North Summit Fire District

Minutes of the regular board meeting

Held on Thursday, August 18, 2016, 7pm

Coalville Fire Station

86 E. Center Street

Roll Call - Dick Butler, Melvin Richins, Arlin Judd, Michelle Adkins, Ken Smith, Marc Giauque, Gale Pace excused

Review, approve minutes of July meeting. Motion to approve minutes by Arlin Judd, 2nd by Dick Butler. Approved.

Operations - Chief Smith. Chief Smith updated the board on the progress of training He said Blue Sky wanted to train with NSFD on fire alarms, sprinkler systems and standpipes. He said they're getting very close to breaking ground on their new hotel. He said the plan is to build an upscale hotel with 280 employees on property with 160 guests. He said they also want to have some people trained who are on staff. And he stated Blue Sky already has a brush truck that could potentially become a fire district resource if both agencies could adopt a memorandum of understanding.

He also briefed the board on the County Council's participation in the fair with NSFD assistance. He said a contractor is working on finishing the concrete work for the temporary station in Tollgate. He also said the new brush truck from the ambulance is almost completed, and they're planning on working on completing work on the 2nd Ranger. He said next week, they'll go pick up another ambulance chassis to make into another brush truck. He also said the district bought back a truck from the Tollgate home owner's association for utility and response use while other vehicles are out of service.

Chief Smith said wildland weather is fairly normal for this time of year so the potential for fire is still strong. He said there are still about 4 weeks left of fairly high fire danger potential.

He said a grant for money to install an exhaust extraction system in the fire station was turned down.

Chief Smith also showed the board the proposed purchasing plan in which any purchase over 10,000 would require board approval, and he showed them a policy on how policies will be adopted related to operational guidelines and to procedural items related to the district.

Financial report - Mark Robertson - Michelle Adkins asked about a purchase on eBay for $800. Chief Smith said it was for the purchase of two AEDs. Arlin Judd asked if everyone is now receiving direct deposit. Mark said they are. He also asked if there was a grand total on the sewer repair. He stated it was roughly $8000. Motion to approve the financial report by Arlin Judd, 2nd by Michelle Adkins, motion passed.

Discussion and possible action, purchase policy - The board discussed the policy that states that purchases between $5,000 and $10,000 should have approval of two of the chief officers. The board asked to amend that to three of the chief officers. Motion made to approve the policy as amended by Dick Butler, 2nd by Arlin Judd. Motion passed.

The board also tabled the SOG for policies and guidelines until the September meeting so it can be posted on the agenda.

Other business: Michelle Adkins said she won't be at the board meeting in Septmber.

Motion to adjourn made by Arlin Judd, 2nd by Dick Butler. Motion passed.