Northeast Zone Meeting Minutes
February 7, 2008
Attendance: Melissa Stockman, Crysti, Connlee, and Mollee Gray, Dale, Jessie, Emma and Connor McLaughlin, Robert and Lea Williams, Al and Jole Birdsell, George and Jole Sue Chick, Michelle, Del and Mason Fitzhugh, Alex and Kristen Bliss, Lisa and Emily Mauro, Austin Coordes, Robin Knutson, Linda Fonville, Terri Lehnertz, Terri and Talon Hutton, Sharon Kelsey and Richard Parnell.
7:00pm Call to Order –Richard Parnell
Reading/Approval of Last Meeting Minutes –Read by Terri Hutton, approved with correction to Amount on Plaques to $26.__
Treasurer’s Report-Given by Michelle Fitzhugh
*No Bills at this time
OPERATION / $1,436.23
HSD TOTAL / $1,436.23
GAMES / $551.82
YOUTH MERIT / $1,404.39
TOTAL / $5,619.93
* 2008 Budget Proposed ~ Motion to accept by
Dale McLaughlin 2nd by Jole Birdsell --approved
Division Reports
a. Horse Show –Jole Birdsell
January meeting was cancelled and rescheduled for Feb 17th @ Crossroads Restaurant. Meeting room reserved
from 1:00-3:00.
b. Games—Melissa Stockman
Next meeting is February 18th @ Argonne Library 6:30. New name for State Finals/Classic show is Washington
State Championship Show (WSCS) which will be held in Moses Lake Aug 22-24.
c. Trails and Pleasure-Jole Sue Chick
No report
Committee Reports
Banquet—Jessie McLaughlin
Currently will still be held at Mirabeau. There is a suggestion to move Banquet from November to January. Need
to have membership input-Suggestion to Email and print in Hoofbeats the proposal. Responses should be given to
Division chairs to bring back to March NEZ meeting. Jessie will look into cost associated with moving from our
current date to January.
Director to State—Lea Williams
*Board meeting was Jan 12, 2008 in Ellensburg.
*WSH would like its members to support the Right to Ride act. This act is the same as Preserve our Equine
Heritage on Public Lands-only a new name.
*WSH State finance report is the State broke even this year.
* Vote was taken on which publication to advertise in.( $50 per month) NW Horse Source was chosen with
recognition that the East side does not get much exposure in that publication. They are willing to drop ship
to us if we request it.
* Submissions to the Canter are due by the 20th of each month to Christine Oliver-Hammond
* There was some discussion on changing the WSH logo but it will remain the same
* Convention is in Richland, WA the weekend of November 14th 2008. 2009 will be in Spokane.
* The Drill Team has been activated by Bonnie Schookman.
* Horse Show Division- mandatory for Leadline to wear a helmet with a harness
* Next board meeting will be April 19th.
Hospitality—Lea Williams
No report at this time
Youth Merit—Jessie McLaughlin
There will be a meeting at Jessie and Dale McLaughlin’s on Sunday February 24th at 3:00.
Old Business ~ None at this time
New Business
a. Upcoming Events
*Games Division Meeting—Feb 18th Argonne Library 6:30
*State Board Meeting—April 19th
*Horse Show Division Meeting—Feb 17th Crossroads 1:00
*Zone Meeting- March 6 Crossroads 7:00
b. Other New Business
*WSH is going to have a Booth at the 4-H Tack Swap March 15th. It will be a double booth.
*FUN DAY—there is no opening at Mission arena in April to be able to have a fun day. Linda Fonville
offered her Arena. Motion to have the Fun Day at Linda’s by Lea Williams, 2nd by Terri Hutton
Passed. Fun Day will be April 26th, $15.00 to ride all events or $3.00 per class. The Committee
will meet to determine which classes will be run and work out details of potluck, liability, vendors
and more ideas. Committee will report at the March NEZ meeting
Announcements/Public Forum—
*Inland Empire Mustang Group has meetings the last Friday of the Month at Crossroads @ 7:00.
*Mustang Days at Mission Arena the 1st weekend of June. Saturday will be open forum-get help day and
Sunday will be a show. Start time is 9:00.
*Backcountry Horsemen is having an Outdoor Show at Lewiston Fair grounds April 11-13.
*Right to Ride dates back to the Wilderness Bills. Forest Service wants to change the right to ride and pack
in. BCH of America has sued where the Forest Service is shutting out those riding in.
Adjournment 7:45
Meeting called to order by Chair Melissa Stockman at 6:35
Officers Present: Melissa Stockman, Chair; Diane Huber, Secretary/Treasurer; Sharon Kelsey, Times Keeper.
Members Present: Jeff Price, Val Johnson, Jeri Thompson, Riley Thompson, Zachary Fox, Tracy Ward, Brenda Dormaier, Marissa Dormaier, MJ Frank, Linda Fonville, Dale, Jessie, Emma and Conner Mclaughlin, Kim Thorpe, Robin Knutson, Richard Parnell, Darrin, Wyatt, and Courtney Stockman, Cheyenne Valderrama, Sabon Johnston, Darrell S.
Minutes and Treasurers report were read and approved as read.
Club Reports:
Valley Renegades: No club officers yet as they have not had their meeting. They will have a cleanup date shortly for the Deardorf arena.
Cowgirl Up: – July show is at Springdale
North Country: – They still need a second arena for their July 19 & 20th, and their Sept.20th & 21st shows. They have also changed their June show to be June 14th & 15th.
NEZ President Update:
We will be having a play day April 26th at Linda Fonville’s arena starting at 10:00. There will be 3 Horseshow events and 3 gaming events. The gaming events will be figure 8, California Stake Race, and Barrels; there could also be some fun play events. Please bring your own lunch and the Zone will furnish drinks and a Costco cake. Cost is $15 per day for an individual, and $35 per day for a family. There is a possibility that Jivin Java would possible bring a food booth.
Sharon Kelsey’s proposal to 11.1 Paragraph 4 adds after 3rd, 4th and 5th. Motion was 2nd by Jessie McLaughlin and motion passed.
Sharon proposed change to 12.2 Delete the 2nd paragraph and add: Notification by phone or email of the audit will go out to any active NEZ rider 2 days prior to the audit stating time and place.
Amendment was added by Linda Fonville to read a minimum of 2 days prior to audit. Dale M. 2nd and motion passed.
Amendment was also added by Dale M. to read NEZ member not NEZ rider. Motion was 2nd by Teri Hutton and passed.
Motion to change 12.2 with amendments passed.
Motion to remove 6.1 made by Jessie McLaughlin was 2nd by Sharon Kelsey and motion passed.
Proposal made by Jessie McLaughlin to Add to Section 6 – That shows held in neighboring zones and located within 150 miles of Spokane may apply for NEZ approval and that times run at said shows will count for NEZ high point awards.
Proposal was amended by Linda Fonville to say within 150 miles of zone borders motion was 2nd by Terri Hutton and passed.
Proposal to add to section 6 was 2nd by Dale McLaughlin and passed as amended.
Proposal by Terri Hutton to delete items in standing rules that are duplicated in the state book was 2nd by Jessie McLaughlin and passed. Jessie and Terri Hutton will be making the corrections.
Valley Renegades had no proposals from the floor.
North Country had no proposals from the floor.
New Business
Debbie Garwood, the tack lady, will be having a sale this weekend, February 23 & 24th in Garwood, ID, her email address is .
Spokane County Tack Swap is March 15th. We have 2 tables this year paid for by WSH. Linda has done a photo collage, and would like other peoples gaming photos as well. WSH will also have a power point presentation. Volunteers are needed to man the booth as well as set up which will start Friday the 14th at 6:00. They will need ladder, tape ect. No staples or tacks are allowed.
It was brought up at the Zone meeting that it might be more economical for us to change our banquet from November to January; this is still being looked into.
2009 Our State Convention will be held in Spokane.
Jack Rich joined his Heavenly Father Wednesday, February 13, 2008. He was born in Kettle Falls, Washington on July 16, 1924 to David and Beatrice Rich. The family moved to Spokane, WA and he attended Sheridan Grade School, Libby Jr. High and graduated from Lewis and Clark High School in 1943. Jack joined the U.S. Navy in 1943 and was sent to Farragut, Idaho for boot camp. He served on the U.S.S. Solace hospital ship in the South Pacific until honorably discharged in 1946. He worked for Kaiser Aluminum, Standard Lumber Company, James J. Williams, Capp Homes, franchise owner of a 7-11 store and Painted Hills Golf Course.
Jack was a member of Redeemer Lutheran Church. He loved to fish, fly airplanes, golf and was a member of the Over the Hill Gang Golf Association at Liberty Lake. For many years he raised and showed horses with his family in both the Northeast Zone and Washington State Horsemen. He also worked on the first Habitat for Humanity house in the Spokane Valley.
Jack was a loving husband of 59 ½ years, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather who always put his family first. He loved to tell stories and had a great sense of humor. He is survived by his wife Beverly; daughter Kathleen (Ken) Stout, daughter Valerie (Keith) Fremlin; grandchildren Jason Stout, Wesley (Tracy) Stout, Kevin Fremlin, Elgin Fremlin, Ursula Fremlin; great-grandchildren Bailey Stout and Madison Stout. He was preceded in death by his parents and sister Ilene McBride.
Memorial Services were held on Saturday, February 23rd, 2008 at 1:30 p.m. at Redeemer Lutheran Church, S. 3606 Schafer Rd., Spokane Valley, Washington. Memorial contributions may be made to Habitat for Humanity.