North Ridge Physical Education Information
Welcome to the Physical Education Department of NorthRidgeMiddle School. Teachers will provide meaningful activities to help students grow physically, mentally, and socially.
Our program will provide the students with various activity units throughout the year. The students will be exposed to traditional and non-traditional individual and team sports. Life long and fitness activities will also be included in the program.
Your grade in physical education will be determined based on the following formula:
50% will be based on your ability to suit up correctly and participate in a
cooperative manner, weekly quizzes, projects, etc.
50% will be composed of your test average. We have four running tests per
six weeks that are designated running test days each test being worth a 100.
** If a student cannot take a test due to a Dr. note, they will write a paper either 1 pg typed or 2 pg written.
The following uniform is required: All P.E. students must purchase a North Ridge Middle School P.E. Uniform (grey shirt and black shorts with last name on both shirt and shorts).
Sweat suits of any color are acceptable for inclement weather.
For all PE clothes, please iron on or print your students name on the back of the shirt. Also, place your students initials on the left leg on the shorts and their name in the waistband of the shorts. Students are required to wear some type of court shoe and socks in order to participate. No cleats or hiking shoes please.
If a student loses their uniform they may bring alternate clothing until another uniform can be purchased.
No student will be issued a locker until they have their lock for their locker.
*I am to be suited and in the gym for roll call 10 minutes after the first bell.
*If I am sick, but well enough to be at school, I will suit out but I am not expected to participate if I have a note from home with my parents signature and home and work number on it.
*Students will suit out even with a parent or doctor note minus extenuation circumstances (ie. broken bones).
*Students not suited up will not participate.
*I understand that if I abuse equipment or am destructive in class areas, I am liable for damages in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.
**********Uniforms are to be taken home every Friday to be washed!!!**********
The following rules will be used in all Physical Education classes:
- Enter and leave the gym and locker room in an orderly manner.
- Respect the rights and property of others.
- Actively participate in all activities.
- Listen to and follow directions quickly.
- Do not pick up or use equipment until told to do so.
- Absolutely no horseplay in the gym or locker room.
The following sequence of consequences will be followed when a student exhibits inappropriate behavior:
- Student receives a verbal warning
- Isolation
- Written assignment/ or D-hall
- Student will be sent to the office
Should a student disrupt class, he or she will be sent directly to the office.
Students that are excused from physical education class for health reasons should bring a note with them from home to class. A note from a physician will be needed should a student need to be excused for mote than 3 consecutive days. If your child has a specific condition of illness that influences his/her ability to participate, please describe the problem on this form and return it to the teacher.
Student signatureParent signature
Class period Teacher Date
During the school year we will be using the FitnessCenter. Please check one of the choices below.
______My child will be able to use the FitnessCenter.
______My child will not be able to use the FitnessCenter. (Please explain.)
Parent Signature