Purim Carnival

Purim, Pump it Up, Pizzaand Megillah Reading at Anshe Emeth

Sunday, March 12

Celebration begins at 10:00 am

Below you will find information about the Purim celebrationpre-sales, sponsorships more!
The money raised at theeventhelps to offset youth program costs for families, such as social trips and mitzvah opportunities. With your support, we can continue to empower and engage our children and teens with unique, life-changing Jewish experiences.

Sponsorships-Please consider being a sponsor!
Choose the category you wish to sponsor from the list below. A sign with your name/company name will be displayed at the Celebration and in the Bulletin! Each sponsorship level includes wristbands and/or dinner.
Please check the appropriate line:
“Big Megillah” Sponsor (Includes: 2 all-inclusive wristbands*) $100.00
“Uncle Mordecai” Sponsor (includes: lunch ticket*) $54.00
“Masked Giver” (any amount to help defray cost of the carnival) ____
Pre-Order Information
Pre-sale- $20 ($8 savings)-All Inclusive Carnival Band(Inflatables, Arts and Crafts, Lunch, and a Snack)
Day Of Carnival-$20- All Inclusive Carnival Band(Inflatables, Arts & Crafts, & a Snack- does NOT include lunch)
Lunch- A slice of pizza, chips or fruit, water or soda
Snack- Cotton candy or a snow cone
Additional lunchTickets
Pre-Sale- $5
Day of Carnival- $8

Questions? Contact David at 732-545-6484

Please make all checks payable to AEMT Youth (memo: Purim Carnival) and send to AEMT by March 6th.

Name ______Phone # ______Email ______

Please fill out all that apply:

Sponsorships Sponsorship Total $ ______

Please circle one

Big Megillah Shushan Uncle Mordecai Masked Giver (Amount: ___)

Sponsorship Sign Text: ______

Wristband and Dinner Tickets

Total # of All Inclusive Carnival Band(s) ______Wristband Total$ ______

Total # of Dinner Tickets ______Dinner Ticket Total$______

Total Payment $______

All pre-orders can be picked up at our check-in table on the day ofthe Celebration.