North Summit Fire District

Board meeting minutes

Held on Thursday, June 8, 2017, 7pm

Coalville fire station

86 E. Center Street

Coalville Utah, 84017

Roll Call - Michelle Adkins, Melvin Richins, Dick Butler, John Meek, Arlin Judd, Chief Ken Smith, Captain Mark Robertson, BC Marc Giauque

Training - The Chief discussed fire codes, history and why departments became involved in building code and fire code enforcement. He also mentioned his desire to have the County pick up more a share of the responsibility.

Fire code - The discussion in training led to a further discussion on fire codes, and how the District can work with the county. Arlin Judd stated a need from the county for a clear definition of what fire departments can do and are obligated to do. Chief Smith also stated his belief that fees for inspections should be charged, especially for large commercial developments which use a lot of resources. John Meek stated he is concerned that the district would charge fees for residential inspections, when the County is doing basically the same thing already.

Tollgate land - Arlin Judd had to excuse himself from the meeting, but had some questions previously over the final cost for the temporary station, and its application toward a lease on the land. He wanted to make sure those expenses became part of the lease deal.

Review/approve minutes from June - Last paragraph, "elt" should be changed to felt. Next line should read "table the motion." Also the 2nd sentence should read "Notes were approved as amended." Motion to approve the notes as amended by Dick Butler, 2nd by John Meek. Motion passed.

Operations report - Chief Smith stated there were 58 runs in May. He expects them to increase as the summer progresses. He stated that adding the on-call firefighter shift is now active with an Officer of the Day and an on-call person 24 hours/day. He stated the community has given a positive response overall. He mentioned that EMS will begin staffing the station on weekends 12 hours/day at the end of the month. Chief Smith also spoke about possible needs at the Henefer station and at the Wanship station. As for the Coalville station, he said they may put a carport on the east side of the building to help with water flow, storage and other issues. He also mentioned the district still was going to sell the 105 foot ladder truck and the truck that's currently being used for hazmat to add some money to the capitol fund for those projects. Chief Smith also addressed the Tollgate station, saying once the lease gets signed, they want to do some kind of Community gathering in order to show plans for the station, etc.

Financial report - Mark Robertson presented the board with the financial report for the month. The board had some specific questions about some expenses, including upholstery for two seats for the ladder truck. Melvin Richins asked about the Rocky Mountain Power bill. He wondered if it would be wise to install solar panels on the roof of the Coalville station. The chief mentioned there are plans in the design for the Tollgate station for solar and thermal panels and for other devices. John Meek made a motion to accept the financial report for May, 2nd by Michelle Adkins. Motion passed.

Discussion of fees - Melvin Richins proposed the discussion be tabled until the full board can be there and until someone from the County can answer some specific questions. Dick Butler said he is not in favor of some of the fees, but that there needs to be a fee if the District has a legal obligation to sign off on some documents that would incur some liability. In general they spoke about the fees and fee schedule being open to discussion. Dick Butler made a motion to table the issue until July. 2nd by John Meek. motion passed.

Other business - Melvin Richins asked the Chief about the fire department and how it works with the County Fire Warden. He was concerned about the fire warden driving rapidly up his road for a reported fire. He wondered where the district units were. The chief explained that there were district firefighters out, but they may have been checking another location. Melvin mentioned that he was responding in his personal vehicle. The board discussed how to address complaints. Melvin Richins also asked what constitutes a legal versus an illegal outdoor burn - such as BBQ grills versus debris burn. The chief stated recreational fires are legal right now. They will stay in place unless states, counties or municipalities enact bans.

John Meek made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Dick Butler. Motion passed