God’s people want to do God’s will, but do they always accomplish that? Many a medieval soldier of the cross committed atrocities with the battle cry “God wills it!” More than one false teacher has gotten fat on the Social Security checks of lonely, fearful people claiming they are doing God’s will. It is true that such cases are blatant abuses of God’s holy Name for selfish and evil purposes, but they do raise a question. How do we know what God’s will is in our lives and whether we are just doing what we want to do and calling it God’s will?
Such questions can hamstring the conscientious Christian. Is it God’s will for me to relocate my family? Is it God’s will for me to look for another job? Is it God’s will for me to buy a new car? Is it God’s will for me to volunteer my time to this or that organization? Every Christian must guard against the pitfalls of the medieval soldier and the false teacher. They follow their own feelings and claim the Spirit is leading them. We do not live our lives based upon how we feel, but on what the Word of God says. But then again, a person can search high and low in the Holy Scriptures for answers to daily questions and not find a specific answer. Nevertheless, that does not mean God’s will is not clear.
Let’s start with the clear will of God. Easter declares, “God wills it!” This Easter season we can’t miss the clear and redundant will of God in the Holy Scriptures. It was God’s will that the human race be redeemed from sin, death, and Satan. It was God’s will that his own Son walk to Calvary to lay his own holy innocence there on the executioner’s cross. God wanted him to be the perfect Lamb of sacrifice for the sins of the world. It was God’s will that he raise from the dead. It is
God’s will that we believe in him and find our eternal life in Jesus Christ our Savior. Jesus proclaimed God’s will when he said “Go and make disciples” (Matthew 28:19). The Apostle Paul declared God’s will when he wrote under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, “[Jesus] died for all that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again”(2 Corinthians 5:15). Whatever we do, even as mundane as eating or drinking, God’s will is that we do it to his glory.
We know this will of God. This is our Easter joy. Now we can begin to be confident in doing God’s will in our lives. Whenever Easter joy is dominating the heart of God’s children, their will matches the will of God. What we feel then is not subjective and selfish. We are feeling what the Word has taught us. With Easter joy guiding our hearts, anything specific in our lives that God has not spoken directly to, can be judged according to this clear and simple will of God. Ask the question, “How will this decision affect my ability to proclaim the Easter truths of God with my life?” At times there will still be no clear direction. We could to this and give glory to God, or we could do that and give equal glory to God. Then pick a path, go forward with joy and confidence. God will bless it.
Easter shows us God’s direction. He is always going in the direction of saving the world from sin. Therefore a Christian’s entire life no matter how simple or how grand will give glory to God. Easter proclaims it. Easter trumpets the salvation of the world. Easter trumpets our own resurrection and life eternal. This is God’s will for you: Let the Holy Word of God guide your life in Easter Joy. God wills it!
Emma Kressin...3/24/1916...92 yrs. old
Crossroads: Traveling With Our Savior
Service Times: 3:45pm & 7:00 pm
Midweek 5: March 5, 2008
Crossroad 5 -- From Sanhedrin to Pilate
Pastor Charles Raasch
Midweek 6: March 12, 2008
Crossroad 6 -- From Pilate to Herod and Back
Pastor Michael Woldt
March 20, 2008 Maundy Thursday
3:45 pm Service w/Holy Communion
7:00 pm Service w/Holy Communion
March 21, 2008 Good Friday
11:30 am German Service
1:30 pm Service of the Cross
7:00 pm Tenebrae Service
March 22, 2008 Easter Eve Vigil
7:00 pm Service w/Holy Communion
March 23, 2008 EASTER
6:00 am Sunrise Service
7:45 am Festival Service
10:15 am Festival Service
Easter Breakfast will be served from 7:00 am – 10:00 am in the school gym.
PArish Nurse News
Volunteer Opportunities!!!
Out of a response to our Lord’s love for us, we often look for opportunities to serve the body of Christ and others with our time, talents, and treasures. I would like to tell you about two opportunities to do just that!
Most people within our congregation have a strong support network around them. There are occasions, however, when someone is alone and needs help with transportation to a doctors’ appointment or treatment of some kind. Once in a while those people will turn to us for help. I am looking for people who would be willing to put their name on a list for us to call in circumstances like this. When a need arises we could call those on the list to find the help needed. There are those who are already doing this and we appreciate their willingness to give of their time! I have been told that there is joy in serving in this way and it is a great opportunity to get to know one another! Are there others who might be willing to offer their time and energy? If so, please let me or the church office know! My home number is 677-3485.
The second opportunity will be on March 15 from 8am to 1 pm. You guessed it! It’s time for another BLOOD DRIVE!! Lorraine McCauley is coordinating this one and will soon be making phone calls to our usual group of people who donate. If you would like to give this a try please call Lorraine at home at 677-0553. Walk Ins are always welcome!! It does more good than you know!
Why do we bother with this? “We love, because He first loved us.”
God’s Blessings to you,
Sue Bolha RN, Parish Nurse
Pastors’ Report
Pastor Loescher, 677-0919,
Pastor Woldt, 377-1019,
WELS President Schroeder recently reported encouraging trends in support of WELS and its mission. Congregational mission offerings are trending up. The WELS has benefited from special gifts given by donor families who have been financially (and spiritually) blessed. Recent gifts increased the amount of aid available to students at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary. Please keep the WELS in your prayers. Please consider visiting our David’s Star School on Christian Education Sunday (February 24), even if you do not have children at school. Rejoice in the blessings of this ministry. Thank you for your service to the Lord and this congregation. God bless you all this Lenten season.
President’s Report
Randy Matter, 376-1585,
Spring council retreat – Randy is attempting to set up at Heidel’s with a tentative date of April 5.
Steeple cross- Gifts are still coming in. Randy has checked with the contractor recently regarding this project and it appears that the work will be done soon, subject to the weather.
Board for Buildings and Grounds
Kurt Henning, 677-2797,
We are receiving bids on repairing David’s Star Drive up to the Pastors’ driveway. We had originally felt that we could prolong this project until the start of the new building project. With the harsh winter, the road has reached the point of not being able to be repaired. It appears that the road will have to be ground up, and a new road put in to replace it. Any future building project would be required to use the Spring Valley Road entrance. This is a nonbudgeted item, and may need to be addressed at the voter’s meeting.
We are also receiving bids on individual heating and cooling units in each classroom. This could be done in phases with possibly two classrooms per year. This is a budgeted item, and Jeff Wenzel is looking into which rooms should be selected first for an installation of these units.
The gym roof will be replaced during the summer.
Gerry Lahti is heading up a project to install new ballasts throughout the school.
Board for Elementary Education
Patrick Steele, 677-7673,
Tim Gustafson, 338-3992,
A report was given by Tim Gustafson.
At their next meeting, the board will be discussing the long-range plan for the accreditation process, and determining reasonable dates for their completion.
Christian Education Week will have its kickoff on Sunday February 24 with the entire school singing in one of the services. There will be an open house in the school from
11:30AM until 1PM. There are several other activities planned for that week. In addition, on Thursday; fifth through eighth grade volunteers will be out in subdivisions throughout the area distributing flyers promoting our open house, as well as our preschool and kindergarten programs.
There was some discussion about using the YellowBook instead of A T & T for our advertising. This item was referred to the Evangelism Committee.
Board of Elders
Dennis Bell, 677-2248,
The board welcomed two new members, Chuck Gauger and Mel Heckendorf. Mel had served previously on the board. However, this is Chuck’s first opportunity to serve on the board.
Board members have been encouraged to attend the congregational leaders’ planning retreat.
Evangelism Committee
Dave Zarling, 674-1094,
A report was given by Pastor Loescher.
Pastor Loescher and David Zarling have held an initial meeting to discuss the direction that the committee will be taking in the future, and they are both excited about their plans.
Stewardship Committee
Todd Backus, 677-4016,
Funding appeal – the board discussed potential names to lead the funding appeal. Contacts of these people will follow.
Heart N Focus financial course for Christians – Final promotion of the course is being made. In addition, Todd and Pastor Loescher are contacting potential future “teachers” of this program.
Thrivent – Thrivent has some financial seminars for adults and children. The board discussed how we could potentially use these in the future. Pastor will review with Patty Backus for potential Parents Group discussion.
Time and talent sheets – The board reviewed the status of the sheets. Pastor will work with office staff to get them entered into the Shepherd’s Staff software program.
Envelope promotion– Kevin will provide brief summary of “special’ envelope for Wisconsin Synod Committee on Relief for bulletin.
Stewardship communication – Kevin will write newsletter article using Advisers info. Next meeting is March 4th.
Spiritual Growth Committee
Mark Otte, 306-3521,
Professor Pless will begin a Bible Study in the church on Jude, and First and Second Peter.
The “Creating a Youth-full David’s Star” Bible Study will continue for a couple of more weeks in the school gym with teens and adults.
Preliminary plans are being made for next year’s Bible classes. If you have any ideas for speakers or topics, please contact Mark Otte at or 306-3521.
The church library continues to grow with new books.
The congregation is encouraged to check them out in the IMC.
Building Committee Update
Randy Vogel, 677-4745
There was some discussion regarding the video presentation that occurred in church over the weekend. It appears that there has been some positive feedback.
Listening sessions are scheduled for this coming Saturday at 9AM, and again on Sunday at 1:30PM.
Treasurer’s report
Dan Bolha, 677-3485,
The January 31, 2008 ending balance in our operating fund shows a deficit of $114,292. This compares to a deficit of $100,124 as of December 31, 2007 and a deficit of $72,100 on January 31, 2007. Year to date operating fund receipts are $62,208 compared to $56,958 last year and this year’s budget of $64,609. Our Foundation Built on the Rock funding appeal has received year to date revenues of $35,609.
Vice President Report
Jeff Morgan, 377-7532,
No Report
A motion was made and carried to accept all reports except those items that needed separate action under old or new business.
Old Business
Church Picnic – Char Kison is willing to form a committee for this event. One possibility that is being explored is having a Saturday afternoon picnic with a 5PM worship service in the woods thereafter. Beth Klug of the parents group will be contacted to see if there is an interest in working with the other group on this event.
Building fund appeal – This matter has been referred to the Stewardship Committee. The committee is in agreement that a professional fundraiser is required. They are now looking at potential candidates to lead this appeal process.
Consolidating bank accounts – Dan Bolha recommends that we look into rolling some of our smaller bank accounts and CEF certificates into one or several larger accounts. This will simplify the maintenance process for these funds. It was decided that we would bring this item to the quarterly voters meeting to provide full disclosure to the voters regarding this matter. Dan will prepare a detailed recommendation regarding this item.
New Business
Morning Star release of commitment - Morning Star had contacted our congregation regarding the outstanding commitment that David’s Star has to Morning Star. The original committed amount was $700,000, and the outstanding commitment is around $30,000. The voters of Morning Star have decided to release David’s Star of their outstanding commitment effective immediately. Randy Matter is in receipt of a letter from Morning Star outlining their generous offer.
Although David’s Star would like to honor their commitment, in the interest of preserving the spirit of this loving offer, the council has decided to accept this offer. A copy of the letter will be read by Randy or the pastors during this weekend’s church services, and a copy of the letter will be distributed with the next newsletter mailing.