Mrs. Johnson’s Theater Requirements 2016-2017

Supplies: Yourself

Class Rules:

1. Be SWEET, respectful to me, others and all property in my room

2. Be in the room when bell rings. Get to class.

3. Phones in shelf—ALWAYS—I will enforce

4. Keep it clean. The things you say, do and how you treat my room.

5. Water ONLY. School food rules apply.

Grading Policy

6 Weeks Grade:

100%--Students will receive grades for participation and activities.

STUDENTS must perform at least once each semester—meaning: participating on stage in a planned/scheduled performance.

OAP: the production one act play will require the following. Signing below states that you will be willing to put in the time and effort for the play.

1. 4 Sunday practices before play production

2. Memorizing of lines by the date stated—not when actor deems time

3. Participation in play for school, community and performance for competition


· I try to handle things in my classroom or in the area outside of my classroom with private student conferences, different seating, D Hall, or calling parents.

If you have questions, call or contact me at school (558-5311). My conference is 11:25 a.m.-12:10p.m. and 2:44-3:29 p.m.; my e-mail :is I am thrilled to have the opportunity to teach your child and would appreciate any communication to help make his/her experience the best.

-- -- -- -- -- cut and return the bottom—keep the top for your records-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

I have read and understand that the above rules and policies apply to me in Mrs. Johnson’s class for the school year 2016-2017.

Parent signature Student signature

Parent name printed Student name (printed)