Northallerton Stone Cross 90 minutes - Brompton - Strikes

3.4 miles, up to 6 stiles, mixed pavement, field and verge walking.

See the map on walk 4 life –

For alternative routes, see the map on OS GetAMap -

Unusually for our walks, this route does not end at a cafe or pub, but we do pass a garden centre with a very nice coffee shop. If you want your coffee at the end, you can park in Strikes car park and start the walk from there, or end your walk at the Standard – at the top of the high street, near Homebase and opposite Sainsbury’s.

But, as shown on the map this walk starts from Hambleton Leisure Centre at Stone Cross. Head out towards Brompton Road, and turn left to follow the pavement through to Brompton. Watch out for cyclists along this stage, as the pavement is shared with a cycle path.

Carry on into Brompton, walking up the hill and turning left into Corber Hill - this is the first road on the left at the top of the hill. Halfway down this road, turn right and at the end of the cul-de-sac bear right to find the footpath through to Lodge Lane. Turn left to cross the railway line – you can either use the concrete step stiles either side or simply open the gates and walk through, but please be careful to close them behind you. The railway at this point has good visibility and can be crossed quite safely, but do watch out for trains.

Immediately after the railway there is a bridge over the stream – watch out here, partly because there is no barrier to stop you falling in, but also because you may spot a kingfisher (or at least the flash of bright blue as it flies away).

Having crossed the line follow the track as it bends right and then left to arrive at the farmhouse, go through the gate straight ahead and across the small triangular area through the gate into the field of the far side. Follow the hedge up the side of this field, and go through the gate at the top; there is a stile here, but it is usually easier to open the gate. Follow the edge of the field left and then right down the length of the field. Watch out for a stile on the left to cross over into the next field, then turn right and exit through the gate – if you miss the stile don't worry as there is another stile in the corner which brings you out in the same place. This style is actually on a different footpath and in theory you are breaking the law by going this way – so watch out for farmers.

If you are in a hurry to get back to town, turn left here and follow down the side of the field to find the footpath to the main road, and return to town that way. If you are not in a hurry and want your cup of coffee, look for the stile in the fence opposite and see how long the nettles are beyond. If you are wearing shorts and the nettles are long, turn right and walk round the end of the woods and down the side to the main road, then over the stile back into Strikes car park. If you're feeling brave and want to tackle the nettles, cross the stile and head into Strikes by the public footpath.

Once you have finished your coffee head out of the shop, back to the main road and turn left to head back into town. Follow the grass verge and the pavement all the way to the level crossing, then head across the car park to the left of Homebase, and return to the leisure centre around the side of the playing fields.

There are no shortcuts on this route but there is one interesting extension. This goes through a farm which has what could be called exotic animals – water buffalo can frequently be seen here, and they also have wild pig. Unfortunately while these animals are quite safe to walkers, they do have a habit of destroying stiles and fences, so be warned. Anybody who is wary round large animals need not fear the water buffaloes if they are out – they totally ignore people crossing the fields.

To follow this extension, after crossing the railway at Brompton and before reaching Highfield Farm head into the corner of the field and cross the stile, then cross the next stile into a large field where you head diagonally left to find a stile in the far corner. Cross this into another large field and head downhill to about the middle of the opposite side. Here you will find a barbed wire and electric fence with a stile, and beyond that another stile through the old hedge. Head to the right of the buildings at Greystone Crook where you will find new kissing gate, then follow around to the drive and return to the main road. You can go out to the road and follow this down to strikes, or just before the road you can turn left through the gates and along the footpath, crossing five stiles to arrive at the back of Strikes. This extension adds about half an hour to the walk.

We hope you enjoy your walk and have no problems following these directions. If you do encounter any problems (with the walk or the directions), please let us know and we will correct them, and don't forget to add your comments on the walk 4 life site.

John Brookes

Hambleton Strollers

January 2012