshall

Alternates that were missed:Michelle Morgan, Tanya Bennett, Tina Monaco, Rosanna Chambers

Guests:Lisa Stevens

Staff in attendance: Ashley Williams, Beth Janes, Jennifer Torres, Kelly May, Rosie Flores-Wilfong, Tina Robertson, Tori Prest,Michael Lindsey, Brian Heese

A quorum was met.


The Program Information Report will be presented when CC Analytics returns the data.

The Planning Cycle Calendar is included for your review.


Election of Martha Dixon as the Governing Board Representative in New Business.


*Chairperson’s Report –No report this month.

*Treasurer’s Report – The Parent Activity Fund Report was given by Policy Council Treasurer, Martha Dixon.The Parent Activity Funds will be distributed differently this year.

  1. TREASURER’S REPORT August 7, 2015

Center or Home Base / Opening Balance / Funds Used / Fund Balance
Corning Center / 690.00 / (690.00) / ø
Tehama Centers / 645.00 / (645.00) / ø
West Street / 255.00 / (255.00) / ø
Red Bluff Center / 525.00 / (525.00) / ø
Happy Trails / 615.00 / (615.00) / ø
Maywood / 450.00 / (450.00) / ø
Tadpoles to Toads / 240.00 / (240.00) / ø
Caterpillar / Butterfly / 240.00 / (240.00) / ø
Bright Horizons / 330.00 / (330.00) / ø
Rancho Tehama / 120.00 / (120.00) / ø
Home Base - North County / 532.50 / (532.50) / ø
Home Base - South County / 532.50 / (532.50) / ø
TOTAL / 5,175.00 / (5,175.00) / ø


*Approval of Minutes

Dawney Simonmade a motion to approve the August2015 minutes, Elizabeth BenLanesseconded; motion carried.

*Enrollment/Attendance Report – Jennifer gave the report. She stated that the Early Head Start Program is full and the Head Start Program is taking more time to fill due to the new Transitional Kindergarten laws. Jennifer reviewed the Income Status of Enrolled Participants, the Waitlist by income and age, the average daily attendance for the Early Head Start and the reasons for absence in August. Martha Dixon made a motion to approve the Enrollment/Attendance Report, Laurel Bickers seconded; motion carried.

*CACFP Report –In Paige’s absence Brian explained what the California Adult Child Food Program is and how it works. There were 669 meals and snacks served with reimbursement of $1450.50 in the month of August 2015. Dawney Simon made a motion to approve the CACFP Report, Laurel Bickers seconded; motion carried.

*Chief Fiscal Officer Report – Kellyreviewed the Fiscal Report/Narrative, the Head Start and Early Head Start Statement of Activities, check register, credit card statement, and In-Kind totals. We are 99.41% through the fiscal year and we have 144.29% of the In-Kind goal for the 2014-15 school year. Martha Dixonmade a motion to approve the Chief Fiscal Officer Report, Elizabeth BenLanesseconded; motion carried.

* Martha Dixon expressed a desire to be elected to the Governing Board as a Policy Council Representative. Laurel Bickers made a motion to approve Martha Dixon to the Governing Board, Elizabeth Ben Lanes seconded; motion carried.

*Closed Session Personnel and Legal Matters – Ashely reported that there was 1 resignation, 1 termination of a substitute, and 5 new hires. All approved and seconded by the attending Policy Council members.


Bright Horizons Center – Tina Robertson, the Parent Engagement/Community Outreach Director attended this meeting. The parents held elections for the Local Parent Group Officers, and Policy Council Representative, reviewed the health topics for the month, stressed how important hand washing is and made some awesome play dough. It was a good meeting with a good turnout.

Caterpillar Cottages/Butterfly Bungalow Centers-Mike Lindsey, Parent Engagement Coordinator, shared that five families were represented and that they reviewed the health topics of the month.

Corning Center –Mike Lindsey, Parent Engagement Coordinator, shared that 30 adults attended their Local Parent Group meeting. They played ice breaker games and reviewed the health topics for the month. It was a fun meeting.

Happy Trails Center –Their meeting is to be held next week.

Home Base North –Bethany Sherrick shared that the meeting was in Corning. They reviewed the monthly health topics and held a raffle.

Home Base South –Same as Home Base North.

Maywood Center –Elizabeth Ben Lanes reported that they held elections for their offices of the Local Parent Group, reviewed the monthly health topics and said farewell to Cat Vader, the Site Supervisor, while she is on maternity leave.

Rancho Tehama Center - Nothing to Report.

Red Bluff Center – They will be holding their meeting next week.

Tadpoles to Toads Center –Maria Samaniego reported that they played some ice breaker games and reviewed the monthly health topics.

Tehama Center –The meeting was on Tuesday and they had a good attendance. They held elections and reviewed the monthly health topics.

West Street Center –Ashley McLeod shared that they held elections and reviewed the monthly health topics.


Director’s Report: Brian reviewed his director’s report. He presented the Environmental Health and Safety Federal Monitoring Report. We were found to be noncompliant in three areas. The three areas have been addressed and are now in compliance in accordance with the corrective action plan. He also shared the Notice of Proposed Rule Making (Head Start Performance Standards) and the Comments that NCCDI submitted. Monitoring events to be held this year are Comprehensive Services and School Readiness and Management Systems. The Proposed Rule Making is included with Brian’s written report for your review.

Head Start Director’s Report:Rosie reported that Center Staff have returned to work for the 2015-2016 school year. Site Supervisors, Rachel Gallagher and Trisha Williams are now certified trainers of the CLASS assessment program. She stated Bright Horizons has a new classroom for exceptional needs children. The Rancho Tehama Center is still in the process of finding a building. There are five interns to provide Counseling services for families.

Early Head Start Director’s Report:Tori shared that EHS Staff are back at work and they all went to Corning to participate in the Tailgate Food Giveaway. Both Centers and Home Base are full.

Parent Engagement/Community Outreach Director Report: Tina shared that the Family Services Staff is asking for more training. They are learning the Cal Fresh paperwork process to help our families apply for services. Tina’s written report is included for your review.

Parent/Fatherhood Engagement Manager Report: Mike and Tina are very busy getting acquainted with our families and preparing for the Parent’s Choice Conference. It is requested that those planning to attend the Parents Choice Conference register early. Mikes written report is included for your review.

Human Resources Manager Report:Ashley’s written report is included for your review.

  1. Correspondence-There was no correspondence this month.
  1. ANNOUNCEMENTS –There were no announcements this month.
  1. NEW BUSINESS- No new business this month.
  1. ADJOURNMENT – Bethany Sherrick officially adjourned the meeting at 3:00 p.m.

Submitted by

Beth Janes

Administrative Assistant

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