Odessa College Education Plan

Associate in Applied Science

Cosmetology (Instructor)

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Student Id # / Phone #
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Odessa College Catalog / (Year/Page) / / / Email:
TASP/Texas Success Initiative Status
Students are encouraged to begin with the Level I Certificate
This degree plan does not guarantee acceptance into the Cosmetology Program. For admission requirements, students are referred to the College Catalog and advised to Schedule an interview with the Program chair. Additional enrollment information may be found on the Program website at http://www.odessa.edu/dept/cosmetology/enrollment_information.htm
LEVEL I - Students enrolled Level I Certificate programs are TSI Waived (college entrance exams are NOT required)
Date Completed / Grade / Date Completed / Grade
CSME 1534
Cosmetology Instructor I / CSME 2515
Cosmetology Instructor III
CSME 1535
Orientation to the Instruction of Cosmetology / CSME 2544
Cosmetology Instructor IV
CSME 2514
Cosmetology Instructor II / CSME 2545
Instruction Theory and Clinic Operation
A total of 30 semester hours and a minimum grade point average of 2.0 are required for a Level I certificate.
AAS Degree - The 30 semester hours specified in Level I Certificate AND
Date Completed / Grade / Date Completed / Grade
ACNT 1403
Introduction to Accounting I / *HRPO 1311
Human Relations
BUSI 2301
Business Law / Marketing/Management
Select OneMRKG 1311 - Principles of MarketingBUSG 2309 - Small Business Management
English 1301
Composition I / MATH 1333
Contemporary Mathematics II
Select OneSPCH 1318 - Interpersonal CommunicationSPCH 1321 - Business & Professional Communication / Social/Behavioral Sciences
Select OneAGRI 2317 – Introduction to Agriculture EconomicsCOMM 1307 - Introduction to Mass CommunicationsECON 2301 - Principles of Economics I (Macro)ECON 2302 - Principles of Economics II (Micro)ECON 2311 - Economic GeographyGEOG 1301 - Physical GeographyGEOG 1302 - Cultural GeographyGEOG 1303 - World Regional GeographyGEOG 2312 - Economic GeographyPSYC 2301 - Introduction to PsychologyPSYC 2306 - Human SexualityPSYC 2308 - Child PsychologyPSYC 2314 - Lifespan Growth & DevelopmentPSYC 2319 Social PsychologySOCI 1301 - Principles of SociologySOCI 1306 - Social ProblemsSOCI 2301 - Marriage and the FamilySOCI 2306 - Human SexualitySOCI 2326 - Social PsychologySOCI 2336 - CriminologySOCI 2340 - Drug Use and Abuse
Language, Philosophy, & Culture
Select OneCOMM 2300 - Media LiteracyENGL 2321 - British LiteratureENGL 2322 - British Literature IENGL 2323 - British Literature IIENGL 2326 - American LiteratureENGL 2327 - American Literature IENGL 2328 - American Literature IIENGL 2331 - World LiteratureENGL 2341 - Forms of LiteratureENGL 2351 - Mexican-American LiteratureHIST 2311 - Western Civilizations IHIST 2312 - Western Civilizations IIHIST 2321 - World Civilizations IHIST 2322 - World Civilizations II OR Select OneHUMA 1301 - Introduction to Humanities IHUMA 1302 - Introduction to Humanities IIHUMA 1305 - Intro to Mexican-American StudiesHUMA 2319 - American Minority StudiesHUMA 2323 - World CulturesPHIL 1301 - Introduction to PhilosophyPHIL 1304 - Introduction to World ReligionsPHIL 2303 - Introduction to LogicPHIL 2306 - Introduction to EthicsSPAN 2311 - Intermediate Spanish ISPAN 2312 - Intermediate Spanish IISPAN 2313 - Spanish for Native Speakers ISPAN 2315 - Spanish for Native Speakers IISPAN 1411 - Beginning Spanish ISPAN 1412 - Beginning Spanish II
OR Creative Arts
Select OneARTS 1301 - Art AppreciationARTS 1303 - Art History IARTS 1304 - Art History IIENGL: 2307 - Creative Writing IMUSI 1301 - Fundamentals of Music IMUSI 1306 - Music AppreciationMUSI 1308 - Music Literature I / KINE 1166
First Aid
ITSC 1191
Special Topics in Computer
The AAS Cosmetology (Instructor) Degree At Odessa College Requires 60 Semester Credit Hours As Outlined On This Degree Plan

Revised: Effective Fall 2014/August 2014