Northeast College Preparatory School
A CollegeBoardschool of the RochesterCitySchool District
The Fredrick Douglass Campus
940 Fernwood Park, RochesterNY14609
(585) 324-9273 X 2140
Plan for Success
Resource Goals
- Students will develop skills that support organization.
- Students will develop habits that support their academic success, such as responsibility of staying organized, collecting work when absent, as well as self-advocating for the content area they may experience difficulty.
- Students will receive support such as mini-lessons as well as one-on-one help with which subject areas that prove to be difficult.
Resource Activities/Routines:
- As students enter the room they will complete a journal entry that corresponds with the objective for the day.
- Mini-lesson or One-on-one assistance: Students will receive support in subject areas that they are struggling with at that time. This support may be presented by a lesson of how to work on certain skills or one-on-one time with each student that helps the student and teacher to understand why he/she is struggling.
- Completion of homework.
Course Grades: (Pass or Fail)
- Class work and Participation (60%):
- Class work includes homework from other courses or worksheets that
reinforce the mini-lesson presented that day.
- A student needs to be actively engaged in the mini-lesson presented that
day. Disruptive behaviors will not be tolerated and may have a negative impact.
- Organization (10%): Students will be asked to present their materials needed to be successful in school. Materialsmust be placed in the notebooks, folders or binders of the specific content area. Organization will be checked 1-2 times a week.
- Quizzes (10%): Homework may be assigned 1-2 two times a week. Most homework assigned will be class work that was not finished.
- Test (20%): May be given 2-3 times a marking period.
Resource Expectations: (P.R.I.D.E)
- Students report to class on time and prepared.
- Respect: Treat others as you would want to be treated
(1)Appropriate language (2) Do not engage in verbal or physical abuse (3) Take pride in the school community
- Be invested in your work every day. (1) Prepare mentally for class (2) Positive attitude (3) Take care of school building
- Students must display that he/she are determined to succeed. (1) Engaged in learning (2) Do the right thing (3) Try your best
- Students must expect more of his/her self. (1) Become a positive Role-model (2) Challenge his/her self-daily.
Discipline: If a student exhibits behaviors that do not to adhere to the rules created by Northeast College Preparatory School the following actions will take place.
Negative Consequences:
Step 1: Non-Verbal Warning by Teacher:A look or gesture that behavior is inappropriate.
Step 2: Verbal Warning by Teacher: Student is spoken to about behavior. Minor Incident Report is
completed on behavior.
Step 3: Phone Call Home and MIR Form completed: parents will be made aware of inappropriate behavior
that has been displayed in the classroom
Step 4: Lunch or Before School Detention:Parent is notified about his/her child’s behavior
Step 5: After-School Detention: Students are expected to stay 30- 45 minutes after school.
Step 6: Referral/Administrative Consequence: Student will be removed from the classroom and will meet
with an administrator.