
Title: / ABSIA & ATO PLS transition roundtable discussion
Issue date: / 15 December 2017
Venue: / WebEx | Join the meeting
Meeting number: 578 482 827
Meeting password: PLSTR_123!
Telepresence |
·  Brisbane (55 Elizabeth St) – L14.06
·  Chermside (10 Banfield St) – L1.709
·  Melbourne Docklands (747 Collins St) – L15.706
·  Perth (45 Francis St) – G.709
·  Sydney Latitude East (52 Goulburn St) – L12.727
Please email if you wish to visit an ATO office.
Audio conference | 1800 888 453 then 578 482 827#
Event date: / 19 December 2017 / Start: 1:00pm AEDT / Finish: 2:30pm
Chair: / Martin Mane / Facilitator: / N/A
Contact / Scott Rumford / Contact phone: / (02) 4923 1201
names/section / ATO – Alex Barnes, Allison Makin, Andrew Craig, Andrew Watson, Anne Soe, Belinda Sheehan, Brendan Woolcock, Catherine Pantano, Chanara Fraser, Christopher Jawnik, Christopher Nusser, Clinton Jones, Craig Woodburn, Danielle Welsh, David Baker, Deanne McPaul, Doipayon Halder, Gary Baxter, Iain Lang, Joe Maxymenko, Lisa Masin, Luke Beaman, Martin Mane, Melissa Marks, Michael Job, Nimali Abeygunasekara, Scott Rumford, Sharna Maltman, Shiran Rajakaruna, Timothy de Haan, Timothy Stimson.
Industry – Jason Zammit, Shane Paxton (CCH), Mike Denniss (Class Super), Kent Griffin (Etax), Takuma Ueda (GBST), David Cherny, Nathan Kerr (Host One), Mike Behling (MYOB), David Field (Ozedi), Kevin Johnson (Reckon), Darin Carter, Michael Wright (Sage), Geoff Schaller (Software Objectives), Richard Puffe (Thomson Reuters), Andrew Sprankling, Anthony Migliardi, Kelvin Newton (Xero).
name/section / ATO – Carolyn Howden, Gary Warne, Michael Ferris.
Industry – Rodney Fletcher (Host One).
Item / Time / Topic / Presented by /
1. / 1:00pm / Welcome and introduction / Scott Rumford
2. / 1:05pm / Previous key messages and action items / Martin Mane
3. / 1:10pm / Proposed ELS closure dates for minor forms, schedules and reports / Andrew Watson
4. / 1:40pm / PLS dashboard for agents / Andrew Watson/
David Baker
5. / 1:50pm / Tax Time 2018 PLS release on a page / Clinton Jones
6. / 2:00pm / Focus group updates
·  Transactions involving cancelled ABNs
·  Generic error messaging and ATO business processes during an incident / Craig Woodburn
7. / 2:10pm / Tax agent communication / Michael Job
8. / 2:15pm / Platform update / Belinda Sheehan/
Craig Woodburn
9. / 2:20pm / DSP feedback and readiness / Industry
10.  / 2:25pm / Close / Martin Mane

More information is available at https://softwaredevelopers.ato.gov.au/PLSWG.