SPOT Messenger Implementation Plan—Example
This is a detailed example of an implementation plan for using the SPOT Messenger as a Satellite Emergency Notification Device (SEND). This is just an example and should be modified to fit individual needs. The implementation of these devices is strictly for safety and communication purposes.
The safety officer, under the direction of the manager, manages the SPOT Messenger program and is responsible for:
· Coordinating with local union officials
· Verifying all field-going employees complete the “Know Your SPOT” training
· Verifying all supervisors of field-going employees complete the “SPOT Lessons Learned” training
· Verifying all employees read and sign the national SEND job hazard analysis (JHA) before using the SPOT Messenger
· Verifying all account managers complete the “SPOT Account Management” training
· Verifying the front desk employee is trained and understands all account modification responsibilities
Distribution and Account Management
Devices are pooled and are checked out from the front desk when an employee leaves to work in the field. When possible, device carriers should give the front desk employee 24-hour notice of intended travel plans. The 24-hour notice allows the front desk employee to plan accordingly. Who (employee name) has which device (electronic serial number) is recorded on the whiteboard behind the front desk upon checkout. All checked-out devices come with a spare set of three AAA lithium batteries.
The front desk employee is responsible for modifying device account information based on the attendance (on any given day) of the response group, employee supervisor, and manager. All employees who work at or cover the front desk will be fully trained in account modification responsibilities. Supervisors and appointed individuals also will have access to device accounts, but will primarily use access for monitoring the location status of the employee carrying the SPOT Messenger.
Device Carriers
Any employee leaving the office for fieldwork is required to carry a SPOT Messenger. Before departing, the employee requesting the device must confirm with the front desk employee that the device has received a System Check that day. A System Check verifies the device is working correctly. It can take up to 20 minutes to complete. Also before departing, the employee requesting the device must have the front desk employee include any allergies or health conditions into the Additional Information section of the SOS configuration section.
We request that all employees enable the Tracking function immediately when departing the office. While this is not required, Tracking cannot be enabled remotely. Because accidents aren’t planned, it is in the best interests of the employee to enable Tracking immediately when departing the office.
Message and Incident Response Plans
Each message function (SOS, Help, Check-in/All OK, and Custom Message) must be defined as to what the message reads, who receives it, and how to respond to both missed scheduled Check-ins and triggered SOS and Help messages. The following indicates what the messages say, who gets them, and how we will respond (or not) to each message type, including missed scheduled messages.
The SOS message reads, “I need help for a life-threatening emergency.” SOS is only used in real life-threatening or serious injury emergencies and should never be used for testing purposes. SOS can be used to assist National Forest visitors who have a life-threatening emergency. The Additional Information section of the SOS configuration has text that reads, “The carrier of this device is an employee of the U.S. Forest Service. Prior to contacting SAR, please contact the device carrier. If the device carrier can’t be reached to verify the SOS, please contact the Primary Emergency Contact as well as the Secondary Emergency Contact.” In the event of an SOS, the primary emergency contact initiates the rescue effort. The primary emergency contact is dispatched. Dispatch has pertinent personal and office contact information for the manager and local Forest Service law enforcement officers (LEOs) and contacts them immediately upon receiving the SOS alert from GEOS. Response command is then passed on to the available LEO. In the event we are unable to promptly respond to an SOS, we will request the assistance of a local search and rescue (SAR) team. The secondary emergency contact is the manager. Because there is only one phone number option in the SOS contact information for each contact (primary and secondary), the manager’s cell phone is used as the primary contact number but his/her office and home phone numbers also are included in the Notes section of the SOS.
The Help message says, “I need help for a non-life-threatening situation. Please send assistance to my location.” Help is used primarily in situations when an employee is stranded or when a vehicle is stuck. This message can be used to assist National Forest visitors. We have a team of six employees who receive Help messages from all SPOT Messengers in our office. These employees are responsible for receiving the Help message and for coordinating the response logistics. The designated individual(s) responding to the incident location brings the following tool kit:
· 4x4 vehicle
· First aid kit
· Spare tire (if the stranded vehicle type is known)
· Car battery charger
· Chain saw
· Winch and cable
· Tire chains (depending on the season)
· Shovel (depending on the season)
· Satellite phone
· Radio
· Water/food
Check-in/All Ok
Employees Check-in when they exit their vehicle at the worksite. They also Check-in when they arrive back at the vehicle. The employee’s supervisor and the front desk employee (who does the initial System Check first thing in the morning and typically is at the front desk computer) receive Check-in messages. If an employee is more than 30 minutes overdue for a Check-in, the supervising or appointed individual checks the track log to verify the employee is moving. If the employee is moving, it usually can be assumed the employee is fine and forgot the scheduled Check-in. If the employee is not moving, the elapsed time before response to a missed Check-in is determined by the employee’s supervisor and manager.
Custom Message
The Custom Message says, “Delayed but everything is OK.” The employee’s supervisor and manager receive this message. This message function is used to give a “heads-up” to supervisors that an employee is behind schedule but everything is OK.