North Juniors Volleyball



Thename ofthis association is theNorth Juniors Volleyball Association,ishereinafterreferred toasNJVAortheAssociation.


TheAssociation is a not-for-profitorganizationestablished to fosterthegirls’ volleyballprogram in the area of Independent School District 622, which is within the boundaries ofNorth St. Paul High School. This includes the communities of North St. Paul,Maplewood,Lake ElmoandOakdale.TheAssociation existsto fulfill thegirls’volleyballneeds of thecommunityand is the primaryadvocate ofthe Junior program.

TheAssociation supportsgoodsportsmanship andthe sound developmentofvolleyballfundamentals within thecommunityto ensure thatthe girlsparticipatinginthe programwill have apositive andrewardingexperience thatwill maximize personal and teamgrowth. The Associationrequires qualitycoachingand provides anatmosphereforlearningvolleyball skills forboth coaches and players.TheAssociation sponsorsmembership in appropriateleagues to encouragequalitycompetition.



North CountryRegion(NCR) StatesVolleyballAssociation(USVBA)


Section 1: Eligibility

A.Anygirl who lives in orattends school within the North St. Paul High SchoolBoundaries,District622 that meets NCR qualificationsto play18U orother ageclassificationsis eligibleto play.

B.Players outsideofthese perimetersmayparticipate, however, priorityplacementon teams is given to anygirl, ninth gradeor higher, in currentattendance atNorthHigh.

Section 2: Registration

A.Participants must registerpriorto the start of eachseason duringthe publisheddates asestablished bytheNJVA Board.

B.No lateregistrations willbe acceptedaftertryoutswith the exceptiongiventonewresidents movinginto the area or asapprovedbytheExecutiveBoardofDirectors.

C.Anyperson whoregistersunderanassumed name, or givesanincorrectagewillbecomeineligible and will be suspended fortheremainder ofthecurrent sport’splayingseason.

Section 3: Fees

A.Feeswill be established annuallyfor eachparticipantbytheExecutiveBoard ofDirectorsandhalf oftotal fee isto be paidprior totryouts. Players not makingateam will be refunded.

B.Feescover the costs of participation includingbutnot limited to league fees,tournamentand /or entryfees,tryouts,coaches, uniforms, equipment*,gymrentalandmaintenance.

C.NoRefunds are allowedonce the teams havebeenestablished.Refunds will bemadeONLY to players not placed on ateam.

* Some personal equipment will need to be purchasedbyeach player

Section 4: AgeQualifications

A.Teamsmaybeestablished inup to eight(8)age classifications:11U,12U,13U,14U,15U,16U, 17U and18U.The numberofteams will be based on the numberof participants who haveregistered.

B.Theageclassifications are:

  • 11 &Under: Players are 11 oryoungerasofSeptember 1st of currentyear.
  • 12 &Under: Players are 12oryoungeras ofSeptember 1stof currentyear.
  • 13 &Under: Players are 13oryoungeras of September 1stof currentyear.
  • 14 &Under: Players are 14 oryoungerasof September 1stof currentyear.
  • 15 &Under: Players are 15oryoungeras of September 1stof currentyear.
  • 16 &Under: Players are 16oryoungeras of September 1stof currentyear.
  • 17 &Under: Players are 17 oryoungerasofSeptember 1stof currentyear.
  • 18 &Under: Players are 18 oryoungerasofSeptember 1stof currentyear.

C.A player of ayounger age classificationmayplayin an olderclassification but theplayer of an olderclassificationmaynot playin ayoungerclassificationasperNCR rules.

Section 5: Team Selection

C.Therewill beno morethan 10 playersplaced onateamunlessapprovedbytheCoachingDirector.

D.Participants will be placed on a team accordingtotheir ability.

E.Anyplayer whosecontinued participation is deemeddetrimental to the welfareofthe Association mayberemoved from the team uponamajorityvote of theNJVBBoard.

F.All potentialplayers must participate in the tryoutprocess to be selected foraposition on a team. Approved exceptionswill ONLY begrantedbythe CoachingDirector if notification is madePRIOR to the scheduled tryout date.

Section 6: Coaches

A.TheCoachingDirectorwill appointallheadcoaches. Ifthere aremultiplecandidates atanage level, the candidates will be interviewedand the best possiblepersonshall be named head coach. Coacheswill be selectedbased onexperience,knowledge of the game,pastinvolvement and positive attitude. Care will betaken to ensure that there is no conflict of interestduringthecoach’sselectionfora particularagegroup.

B.All coachesor coaching candidates are expected to attendtryouts to familiarizethemselveswith the players.

C.CoachingDirectorwill choose the assistant coaches foreach team.

D.NJVA Board will beresponsible to makesureeach team has ateam parentrepresentative. This person hasvarious responsibilities suchas:coordinatingteamoutings, developing a team contact sheet,attendingboard meetings,etc.

E.All coaches will beaskedto gothroughanappropriate backgroundcheck. NorthCountryRegion will performbackgroundchecks.

F.All coachesarerequiredto maintainappropriatecertifications.

G.Anycoachwhosecontinued participation is deemeddetrimental to the welfareofthe Association mayberemoved from the team upon amajorityvote of theNJVABoard.

H.Ifno coach is availableforagiventeam, theCoachingDirector willappoint/recruitcoachesas appropriate.

I.IftheCoachingDirectoris unsuccessful in appointing/recruiting a headcoach, theNJVA Boardwilltakeappropriateaction (disbandteam,etc).



Section 1: Participation

A.Thepurposeof theNJVA Board ofDirectors is togovern thepoliciesandprocedures as established in the Bylaws for theNorth Juniors VolleyballAssociation.

B.All changes withinNJVA must have the approval of asimple majorityof theBoard.

Section 2: Composition

A.TheBoard shall consist of an odd numberof votingpositions.

B.The Board will hire and pay a Coaching Director who will make decisions related to coaching and player evaluation.

C.These Board positionswill be unpaid and elected

  • Director
  • AssistantDirector
  • Communications Manager
  • Facilities Manager
  • Equipment & Apparel Manager
  • Concessions Manager

Section 3: Duties

A.Duties ofthe North Juniors VolleyballAssociationBoardareas listed below:

DIRECTOR, Todd Brown

Oversees the entire NJVA volleyballprogram and is responsiblefor itsmanagement.

Calls andconductsregular NJVBBoardmeetings.

Ensurespublicationspertainingto the clubare distributed asneeded.

Liaisonbetween NJVA and its affiliates

Ensures that communication on NJVA websiteis correct and accurate.


Assists Director in fulfillment of duties.


Summarizesfinancialreport to Board monthlyduringthe JO season.

Liaison with bank regardingall NJVAaccounts and balances



Conductsselectionandmanagement ofcoaches.

Responsibleforco-management of North Juniors Tournament.

Work with Director as liaison betweenNJVA andaffiliates

ReportLeagueactivities to NJVA membersat regularmeetings

Responsiblefor organization of tryout activities andevaluations


Preparesanddistributes monthlymeetingagendas and minutes.

Maintains playerand parent information/rosters and distributes toBoard,coaches, and teamrepresentatives.

Publishes tournamentinformationandresults.

Supports communications between NJVA & NJVA families with emails and website updates

Responsibleforgeneralwebpage updates.


Responsiblefor scheduling gyms forpractices and tournaments.

Liaison with CoachingDirector in theevent of cancellations.


Liaison with theCityof North St. Paul, MaplewoodRecreationDepartment, and CommunityEducation.

Attend CommunityEducation meetings (twiceyearly).


Purchases, issues, andcollectsequipment, uniforms and supplies.

Responsiblefor repair,maintenance,and storageof equipment.

Track team jerseynumbers and maintain recordsofuniformdistribution.

CONCESSIONSMANAGER, Shannon Weinmann, Ron & Pam Empting

Responsible for co-management of North Juniors Tournament.


Order, pick-up, andstock concessionsupplies.

Responsiblefor management ofNJVA tournamentconcessionsandgate.

Manages andoversees monies fromconcessionsand gate.

Submit receipts and tournamentproceeds to Assistant Directoraftereachtournament.

Section 4:Indemnification

To the full extent permittedbyanyapplicablelaw,this corporationshall indemnifyeach person made orthreatened to be madeapartyto anythreatened, pendingorcompletedcivil, criminal, administrative, arbitration, or investigative proceeding,includingaproceedingbyorin theright of this corporation,byreason of the formeror present capacityof the personas;

(a)) adirector,officer,employee or member ofcommitteeof this corporationor,

(b)a director,officer,partner,trustee,employee oragent of anotherorganization oremployee benefit plan, who while adirector,officer oremployee of thiscorporation, is or was servingthe otherorganization or employee benefit plan atthe request of this corporation orwhoseduties asa director,officer or employeeofthis corporation involveor involvedsuch serviceto theotherorganization oremployee benefit plan,againstjudgments, penalties, fines(including, withoutlimitation, excise taxes assessedagainst the person with respect to anemployeebenefitplan), settlements, andreasonableattorneys'fees anddisbursements,incurredbythe person inconnection with the proceeding.

Indemnificationprovided bythis sectionshall continue as to a personwho has ceasedto be adirector,officer,employee orcommitteemember, shall inureto thebenefit of

theheirs,executorsandadministrators ofsuchperson andshall applywhether ornotthe claimagainst suchperson arises out of mattersoccurringbeforethe adoption ofthis section. Anyindemnification realized otherthan under this section shall applyasa credit against anyindemnificationprovidedbythis section.

This corporationmay,tothe full extent permittedbyapplicablelawfrom timeto timein effect,purchase and maintain insurance on behalf ofanypersonwho is or was adirector,officer,employee or amember ofacommitteeof this corporationagainstanyliabilityasserted against suchpersonand incurred bysuchperson in anysuchcapacity.

Section 5: MembershipTerms

  1. The Coaching Director is hired annually by approval of the board.
  2. Board members are elected to two-year terms with elections in May.

Section 6: Eligibility

  1. An eligible NJVABoardmember is someone whohas a desire to promote andgrow the North volleyball program. It is the intent of the NJVA VolleyballBoardto denyanypersonwhohasbeen convicted of acrimeof violence,a crimeagainsta person, or crimes involvingthe possession orsaleof illegalsubstancesfromservingon theNJVA Board.
  2. The role of Coaching Director will be filled by a qualified and experienced coach. Preference will be given to non-parents to avoid potential conflicts of interest.

Section 7: Elections

A. Candidates forthe NJVABoardposition are nominatedprior to the electionsatthe AprilAssociationmeeting.Board Members are electedbyamajorityvote ofthe generalmembershipduringtheMaymeeting.

Section 8: Resignations and Board Removals

A.In thecaseof resignation ofoneof theNJVABoard positions, the remainingBoard members shall elect, bymajority, apersonto fill the position fortheremainder of thatterm.

B.All personsinterested infillinga vacantBoard position willmeet with thecomplete NJVA Board priorto selectionand appointment to the Board ofDirectors.

C.AnyNJVABoardmemberwhosecontinuedservice is deemeddetrimentalto thewelfare of theAssociation maybe removed uponmajorityvote ofthe Board.

Section 9: Meetings

A.TheBoardwillmeet monthly.Meetings will requireamajorityortwo-thirds ofthe NJVA Board to officiallyconduct business.

B.An agendawill be established foreachmeeting. All items to be included on theagendaareto be submitted to theCommunications Manageron (1)week priorto the meeting.Theagenda should includeareviewof theminutes from the previousmeeting,presentation of a currentfinancial report, reports from NVJA Boardmembers,andold and new business.

C.All actionscarried out bythe NJVA Boardwill beagreed upon byamajorityvoteofthose present.

D.Specialmeetingsmaybe calledasneeded. Thepurposeofthe meetingshall be stated in the call. A notice of themeetingwill begiven toeach member at least 3 dayspriorto suchmeetings.

E.NJVA Board businessmaybeconducted viae-mail. In the event of this,Boardmembershaveamaximum of 24-hours to acknowledgereceipt of e-mail. Amotion to approve can besubmitted onlywhen either allmembers haveacknowledgedreceipt ofe-mail or the24-hour time periodhasexpired(whichevercomesfirst).


TheNorth St. Paul HighSchoolVolleyball Coachingstaffmaybeconsidered advisors tothe Association.Theresponsibilityof the advisors shall be to assureconsistencybetweenthe goals of theAssociation and that oftheVarsityprogram. Advisors willbelookedupon to help with suchthings as tryouts, off-season trainingandcoaches/playersclinics.

Preferred prioritywill begiven to North High SchoolVolleyball staff whenconsideringcandidates for theposition ofCoachingDirector.


While NJVAworks diligentlyto address issues before theybecome problems, werecognize that parents need to know how to proceed should theywish to seek resolutionto an unresolved problem. Ifthereisa complaint,the followingsteps maybe taken:

A.Whenever possible, parents and players areencouraged to workwith coaches toresolvetheirdifferences. Parents and players should wait to addresstheirconcerns until theycan approach thecoach inaprivatesettingwhereotherparents and players arenot around.

B.Ifthe problem remains unresolved after discussingthe matterwith the coach,contact theNJVACoachingDirector. TheCoachingDirector will facilitate aninformal meetingbetween the parents and /or player, and thecoach.At thismeetingthe participantswill discuss possible resolution of the problem short ofaformalcomplaint to the NJVA Board.

C.Ifthe matter is not resolvedat the informal meetingand someone wishes topursuethe matterfurther,a writtencomplaint or question should be directed to theattention ofthe NJVA Director. Thelettermustbe signed,contain areturnaddress andaphonenumber. Thecoachorother individual(s) involved will begivenan opportunityto respond, in writing, to thestatement. Thecomplaint andresponsewillthen be brought beforetheNJVA Boardas soon as possible. Ifdeemed necessarybytheNJVA Board, thepartiesinvolved maybe requested toappear beforethe NJVABoard toanswer questions. Written correspondencestatingthe final decision andactiontakenbytheNJVA Board, if any,will bemailed to both parties within 30 days.

It is anticipated that themajorityof problemswillbe resolvedwithout NJVA Boardinvolvement. Submittinga concern to theNJVA Board of Directors should onlybeconsidered when all other means of resolvingthecomplaint or issue have failed.


A.Proposedamendments must be presentedat an NJVA Boardmeeting.

B.Proposedamendments will be postedon the NJVAwebsite foraminimumof30daysforreviewbygeneralmembershipprior to date of vote.

C.Objections to anyproposed Bylawsamendment must be presented to theBoardprior to the final vote.

D.TheBylawsmaybeamended bysimple majorityvote ofthe Boardat aregularlyscheduled NJVA Board meeting.


A.Membership intheAssociation shall be grantedonannual basis.Membership isgrantedonlyafter completingaregistrationformand submittingthe requiredregistrationfees.

B.Theparents of playerswho areselected for an NJVA team are consideredmembers ofthe Association forthat playingseason.

C.Individuals elected bythe membership to serveon theExecutive Board oftheAssociationareconsidereda member; thus, retainingthe right to vote inAssociationelections.

D.Coaches, who do not havea daughteras a member of theAssociation, areconsidered members, thus retainingthe right to vote atAssociationelections.

E.Onlymembers ofthe Association shall be able toparticipate in businessmeetings,or serve in anyelective orappointed position. Onlyonevote is allowed perfamilyatExecutiveBoardelections.