Office of / : / Addl. Superintending Engineer,Grid Const.Divn., Bathinda, D-312,Gate No.-3, GNDTP Colony. Bathinda.Tender Notice / : / Hiring of one No. 5 Ton L.C.V. Canter with Driverfor Asstt. Executive Engineer, Grid Const. S/D PSPCL, Shri Muktsar Sahibfor Grid Construction works forone year. (Model not older than 2014)
Tender Enquiry No. / : / 02/2016-17
Quantity / : / One No. L.C.V. Canter 5 tonne Capacity with driver.
Cost of Specification / : / Rs.500/- Demand Draft/B.A.-16 receipt in favour of PSPCL Payable at Bathinda.
Last Date & Time for
1. Last date of sale of Tender Document / : / Upto 30.06.2016at 04.00 PM
2. Receipt of Tenders / : / Upto 01.07.2016at 10.00 AM
3. Opening of Tenders / : / 01.07.2016at 11.00 AM
Detail of NIT may beobtained from the office of Addl. SE Grid Const. Divn., Bathinda after paying prescribed fees of Rs. 500/- in the form of BA-16 receipt or Bank Draft in favour of PSPCL.
Grid Const.Divn.,
PSPCL, Bathinda.
General Conditions
- The contractor will depute LCV Canter, Model not earlier than 2014. The vehicle will be used as conveyance by PSPCL, and will be stationed at Shri Muktsar Sahib for journey/travel in the area under AEE/ Grid Const, S/Divn., Shri Muktsar Sahib. In very special case the vehicle will travel in the other areas under Grid Const. Divn. Bathinda .The vehicle will also travel in anywhere in Punjab & Chandigarh for collecting the material and other official works in favour of this office. The vehicle can travel on any or all days of the month.
- Detail of the vehicle provided for hiring i.e. Vehicle No. copy of registration book, copy of insurance, copy of permitare to be provided along with the tender/quotation.
- The contractor is required to submit an Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) equal to 2% of the contract value with minimum of Rs. 5000/- in B.A.-16 receipt or in shape of demand draft in favour of PSPCL PAYABLE AT Bathinda. Tender offers without EMD will not be accepted. The EMD will be released after the completion of three months from the date of award of contract to successful bidder.
- The EMD/Security submitted is liable to be forfeited on the following grounds:
On revocation of tender and/or change in the same without consent of PSPCL.
- In case of withdrawal of vehicle from service of PSPCL, the contractor shall have to inform to PSPCL 30 days in advance otherwise 30 days payment shall be deducted from their bill as penalty. However, the vehicle can be disengaged by PSPCL by serving 30 days notice in advance to the contractor.
- The contract shall be initially for a period of one year, which may be extended on mutual consent at the same rates, terms and conditions.
- All matter relating to transportation, traffic police and local administration will be dealt by the contractor himself at his own cost.
- The undersigned reserve the right to reject any or all the tenders so received without assigning any reason.
- Tender received telegraphically/fax/conditional tender without earnest money shall not be accepted.
- Rates quoted should be ofMonthly fixed charges inclusive of2000KM, above 2000 KM the rates should be quoted on rupees per KM basis and out-station charges (per night halt).
- out-station charges means if the vehicle do not reach at station before 24.00 hrs. (12.00 pm). The night halt charges will start after 00.00 hrs of next day.
- Toll Plaza fee to be paid by PSPCL after submission of receipts in the Bill.
- The valid address proof of the contractor for further correspondence and communication should be attached alongwith the quotations.
The tenders shall be accepted upto 10.00 hrs. on 01.07.2016and shall be opened on the same day in the presence of contractors/bidders or their representative if present, in the office of Additional Superintending Engineer,Grid Const.Division, PSPCL,D-312, Gate no. 3, GNDTP Colony, Bathinda at 11.00 hrs.
Please do not forget to super scribe the envelop(s) with the name of tender and due date of opening of tender.
Grid Const.Divn.,PSPCL
Kothi No.D-312,
GNDTP Colony, Gate No. 3,
Hiring Charges for LCV Canter with driver (Model not older than 2014).
Sr. No.Description of WorkRates/Charges (In Rs.)
a)Monthly Fixed Charges (up to 2000 KM per month)______
b)Per KM. Running Charges (vehicle running beyond 2000 KM per month) ______
c)Out-station Charges (per night halt) ______
The above rates are inclusive of all Taxes.
I have read all the terms and conditions of the quotation & quoted the Rate/Charges asabove in accordance with the stipulated terms and conditions.
Date ______
Signature of the Contractor ______
Place ______
Designation ______
Company Name ______
Company Address ______
Phone ______